Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.2.2 -- 1999 10 25 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: J. I. McDougall (University of Winnipeg)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 6.2.2 (1999 10 25) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Conferences <Back>

Note that this special bulletin contains information on conferences whose deadlines are looming.

From: André Daviault, President, SEAQ/Président de la SEAQ

The Fall meeting of the Quebec Classical Association (SEAQ)

13 November 1999, 2.30 p.m.
Salle du Conseil de la Faculté des lettres de l'Université Laval
(Room 3043, Pavillon Charles-De Koninck)

This forum has been organized in response to the submission of the Report on programmes in literary studies, modern languages and literatures and classical studies in Quebec universities prepared for the minister of Education by the Universities Commission on Programmes (CUP). Taking account of accelerated movement towards inter-university dialogue in Quebec (cf. Recommendation 8 in the report) with a view to optimizing the teaching and research of teaching personnel as well as library resources, CUP has proposed in its report the establishment of an Inter-university Centre for Classical Studies in Quebec.

Academics specializing in Classical Studies are the ones with the greatest stake in this project. On the advice of the president of CUP, Mr Michel Gervais, SEAQ has taken the initiative of inviting its members and other classicists as well to a forum dedicated to an examination of such questions as the objectives of the centre, the benefits one might expect, its structure, ways of setting it up and the best conditions under which it might function.

Address of Michel Gervais, CUP President
Presentation by Janick Auberger, Professor of Ancient History,UQAM
Presentation by Pierre Senay, Professor of Ancient Civilizations, UQTR
Presentation by Jacques Perreault, Director of the Centre for Classical Studies, UM
Presentation by Michael Silverthorne, Professor of Classics, McGill
Presentation by a professor (to be decided) at Concordia
Presentation by a professor (to be decided) at Bishop's
Presentation by Paul-Hubert Poirier, Director of the Institute for Classical Studies, Laval

Reception in Emile Nelligan Hall.

We invite you to come in force to this important meeting!

Colloque d'automne de la Societe des etudes anciennes du Québec (SEAQ)

13 novembre 1999 à 14h.30
Salle du Conseil de la Faculté des lettres de l'Université Laval
(salle 3043 du Pavillon Charles-De Koninck)

Ce forum est organisé dans la conjoncture de la remise du Rapport sur les programmes d'études litteraires, de langues et littératures modernes et d'études anciennes des universités du Québec que la Commission des universités sur les programmes (CUP) a préparé pour le Ministère de l'éducation. En effet, dans la perspective d'un mouvement accru de concertation entre les universités du Québec (cf. Recommandation 8 du rapport de la CUP) en vue d'optimiser les activités d'enseignement et de recherche du personnel enseignant ainsi que les ressources documentaires, la CUP a mis de l'avant dans son rapport le projet de la création d'un Centre interuniversitaire en études anciennes au Québec.

Les universitaires specialisés en études anciennes sont interpellés au premier chef par ce projet. Sur la suggestion du président de la CUP, monsieur Michel Gervais, la SEAQ a pris l'initiative de les inviter à un forum déstiné à examiner les questions relatives aux objectifs de ce centre, les rétombées qu'on devrait en attendre, sa structure, les modalités de sa mise sur pied et les conditions propices a son fonctionnement.

Présentation de Michel Gervais, Président de la CUP
Exposé de Janick Auberger, Professeure d'histoire ancienne à l'UQAM
Exposé de Pierre Senay, Professeur de civilisations anciennes à l'UQTR
Exposé de Jacques Perreault, Directeur du Centre d'études classiques à l'UM
Exposé de Michael Silverthorne, Professeur d'histoire grecque à McGill
Exposé d'un professeur (&agrav; deternimer) de l'Université Concordia
Exposé d'un professeur (&agrav; determiner) de l'Université Bishop's
Exposé de Paul-Hubert Poirier, Directeur de l'Institut d'etudes anciennes de Laval

Réception dans le Hall Emile Nelligan

Nous vous invitons à venir nombreux à cette importante rencontre.

From: Jane Francis, Concordia University

The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia University, presents the inaugural lecture in honour of the memory of Dr. Paul F. Widdows, by Dr. Elaine Fantham (Department of Classics, Princeton University): "Lucan's Civil War: The Angry Poet and the Anger of the Gods," Wednesday, November 24, 1995, 5 pm, Room H-763, Hall Building, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal. A reception will follow this lecture. For information call: 848-2301, 848-2310.

Dr. Paul F. Widdows taught Classics at Concordia University from 1958 until his retirement in 1982. In 1988 he published a translation of Lucan's Bellum Civilis (The Civil War). As part of his research, he amassed a select library of antiquarian and modern works on Lucan, and this collection has recently been bequeathed to the Classics Section of the Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics. This lecture honours Dr. Widdows as a memorial to his scholarship, his generosity to the department, and to the students of Concordia.

[2] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Egbert Jan Bakker Université de Montréal

International conference on "Deixis in Fiction and Performance," to be held at the European Cultural Center of Delphi, Greece, June 27-29, 2000.

Papers are invited for an international conference on the literary and linguistic aspects of "deixis" in Greek and Latin literature. Deixis means a "pointing out" and refers to the localization of objects and events in time and space. It is a feature associated with pronouns, verbs, and adverbs of time and place. These grammatical elements facilitate orientation through establishing deictic centers, summoning the listeners into the text and making them imaginatively occupy a certain vantage point or perspective. At the same time, deictics are shifters capable of changing the point of reference and as such they contribute a dynamic quality to speech and to texts. Deixis may possess psychological overtones as well, signalling an affective disposition (positive, negative, or neutral) toward a referent.

The conference will address topics in deixis that are relevant to the interpretation of ancient literary texts of a variety of genres and periods. We welcome papers that are situated on the borderline(s) between critical theory, linguistics, and anthropology. Areas of interest include but are by no means limited to the following:

Deixis in Greek and Latin grammar: what are the deictic systems of Greek and Latin? How are they implemented and how have they evolved?

Deixis and Performance: can the study of deixis illuminate questions about the performance of poetry? How is the concrete deixis of oral performance grammaticalized and implemented in the transition to a written text?

Deixis and Fiction (or the Pragmatics of Fiction): how does an author use deixis to represent time and space in narration, to situate the narrator/speaker in time and space, or to create a fictional speech situation in a lyric poem? Can deixis illuminate such narratological matters as focalization and point of view?

Deixis and genre: do narrative strategies for indicating speaker-orientation in space and time vary by genre? Do deictic techniques used in prose and poetry evolve across or within genres?

Abstracts of 250 words or less, along these or related lines, should be e-mailed before 15 November to one of the organizers:

Egbert Bakker, Université de Montréal <>
Jenny S. Clay, currently at the American School at Athens <>
Nancy Felson, University of Georgia <>
Jared S. Klein, University of Georgia <>

As things stand now, all participants will be charged a conference fee (USD 60) and will have to cover their own travel expenses as well as room and board at the Center (approx. USD 65 a day). The conference is open to the public.

From: "SOMA2000" <>

S O M A 2 0 0 0
Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology Friday 18th - Sunday 20th February 2000
The University of Sheffield
Department of Archaeology & Prehistory
Research School of Archaeology & Archaeological Science
Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology


SOMA is a conference designed to provide postgraduate students of Mediterranean archaeology with an opportunity to present and discuss work in progress with their peers. The informal setting and wide variety of topics and approaches have combined to make the previous meetings at Edinburgh and Birmingham a great success. Presentations on any aspect of Mediterranean archaeology may take the form of a read paper of either 10 or 20 minutes length, or of a poster.

There are no strict thematic parameters to the conference, but we would like to propose some guidelines for participants to think about when composing their presentations.

-Studying material culture: applications, implications and potential
-The present past: Museums, heritage management, history and role of the discipline
-Power, complexity and change
-Social and natural environment
-Archaeology of death
-In the field: Recent developments in excavation projects and techniques
-Archaeology and identity: gender, ethnicity, group / categories
-Interdisciplinary approaches to archaeology: anthropology, ethnography, sociology, history, classics, science

Apart from the above topics, we will welcome any presentations, as long as they aim to contribute to the understanding of Mediterranean archaeology, either substantively or methodologically. No differentiation is made between levels of post-graduate or post-doctoral research.

Please send abstracts of no more than 150 words to

        SOMA 2000
        The University of Sheffield
        Research School of Archaeology & Archaeological Science
        Westcourt, 2 Mappin Street
        Sheffield S1 4DT
        fax: (+44) - 114 272 7347

For more information, please contact us at the above address or refer to our Web page

Deadline for Abstracts: 29th November 1999

Conference fees: Waged= UK18
Students/unwaged= UK12
Academics= UK35
(Cheques to be made payable to the University of Sheffield)

Next regular issue 1999 11 15
Send submissions to <>