Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.4 -- 1999 12 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: J. I. McDougall (University of Winnipeg)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 6.4 (1999 12 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements <Back>

The website for CCB/BCEA can now be reached through the CAC website at

[2] Positions Available <Back>

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[3] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: María Eugenia Steinberg <>


Death in the Graeco-Latin World
Buenos Aires, 26 al 29 de septiembre del 2000

ORGANIZED by: Instituto de Filolog¡a Cl sica de la Facultad de Filosof¡a y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires

SPONSORS: Asociaci¢n Argentina de Estudios Cl sicos (AADEC); Uni¢n Latina-UNESCO; Agencia Nacional de Promoci¢n Cient¡fica y Tecnol¢gica

MAIN SUBJECT: Death in the Graeco-Latin world
RELATED SUBJECTS: *Death and Literature * Philosophers and Death * History and Death *Death in Art *Death and Parody * Friendship and Death * The experience of Death. These related subjects are not exclusive.

Papers: The papers will be sent by June 30th of the year 2000 along with a 15-line long abstract. Papers will not exceed eight pages (footnotes included), size of the sheet: A4; font: Times New Roman 11. Two printed copies and a 31/2" diskette will be submitted; text processor: Word 7.0 or lower, or Word perfect 6.0 or lower for Windows. Papers submitted after June 30th or papers which do not comply with the rules will not be accepted.

Academic Committee: President: Elena F. Huber

Other activities included in the Symposium:
* Courses
* Investigation Forum: Opened for those who do research on different aspects of the Classical World which are not directly related with the main subject and who wish to show the results of their work. Those papers will comply with the same rules mentioned above.
* Authors and Books: All the guests are invited to bring their publications to be exhibited during the Symposium

The following Scholars have so far been invited : * Dr. Alessandro Barchiesi (Universit… degli Studi di Verona); * Dr. Mireille Corbier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Par¡s); * Dr. Jos‚ Mart¡nez G zquez (Universidad Aut¢noma de Barcelona)

Information about lodging will follow.

AADEC members: U$D 40; Others: U$D 70; Students: U$D 20; send money order to (oficina de cobro: Sucursal 19, C.P. 1419) or cheque to the order of: Pablo Adri n Cavallero - Ladines 3392 - 1419 Buenos Aires - Argentina

For more information:

E-mail address: <>

From: B.T. Day <>

The Graduate Students in Conjunction with the Department of Classics at McMaster University are pleased to announce the Second Graduate Students' Conference to be held on September 30th 2000. "Competition and Celebration in the Roman World"


Featured Speakers
Competition and Celebration figured largely in the lives of the Roman people. Both were fundamental to Roman religion, art, theatre, politics, and sociology. This conference will be a one day conference for students to present papers on aspects of competition and celebration in the Roman world. Topics may explore both civic and individual rivalries -- aemulatio, amoebean poetry, athletics, drama, euergetism, spectacles --and/or their results -- banquets, commemorative works of art, epinician poetry, inscriptions.

We invite submissions of abstracts from graduate and senior undergraduate students of Classics, Archaeology, Art History, Religious Studies, History, Anthropology, and related disciplines. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by March 1, 2000. Shared papers are also welcome. Indicate the length of your talk (10 or 15 minutes), as well as any audio-visual requirements. Please submit your abstract with the following information attached on a separate piece of paper: title, name, university affiliation, and your email address. Limited billeting is available with host graduate students.

If you have any questions, contact the Graduate Student Conference Committee at <>

For further information, please visit our website at:

From: John Geyssen <>

The Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, invites submission of abstracts for papers to be presented at the

Seventh Annual UNB Ancient History Colloquium
25 March 2000
Mapping the Ancient World: Whence and Whither?

Keynote Address: "Retrospective on the Classical Atlas Project: 'So much to do, so little done?'" Dr. Richard J. A. Talbert, William Rand Kenan, Jr. Professor, and Director, Classical Atlas Project University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

We invite papers on all aspects of this theme including (but not restricted to) Greek and Roman cartography, geography and topography; place and travel as themes in Greek and Roman literature; ancient guide books; the difficulties and dilemmas facing the ancient traveller; the logistics of military and social movement among the Greeks and Romans; travel as portrayed in Greek and Roman art; and the ancient understanding of the world. We also encourage the submission of papers dealing with the tradition and/or the present state of research and teaching among ancient historians. Abstracts should reach the committee by 15 February 2000, and should be sent to Dr. J. Geyssen <> or to Dr. J. Murray <>, or at the following address: Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3.

[4] Study Tours,etc. <Back>

From: Jennifer Moore <>


The Department of Ancient History and Classics at Trent University is now advertising a course on the Archaeology of Greece, including a two-week trip to Greece, to investigate archaeological sites spanning the Bronze Age to the Roman period. While priority is being given to students enrolled in the course, spots on the tour of Greece are available to members of the general public. For more information, visit our web site:
or contact Jennifer Moore: <>; phone (705)748-1716 or Martin Boyne: <>; phone (705)748-1719

[5] Varia <Back>

From: Martin J. Cropp <>

The University of Calgary, Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History, is pleased to announce the appointment of Franco de Angelis as Assistant Professor as of 1st July 2000. This completes the search for an appointment in archaeology and material culture which was advertised last year (not to be confused with the recently advertised search in social history).

From: Deborah Boedeker <>

Summer Research Grants sponsored by the Center for Hellenic Studies
Application Deadline February 15

Residential research grants: The Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University) invites applications for its Summer Scholars program, which will be held from June 27 to August 8, 2000. With its large specialized library and serene wooded campus in Washington, D.C., the Center offers professional classicists an opportunity for full-time research in a collegial environment. The Summer Scholars program is designated for scholars of any age or rank (including independent scholars and secondary school teachers but not graduate students) who do not normally have access to an excellent research library. Applicants working in any field of Classics are eligible; given the strength of the Center's resources, some preference will be given to research that focuses on text-based Ancient Greek studies. Summer Scholars will receive a stipend of $1000, as well as housing on the Center's grounds (provided for accompanying household members as well), 24-hour access to the library, a study in the library building, and lunch together on weekdays. Where necessary, the Center can provide some assistance with transportation expenses.
Non-residential research grants: In addition to the residential Summer Scholars program, the CHS expects to provide a limited number of grants to support costs of research conducted elsewhere. See the application form for further information.

Applications must include an application form, C.V., project description, and two letters of recommendation, and must be postmarked by February 15, 2000. Candidates will be notified of their admission status in early April. Further information and application forms are available from:

Office of the Directors, Center for Hellenic Studies,
3100 Whitehaven Street NW,
Washington, DC 20008, USA.
Telephone: (202) 234-3738. Fax: (202) 797-3745.

E-mail: <>

Next regular issue 1999 12 15
Send submissions to <>