Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.5.2 -- 2000 01 25 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: J. I. McDougall (University of Winnipeg)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

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[1] From: Iain McDougall, President, CAC/SCEC <>

It appears that some members of the Association have been unable to submit their abstracts by the announced deadline either because they did not notice the "Call for Papers" in the November mailing or because of problems with the mails. The deadline for the submission of abstracts has, therefore, been extended until February 15. In particular, members are asked to note the session(s) on "Women and Friendship" being organized by the Women's Network and focussing on the theme of friendship between women as well as between men and women.

The plans for the Annual Meeting in Winnipeg are proceeding smoothly. Space is being held in various hotels close to the University of Winnipeg and rooms, especially for graduate students, have been reserved in student residences at the University of Manitoba at a cost of $18.73 per night.

It is expected that there will be a full programme of papers running from the morning of the 25th of May. Plans are being made to kick the conference off with a BBQ on the evening of May 24 and to conclude, as last year at Laval, with a reception and the annual banquet on the Saturday evening (May 27).

The registration fees will remain at the rates set last year: $30 for students and retired members and $60 for regular members if registration is completed before April 15; the fees for registration after that date will be $45 and $80 respectively.

We look forward to providing a warm welcome for all those who plan to attend.

[2] From: Jonathan Edmondson, <>


The implementation of Ontario's new curriculum, the introduction of the 85-Factor for full retirement benefits and the natural retirement rate of teachers are onerous burdens for the existing secondary school Classics programmes in Ontario. The new curriculum, which is being phased in over the next four years, preserves Latin, ancient Greek and Classics alongside the other subjects. We are desperately trying to find young Classicists who are interested in teaching these subjects at the high school level.

The OCA has joined forces with the Faculty of Education at the University of Toronto to offer a pre-service Bachelor of Education degree in Classical Studies: Latin/Greek in 2001-2002, if we can find 20 interested and qualified candidates. Presumably, this will be the only degree of its kind in Canada.

If you have very keen undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in Classics who would like a wonderful career in teaching and would like more information about this B.Ed., please put them in touch with the Ontario Classical Association immediately.

    Contact: Margaret-Anne Gillis, President, OCA
    Barrie Central Collegiate
    125 Dunlop Street West
    Barrie, Ontario L4N 1A9
    (705) 726-1846, Voice Mail 428; FAX (705) 733-0608; <>

Next regular issue 2000 02 15
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