Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.7 -- 2000 03 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: J. I. McDougall (University of Winnipeg)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 6.7 (2000 03 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements <Back>

From: F Pownall, University of Alberta <>

As we all settle down to mark the March batch of essays, I would like to remind everyone to keep the CAC Undergraduate Essay Competition in mind. Essays for any course we teach from junior surveys to senior seminars are welcome. I would prefer clean copies, as it saves me time with the whiteout. Also, students may correct small errors such as typos or bibliographical format, but the essay should essentially be the same one that was submitted in the course. The deadline is August 31, 2000, to allow essays from summer courses to be included.

Please send essays to:
Frances Pownall
Department of History and Classics
2-28 H.M. Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T5T 3G6
phone: (780) 492-5312 fax: (780) 492-9125 <>

[2] Positions Available <Back>

From: Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Windsor, <>

The University of Windsor invites applications for a nine-month limited-term position in Classical Studies for the period August, 15, 2000 to May 15, 2001, at the rank of lecturer or assistant professor. The successful candidate shall be qualified to teach elementary Latin and Greek as well as Roman history. Candidates should possess an A.B.D. or Ph.D. in Classics. Preference will be given to those with a Ph.D. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, evidence of successful teaching, and should arrange to have three letters of reference forwarded by April 30, 2000 to: Dr. Susan Wendt-Hildebrandt, Head Languages, Literatures, and Cultures/ Langues, littratures et cultures University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4 phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 2873 fax: (519) 971-3648 <>. Visit our web site for information:

The University of Windsor is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. Applications from women are particularly encouraged. In accordance with Canada immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

From: R.L. Fowler, University of Bristol, <>

The Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Bristol, seeks to make a permanent appointment with effect from 1 September 2000 in the field of ancient art/visual culture and/or its reception. The successful candidate must contribute fully to the research, teaching, and administration of the Department. Applicants should have a PhD in hand or close to completion, and proven potential in research. Salary will be on the Lecturer Grade A scale starting at GBP 17,238 per annum (currently under review).The closing date for applications is 14 April 2000. Send letter of application, CV and the names of three referees to the Recruitment Office, Senate House, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TH quoting reference 6288. Further particulars of the post are available from the same address. Informal enquiries may be directed to Robert L. Fowler, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Bristol, 11 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, United Kingdom; Tel.: (0117) 928 8256 (dept. office with answerphone: 928-7764), Fax: (0117) 928 8678; <>. Information about the department's courses may be viewed at

For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[3] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: B.T. Day, McMaster University <>

We would like to extend an invitation to senior undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs, and sessional professors to submit an abstract to the following conference. We have extended the original deadline of March 1st to April 1st to accommodate individuals.

The Graduate Students in Conjunction with the Department of Classics at McMaster University are pleased to announce the Second Graduate Students' Conference to be held on September 30th 2000. "Competition and Celebration in the Roman World"


Featured Speakers
JOHN D'ARMS (University of Michigan; ACLS President)
JONATHAN EDMONDSON (York University; Editor, Phoenix)
Competition and Celebration figured largely in the lives of the Roman people. Both were fundamental to Roman religion, art, theatre, politics, and sociology. This conference will be a one day conference for students to present papers on aspects of competition and celebration in the Roman world. Topics may explore both civic and individual rivalries -- aemulatio, amoebean poetry, athletics, drama, euergetism, spectacles --and/or their results -- banquets, commemorative works of art, epinician poetry, inscriptions.

We invite submissions of abstracts from graduate and senior undergraduate students of Classics, Archaeology, Art History, Religious Studies, History, Anthropology, and related disciplines. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by March 1, 2000. Shared papers are also welcome. Indicate the length of your talk (10 or 15 minutes), as well as any audio-visual requirements. Please submit your abstract with the following information attached on a separate piece of paper: title, name, university affiliation, and your email address. Limited billeting is available with host graduate students.

If you have any questions, contact the Graduate Student Conference Committee at <>

For further information, please visit our website at:

From: <>

XVI Simposio Nacional De Estudios Clásicos:
La Muerte En El Mundo Grecolatino

Buenos Aires, República Argentina, 26 al 29 de septiembre del 2000

Muerte y literatura *Los filsofos y la muerte *La historia y la muerte * La muerte en el arte *Muerte y parodia * La amistad y la muerte * La experiencia de la muerte. Tanto el tema central como los subtemas no son excluyentes.

Instituto de Filologa Clásica, Facultad de Filosofa y Letras Universidad de Buenos Aires SEDE DEL XVI SIMPOSIO NACIONAL DE ESTUDIOS CLSICOS Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires Bolvar 263. Ciudad de Buenos Aires

El XVI Simposio Nacional de Estudios Clsicos ha sido declarado de Inters Nacional por Resol. No 984/99 (5 de agosto de 1999) de la Secretara General de la Presidencia de la Nacin.

Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos (AADEC); Unión Latina - UNESCO; Instituto de Humanidades Gerardo H. Pagés del Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires; Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica; Academia Nacional de Artes y Ciencias de la Comunicación; Academia Nacional de Geografa.


Presidente: Rodolfo Buzón
Vicepresidente: Amalia S. Nocito
Secretaria: Ma. Eugenia Steinberg
Lectura: Elena Huber
Prensa y relaciones públicas: Rosala Vofchuk
Presupuesto y Hacienda: Pablo A. Cavallero
Publicaciones: Alba C. Romano
Recepción: Alicia Schniebs
Foro de investigación y Expoclásica: Josefina Nagore / Nora Andrade


Alessandro Barchiesi (Università degli Studi di Verona)
Charles Segal (Harvard University)
Hubert Petersmann (Heidelberg Universität)
Jos Martnez Gázquez (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Mireille Corbier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Heinz Hofmann (Tübingen Universität)
Jaume P&0grave;rtulas (Universidad de Barcelona)
Joan Gómez Pallarés (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Robert Szlézak (Tübingen Universität)

Vencimiento: 30 de junio del 2000
Enviar ficha de inscripción y resumen a:

XVI Simposio Nacional de Estudios Clásicos
Prof. Elena Huber
Cochabamba 2310
(1252) Ciudad de Buenos Aires

El resumen (abstract) con vencimiento el 30 de junio se enviará en papel por triplicado y en diskette de 3". Constar´ de no más de 200 palabras con la siguiente información: Datos personales del autor/ Ttulo del trabajo / Objetivos, aportes o hipótesis, Material y Metodología. Normas: Times New Roman 11, Márgenes de 3,5 y espaciado 1,5. No se aceptarán los abstracts enviados fuera de trmino o que no se ajusten a las normas requeridas.

Las ponencias tendrán un máximo de 8 páginas, incluidas las notas, en papel A4, tipo de letra Times New Roman 11. El tiempo de lectura para la ponencias será de 20 minutos. Las ponencias podrán presentarse en espaol, inglés, francés, italiano o portugués. Se aceptarán trabajos que resulten de una investigación tanto sobre la cultura clásica como sobre su recepción en las artes y literaturas contemporáneas.

Todos los interesados en someter sus ponencias a referato para su eventual publicación posterior en un volumen sobre La muerte en el mundo grecolatino con sello editorial reconocido, entregarán al momento de iniciación del Simposio dos copias en papel y una en diskette de 3 '' en Word 8.0 (o inferior) for Windows. Fuente griega: Greek (Son of Wingreek).

Quienes requieran la provisión de proyector de diapositivas, retroproyector, videocasetera o sala especial para proyecciones en el marco del Simposio, deben comunicarlo a la Comisión organizadora juntamente con el envío de su resumen. Los alumnos que deseen presentar ponencia, deberán hacerlo con el aval de un profesor de su Universidad.

Foro de investigación: Se trata de la presentación pública de informes de Proyectos institucionales de investigación. Su fecha de envío, extensión y demás requisitos formales serán los mismos que para las ponencias.

Expoclásica: Se invita a participar a todos los autores o Instituciones editoras que deseen exponer y vender los libros del rea de los estudios clásicos recientemente publicados, en Argentina o en el exterior.

La inscripción no incluye otras actividades que se programarán con los interesados: Paseos por Buenos Aires historica - función en el teatro colón - turismo de Fin de semana, etc.


Socios de AADEC: $ 40
AADEC members:U$D 40
No socios de AADEC: $ 70
Others: U$D 70
Alumnos: $20
Students: U$D 20

Formas de pago de inscripción
Enviar giro postal (oficina de cobro: Sucursal 19, CP. 1419) o cheque a la orden de: Pablo Adrin Cavallero Ladines 3392 1419 Buenos Aires -Argentina

Pagina web del simposio:
Otras paginas vinculadas:

Para solicitar información por secretaría de la comisión organizadora:
E-mail: <>

Form Please complete and return no later than June 30, 2000 to the following address: XVI Simposio Nacional de Estudios Clsicos, Prof. Elena Huber, Cochabamba 2310 (1252) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

I intend to present a paper

I intend to take part in the Research Forum

I intend to bring my publications (Expoclásica)

AADEC Member



Last and First Name:





University, Institute:



N.B.: Foreign participants can pay the fee at the opening of the Congress.

[4] Conferences <Back>

From: Susan Cole, University of Buffalo <>

A Conference in Honor of John J. Peradotto

APRIL 14-15, 2000
Center for the Arts Screening Room
University at Buffalo North Campus

FRIDAY APRIL 14, 2-5 p.m.
Chair: Martha Malamud, University at Buffalo

Gregory Nagy, Harvard University: The Mantic Vision of Homeric Poetry
Pietro Pucci, Cornell University: The Theology of the Iliad
Nancy Felson, University of Georgia: Paradigms of Paternity in the Iliad
John J. Peradotto, University at Buffalo: Prophecy and Persons: Reading Character in the Odyssey

SATURDAY APRIL 15, 9-12 a.m.
Chair: Timothy Boyd, University at Buffalo
Lillian Doherty, University of Maryland: The Narrative 'Openings' in the Odyssey
Egbert Bakker, University of Montreal: Remembering the God's Arrival: Opening the Apollo Hymn
Matthew Clark, York University: Fighting Words: How Heroes Argue
Roger Woodard, University at Buffalo: The Disruption of Time in Greek Epic

SATURDAY APRIL 15, 2-5 p.m.
Chair: John Dugan, University at Buffalo
Frederick M. Ahl, Cornell University: Fiction and Myth in the Odyssey
Sheila Murnaghan, University of Pennsylvania: The Trials of Telemachus
Walter Donlan, University of California at Irvine: Doing Favors, Getting Thanks: Politics of Power
Carolyn Higbie, University at Buffalo: Quoting the Iliad

The Conference is Free and Open to the Public. You may pre-register by writing to:

Epos and Mythos, c/o Bonnie Weiss
Department of Classics MFAC 338
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14261-0011 or <>

1. whether you will be arriving before 3:00 pm on Friday, 14 April (if so, we will send you a tag for free parking) and
2. whether you would like lunch (vegetarian or non-vegetarian; $10, payable upon receipt) on Saturday, 15 April.

Hotels close to the University:
The University Inn and Conference Center
2401 North Forest Road
716-636-7500: $65.00 (with University rate)

The Marriott, 1340 Millersport Highway.
716-689-6900: $79; $89 with breakfast.

The Red Roof Inn. 42 Flint Rd.
716-689-7474: Rates from $56.90 to $67.99

Directions to the Screening Room, Center for the Arts:

Exit US 90 to 290 West or US 190 to 290 East
Exit 290 at Millersport Hwy. North
Exit to the University at the Coventry Exit (left)
Turn left at Augspurger Rd.
Parking available to the right
Center for the Arts at top of hill

For updates, see the UB Classics Website at:



[5] Study Tours and Summer Study <Back>

From: Leslie Longo-Viccica, Brock University <>

Learn how to excavate in a formal learning context this Spring in Crete at a Late Minoan IIIC (mid-12th century B.C.) settlement. The site is Khalasmenos in the northern part of the Isthmus of Ierapetra in eastern Crete. The ongoing project is co-directed by Dr. Metaxia Tsipopoulou (Greek Archaeological Service) and Dr. William Coulson (American School of Classical Studies). There will be two educational programs:

CLAS 4F75: Archaeological Practicum: May 6th through June 3rd
The Practicum (or field school) includes at the beginning of the course a 5 day study tour of Bronze Age and Iron Age sites in central and eastern Crete and 23 full days of excavation experience. The fourth year, full year (i.e. two terms/ semesters) course is open to 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers. No auditors will be accepted. Maximum enrolment: 8

CLAS 3P75: Archaeological Field Work: May 12th through June 3rd
This field school course features 22 full days of excavation experience. This third year half year (i.e. term/semester) course is open to 2nd through 4th year undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers. No auditors will be accepted. Maximum enrolment: 10

N.B. Both courses will provide a systematic introduction to the techniques and procedures used in excavation and recording at a site as well as to the processing of artifacts and the data recovered. Lectures will be given by the instructors and project staff members on various aspects of the project. Each course will have an experienced field archaeologist dedicated to the instruction and the supervision of the students. There will also be a full day excursion to visit the sites and museum in far eastern Crete The project will be based in Pachiammos and will utilize the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete for the processing and study of the finds in the afternoons.

For more information and a brochure write to: Professor David W. Rupp, Practicum Coordinator Department of Classics Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario CANADA L2S 3A1 <>

[6] Varia <Back>

Dr. Michael J. Carter has been appointed Assistant Professor in the Classics Department at Brock University.



Segnalazione di lavori in corso per la Sezione poster

All'attenzione degli studiosi interessati

L'Archivio di Stato di Firenze, in collaborazione con l'Istituto Nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento e con l'Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies at Villa I Tatti, ha in programma, per il prossimo mese di settembre, un Convegno di studi e di approfondimento intorno ad uno dei suoi fondi più importanti e consultati, il Mediceo avanti il Principato. Una serie di relazioni di studiosi italiani e stranieri approfondiranno alcuni aspetti delle problematiche che questo archivio pone alla ricerca specialistica per la sua struttura e i suoi contenuti e affronteranno momenti particolari della sua stessa fortuna storiografica. Il Convegno ospiterà anche una Sezione Poster in cui potranno essere annunciati i progetti in corso che per le proprie finalità di ricerca attraversano significativamente il fondo Mediceo avanti il Principato. Il programma definitivo sarà consultabile tra breve nel sito dell'Archivio di Stato di Firenze al seguente indirizzo:
Nella speranza che questa iniziativa possa incontrare il Vostro interesse, invitiamo a darne diffusione e soprattutto a segnalarci i progetti che possono essere inseriti nella Sezione Poster.

Next regular issue 2000 04 15
Send submissions to <>