Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.11.1 -- 2000 08 09 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 6.11.1 (2000 08 09) Return to
Archive Directory

    Positions Available

From: James P. McCarthy <>

Please bring to the attention of anyone qualified. The South Glens Falls Central School District in South Glen Falls, New York, is urgently looking for a Latin teacher for the fall school year. The position is full time addressing all levels. It will require a cross over from Middle to High School.


James P. McCarthy
Superintendent of Schools
South Glens Falls Central School District
6 Bluebird Rd.
South Glens Falls, NY 12803
(518) 793-9617 or home at 518-745-5869


Steve Black <>
work: 518-792-9987; home: 518-798-1128

Next regular issue 2000 08 15
Send submissions to <>