Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.3 -- 2000 11 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.3 (2000 11 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Positions Available <Back>

From: Joanne Wainman, University of Toronto

History of Art
University of Toronto
Department of Fine Art/Graduate Department of the History of Art
Graham/Thompson Chair in Aegean Prehistory

The Department of Fine Art is pleased to announce the creation of the Homer Thompson/Walter Graham Chair in Aegean Prehistory.  It invites applications for a position at the rank of Associate Professor or mid-career Full Professor with tenure, to begin July 1, 2001.  PhD required, demonstrated excellence in teaching and publication, and ability to supervise graduate students are essential.  The incumbent will actively participate in the University’s interdisciplinary Ancient Studies Program. Background in Greek and Roman art and culture would be welcome; commitment to fieldwork also an asset.  Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.  Please submit CV and select publications, and arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to Marc Gotlieb, Chair, Department of Fine Art, 100, St. George Street, University of Toronto, M5S 3G3.  Deadline for applications is December 15, 2000.  The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community.  The University especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification of ideas.  In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

From: C. G. Brown, University of Western Ontario

Assistant Professor

Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2001. Although no particular area of expertise is being sought, the successful applicant will participate in a programme with a full range of courses in classical civilization and languages, and be expected to have a strong commitment to research and teaching, as well as a solid background in Greek and Latin philology. Applicants should have the Ph.D. or be in the final stages of its completion. The closing date for applications is December 31, 2000.  A curriculum vitae, the names of three referees (or a dossier from a university placement office), university ranscripts, and a sample of scholarly writing should be sent to Professor C. G. Brown, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, The University of Western Ontario, Talbot College, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7. The position is subject to budgetary approval. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada. The University of Western Ontario is committed to employment equity, welcomes diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities.

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[2] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Sarah Pothecary, <>

Strabo the Geographer - An International Perspective
University of Bar Ilan, Israel
Monday 25 June - Wednesday 27 June, 2001

Strabo, in his Geography, described a world stretching from modern-day Portugal in the west to India in the east, and from modern-day Ukraine in the north to modern-day Sudan in the south. The way in which Strabo presented this world reflects the political perceptions of his own day, when Rome claimed world dominion. Strabo's  presentation also reflects centuries of earlier philosophical speculation by the Greeks concerning ways in which observed lands could be made to fit into an overall conceptual scheme. The interdisciplinary approach demanded by Strabonian studies will be evident at the Bar Ilan conference, which will bring together internationally-based scholars working on Strabo and related areas. There are plans to publish the papers given at the conference.

Currently, the prospective speakers at the Bar Ilan conference are: Miguel Alonso-Nunez, Madrid, 'Strabo and Historiography'; Anna Maria Biraschi, Perugia, 'Strabo and Homer'; Kai Brodersen, Mannheim, 'Strabo and Maps'; Katherine Clarke, Oxford; Daniela Dueck, Bar Ilan; Johannes Engels, Cologne,  'Endoxoi andres'; Hugh Lindsay, Newcastle, Australia, 'Strabo and Anatolia'; Silvia Panichi, Italy, 'Strabo and Cappadocia'; Sarah Pothecary, Toronto, 'The Inhabited World vs the Roman World'; Yuval Shahar, Tel Aviv, 'Strabo and Josephus'.

Papers may still be submitted (by December 15th, 2000) for consideration. They should be sent to the organisers, Daniela Dueck, Hugh Lindsay and Sarah Pothecary, using the e-mail address <>. Ongoing information will be posted, as it becomes available, on the website for the conference:

[3] Conference Announcements <Back>

From: Jonathan Edmondson, York University

A conference announcement from:

Jonathan Edmondson            Steve Mason                     James Rives

Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome

This is a general announcement with further details of the conference, "Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome," which will meet at York University, May 6-8, 2001. The picturesque campus of York's Glendon College, nestled beside the Don River in mid-town Toronto, will provide the setting.  The conference will bring together prominent specialists in the study  of Josephus and in Roman history and literature. Our goal is to explore in a focused way some implications of scholarship on Flavian Rome for understanding the works of Josephus and some implications of research on Josephus for understanding Flavian Rome.

The conference will take place just a couple of days before the start of the Annual Congress of the Classical Association of Canada, to be held at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, May 10-12, 2001. C.A.C. members might like to arrange to attend both conferences.

Because of meeting-space restrictions, we are able to accommodate only a limited number of registrants. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis: we cannot guarantee a space for anyone who registers after February 15, 2001. Following the schedule below are details for those who wish to register, along with a notice about the related graduate seminar.

Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome
York University, Toronto,
May 6-8, 2001

Sunday, May 6
Welcome: Jonathan Edmondson (York University) (10:30-10:40)

Session 1: Josephus and the Roman Aristocracy

Part I (10:40 - 12:30)
Glen Bowersock (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University), on foreign elites in Rome, title TBA
Werner Eck (University of Cologne), 'Josephus' Roman Audience? Prosopography of Likely Flavian Élites'
Lunch Break (12:30 - 1:45)
Part II  (1:45-2:45)
Hannah Cotton (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 'Josephus and the Representatives of the (Roman) Ruling Power in Judaea'

Leonard Wolinsky Lectures, 2001 (3:00-5:00); open to the public

Louis H. Feldman (Yeshiva University), 'Josephus and the Bible'
Tessa Rajak (University of Reading), 'Josephus in the Diaspora'

Monday, May 7

Session 2: Josephus and Roman Literary Culture (9:00-12:00)
Cynthia Damon (Amherst College), 'Literary Capital: Writers and their Supporters in Flavian Rome'
Christina Kraus (Oxford University), 'Reading, Writing, and Recitation: The Three "R's" of Early Imperial Historiography'
Christopher P. Jones (Harvard University), on Greek writers in Rome; exact title TBA.
Steve Mason (York University), 'The Composition and Dissemination of Josephus' Histories in Rome'

Session 3: Josephus and Some Roman Literary Themes (2:00-5:00)

Timothy D. Barnes (University of Toronto), 'Josephus and Tacitus on the Sack of Jerusalem'
       Response: Tessa Rajak (University of Reading)
Aristoula Georgiadou (Pennsylvania State University), on biography and autobiography, exact title TBA.
       Reponse: Louis H. Feldman (Yeshiva University): 'Plutarch's Life of Lycurgus and Josephus' Account of Moses'
Brad Inwood (University of Toronto), 'Freedom and Autonomy in First-Century Philosophy'
       Response: John Barclay (University of Glasgow)

Tuesday, May 8

Session 4: Josephus and the Roman Intellectual Tradition (9:00-12:30)
John Barclay (University of Glasgow), 'Rhetorical Strategies in Josephus: His Arguments Contra Apionem'
       Response: Matthew Clark (York University)
Jonathan Price (University of Tel Aviv), 'Josephus' Historiography: The Conflicted Author of Conflict'
       Response: Christer Bruun (University of Toronto)
Honora H. Chapman (Santa Clara University), 'Spectacle in Josephus's Bellum Judaicum'
       Response: Jonathan Edmondson (York University)
Ross S. Kraemer (Brown University): 'Women Behind the Text of Josephus'
       Response: Alison Keith (University of Toronto)

Session 5: Josephus and the Iudaei of Rome (2:00-5:30)

Erich Gruen (University of California at Berkeley), 'The Experience of Iudaei in Rome: From Cicero to Nero'
Laurence Kant (Lexington Theological Seminary), 'The Material Situation of the Judeans in Rome'
Daniel R. Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 'The Prosopography of Judeans in Rome'
Martin Goodman (Oxford University), 'Attraction to Judaism in Flavian Rome?'

Concluding Panel
The Audience of Josephus: What Difference Does the Audience Make? (5:30-6:30)

Daniel Graves (McMaster University), F. Claus Nader (York University), Jennifer Nettleton (McMaster University), Rachel Urowitz (University of Toronto)

Cost of registration by itself is CND $70, payable by cheque (drawn on a Canadian bank) or money order. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept credit cards or other forms of payment. Please make the cheque or money order payable to "York University" and mention the name of the conference ("Flavius Josephus") on its face. Graduate students not registered at York University pay a registration fee of CND $40.

Those wishing to eat lunch with the group may pay an inclusive fee of CND $120, to cover the cost of both registration and lunches on each of the three days. Non-York graduate students may purchase lunches and registration for $90 in total. Those registered in the graduate seminar (below) pay $50 for the lunches alone. Registrants will be on their own for dinner: Toronto offers a wide range of outstanding restaurants.

A registration form with mailing address follows this announcement.  Receipts will be issued.

We have been able to secure a block of rooms, at the conference rate of CND $89.95 per night (including continental breakfast), plus 15% tax, at the Howard Johnson Selby Hotel and  Suites in the heart of Toronto (592 Sherbourne Street). If you wish to book a room there, please mention "York University, Group 2" in order to receive the conference rate. Although this offer will be available until April 1, 2001, it would be wise to book -- and register -- early if you wish to have a secure place. Please submit  reservation requests to the hotel directly. They can be reached in the following ways:

   Toll-free phone (in North America): 1-800-387-4788
   Fax: (416) 923-3177
   For further information about the hotel, please consult their web site:

The hotel operates a shuttle bus to and from the airport. The Glendon campus, where the conference will meet, is a half-hour ride by subway and bus from the hotel.

Alternatively, conference registrants may choose to stay right on the campus of Glendon College. Rooms there cost only CND $35 per night ($25 for students). These are, however, college residence rooms with shared bathrooms. Enquiries should be directed to Hélène van Houtte  at 416-487-6798, e-mail:

The international conference will also mark the beginning of an intensive graduate seminar, which will continue to meet daily until Friday, May 18, under the direction of James Rives and Steve Mason of York, along with special guest John Barclay of Glasgow. Participants in the seminar will not pay an additional fee for conference registration, but only for the group lunches at the conference if they desire them.

Although the course has been approved by the appropriate bodies, we await final word on the fee structure (for graduate students from outside Ontario) and some administrative details. We nevertheless invite interested graduate students to let us know if they intend to come and share this unique experience with us. We will provide further information, as soon as it becomes available, to those who have declared their interest.


Please print out, detach, and mail with cheque or money order to:

    Professor James Rives
    250 Vanier College
    Division of Humanities
    York University
    Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3

Title:  ____            __________________

Name:   __________________________________________

Institutional Affiliation (if any):     _____________________________

Please register me for the conference "Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome," Glendon College, York University, May 6-8, 2001. I enclose (choose one):

______  CND $70 for registration only / $40 as graduate student (money order or cheque drawn on a Canadian bank), including coffee breaks but no lunches

______  CND $120 for registration and lunches on May 6, 7, and 8 / $90 as graduate student (money order or cheque drawn on a Canadian bank)

______  CND $50 for lunches alone because I am a registered York graduate student or I will be registered for the graduate seminar

_________________________________       _______________
Signature                                                       Date

[4] Essay Contest  <Back>

From: Hector Williams, University of British Columbia

Pharos, the Canadian Hellenic Cultural Society of British Columbia, announces an essay contest open to all undergraduates at Canadian universities:

Parthenon Marbles Essay Contest

Since their removal from Athens in the early 19th century by Thomas Bruce, Lord Elgin, the Parthenon marbles have been a source of controversy between Britain and Greece.  Most recently the government of Greece has begun a determined effort to have them restored to Athens by the time of the 2004 Olympics.  Write an essay of 2500-3000 words or create a presentation (e.g. cycle of poems, video) on this remarkable collection of sculpture and the case  for its restoration to its original home.  For background material refer to the website and to William St. Clair, Lord Elgin and the Marbles (3rd edition 1999).

Open to undergraduate students at Canadian colleges and universities.

     First prize:  $300.00
     Second prize:  $150.00

     DEADLINE:  March 25, 2001

Send essays typed and double-spaced to:

     Parthenon Marbles Essay Contest
     Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies
     University of British Columbia
     Vancouver V6T 1Z1

Judges of the contest will be:

     Professor Phillip Harding, Chair, Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, UBC
     Professor Robert Paterson, Faculty of Law, UBC
     Professor Hector Williams, Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, UBC

For further information contact

The organizers also gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Centre for Hellenic Civilization, University of Manitoba.

[5] Varia <Back>

From: Guy COBOLET <>

The Academic Medical Library of Paris (Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine, Paris) has the pleasure to announce the e-publication of the following Hippocrates' works on its website :
     * princeps edition by F.M. Calvus (Romae, 1525)
     * edition by Alde Manuce (Veneziae, 1526)
     * edition by Froben (Basileae, 1546)
     * edition by A. Wechel (Francofurti, 1595)
     * edition by E. Littré (Paris, 1839-1861, 10 volumes)

With an introduction in English by Marie-Laure Monfort (University of Paris IV-Sorbonne).
Full text and free access.
Address :
(Section : "Histoire de la médecine et de l'art dentaire", chapter "Publications électroniques", see "Collection Medic@")

Next regular issue 2000 12 15
Send submissions to <>