Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.4 -- 2000 12 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.4 (2000 12 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Positions Available <Back>

From: Ivan Cohen, Mount Allison University

The Crake Doctoral Fellowship
Mount Allison University

The Crake Foundation and the Department of Classics at Mount Allison University are pleased to announce the Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2001-2002.
The Crake Fellowship is non-renewable, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who at the time of taking up the fellowship have completed all course and residential requirements for the Doctorate in Classics, passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship.
The holder will be asked to teach one course in each of the Fall and Winter terms, give a public lecture, and be in Sackville from September to May.
In 2001-2002 the holder of the Crake Fellowship will receive $18,000, with an allowance of up to $2,500 to cover moving and other research-associated expenses.
Applications for the Crake Fellowship should include official transcripts and three letters of reference.  The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission.  Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis.
Completed applications should be sent to: Dr. Ivan Cohen, Head, Department of Classics, Mount Allison University, 63D York Street, Sackville, N. B.  E4L 1G9.
The deadline for receipt of applications is March 1, 2001.
We welcome applications from all qualified women and men, including aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.

From: Judy Leore, Thorneloe University

President and Provost of Thorneloe University

Applications or nominations are invited for the position of President and Provost of Thorneloe University, a federated university of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Thorneloe is an Anglican liberal arts university, which teaches on-campus and distance education courses in Humanities at Laurentian University.  It also provides a programme in theology by distance education leading to a diploma or a bachelor degree.  Thorneloe University has experienced significant growth in recent years while providing students with a dynamic undergraduate environment.
The President acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the university and also functions as the Provost of Thorneloe’s academic programmes of Classics, Theatre Arts, Religious Studies and Women's Studies.  The Provost will be qualified to teach within one of these  disciplines.  He or she will provide leadership in fostering academic excellence while developing and promoting positive working relationships within Thorneloe, the broader University community, the various levels of government and the administrative bodies of the Anglican Church.  The Provost functions as the Director of the School of Theology and administers and instructs in that distance education programme.  The Provost also oversees the Anglican chaplaincy on campus and the Thorneloe University residence.  The President/Provost will be a communicant member of the Anglican Church.

The anticipated appointment date is July 1, 2001.  Nominations or applications should be submitted, by January 31, 2001, to: The Search Committee, Thorneloe University, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6.  Thorneloe’s website is: <>

To receive an information package with full position description contact Susan Moores at (705) 673-1730; Fax (705) 673-4979 <>

Thorneloe University is an equal opportunity employer.

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[2] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Donald Lateiner, <>

Nonverbal Behaviors in Ancient Life, Literature, and Art

Philadelphia meetings of the APA-AIA, January 2002. An opportunity for interdisciplinary discussion and papers on nonverbal behaviors (types, roles, differences) in ancient life, literature, and art. Papers on Greek or Roman archaeology, art, literature, history, etc. that explore the role of gesture, bodily expression, "body language", and paralanguage are invited and welcome.
Most human communication is nonverbal, for example, gestures (angry, seductive), postures (taut, lax; orientation, elevation), facial expressions (gaze, frowns), modulations of voice (pitch, volume, silence), nonverbal sounds (sobbing, laughing), body badges (baldness, skin color, gait), etc. Beyond the body, humans employ clothing, objects (scepters), and gendered and status-imputing equipment to transmit messages and attitudes about self and others. Humans unconsciously and consciously use time and space to signal rank and attitude (chronemics: pauses, tailgating; proxemics: crowding, gendered spaces). Gods display similar and dissimilar nonverbal behaviors. Scholars may elucidate ancient communicative bodylore. NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR provides implicit and explicit signs of status that project creditable and discreditable selves. Characters in Homer, Euripides, and Horace and Petronius, and images on Athenian painted pottery and portraiture in Hellenistic Egypt, Pompeii, Rome, and Constantinople convey different kinds of selves. Historical and documentary texts also, such as Herodotus and Tacitus, legionary tombstone reliefs, and statues of nobiles claim status by nonverbal signs.
Ancient patterns of interaction diverge from Euro-American models.  Gestures, whether conscious or out-of-awareness, vary by era, ethnic group, age, gender, profession, and class-sometimes by time of day.  Classicists can investigate the available information and alter the map of ancient anger and shame, humiliation and delight, and confusion and satisfaction. The scattered evidence needs systematic consideration. Scholars in other fields--sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, linguists, and semioticians--have produced helpful theory and examples. The APA now first invites a panel on nonverbal behaviors. This “call” invites diverse speakers and audiences-archaeologists, (art-) historians, social anthropologists, and philologists.
Contributors may analyze written texts and/or objects and images, realizing that different media pose different problems. Within literature, one distinguishes nonverbal behaviors in mimetic genres (tragedy [sounds of suffering and silence], comedy [bawdy gestures], and mime itself) from those in non-mimetic genres (such as epic and lyric [possibly semi-mimetic], historiography, philosophical dialogues, fiction, and even scholia). Certain “gestures” are unique to a genre; others are favored by particular authors. Within the visual arts, different conventions for conveying gestures and differences in dominant nonverbal behaviors may emerge from vase-painting, free-standing sculpture, and mosaic, or between public and private art.
Issues include ancient concepts of self-consciousness (involuntary messages or “leakage”), social status-manipulation (presentation of self), and narratological stances (unreliable or naive narrators and their gestures of self-betrayal). We may investigate ancient theories of posture, performative gestures in non-mimetic texts, nonverbal vocalics (grunts, whistles) and silence, salience and variance of nonverbal behaviors by period (e.g., portraits of slaves or intellectuals, late imperial gestures), frequency of idiogests and ethnogests, sincerity and deception, and the situations where gesture replaces speech. Submit an abstract in which analysis of nonverbal behaviors enriches your research.
The panel has already been approved by the APA (see forthcoming October Newsletter) and will be submitted as a panel to the AIA Program committee. Abstracts must be sent to the APA office (no name on actual abstract) by 1 February 2001 for this panel (NONVERBAL BEAHVIORS IN ANCIENT LIFE, LITERATURE, AND ART, org. by Donald Lateiner) for the joint meeting in Philadelphia, January 2002. Address: American Philological Association, 291 Logan Hall, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304.  Abstracts will be judged anonymously and a maximum of five (maybe six) papers can be accepted. Referees will seek diversity of topic in choosing the papers. This panel has already been approved by the APA program committee. Please note, however, that at this time, this panel is not approved as an AIA-APA joint panel, although we hope it will become so. Anyone wishing more information may contact the organizer.

From: Alice Edwards, University of British Columbia

"All's Fair: Sex and Violence in the Ancient World"

The graduate students of the University of British Columbia's Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies are currently organizing our second annual graduate student conference. The conference, "All's Fair: Sex and Violence in the Ancient World", will take place on May 4 and 5, 2001 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, at the University of British Columbia.  Dr. Martin Kilmer from the University of Ottawa will be the keynote speaker. 500-word abstracts for papers will be accepted from graduate or senior undergraduate students in any discipline until January 31, 2001.  Suggested topics and further information about the conference are available at or by e-mailing to <>.

[3] Journal Contents <Back>

From: Jonathan Edmondson, Editor, Phoenix

I am pleased to report that we have just sent the latest issue of Phoenix (volume 54.1-2) to press.  It should be distributed to members of the C.A.C. and other subscribers in January.  The contents of the volume are as follows:


Ritual Performance as Training for Daughters in Archaic Greece, WAYNE B. INGALLS

Policing Public Debtors in Classical Athens, VIRGINIA HUNTER

Polybius 10.10.12 and the Existence of Salt-Flats at Carthago Nova, BENEDICT J. LOWE

The Lyric Lover in Horace Odes 1.15 and 1.17, REBECCA NAGEL

Celabitur auctor: The Crisis of Authority and Narrative Patterning in Ovid Fasti  5, BARBARA WEIDEN BOYD

A Suppliant at Gerasa, KENT J. RIGSBY

Handouts at Dinner, W.J. SLATER

The Career of the comes Hispaniarum Asterius, MICHAEL KULIKOWSKI

Book Reviews/Comptes rendus
The Review Section includes reviews of the following works (with reviewers):
F. Dupont, The Invention of Literature from Greek Intoxication to the Latin Book (J. Davidson); L. Hatherly Wilson, Sappho's Sweetbitter Songs (Bonnie MacLachlan); J. Wise, Dionysus Writes: The Invention of Theatre in Ancient Greece (Judith Fletcher); C. Ashby, Classical Greek Theatre: New Views of an Old Subject (Ian Storey); S. Goldhill and R. Osborne (eds.), Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy (David Konstan); A.J. Podlecki, Perikles and his Circle and R.J. Buck, Thrasybulus and the Athenian Democracy (Robin Osborne); J. Ober, Political Dissent in Democratic Athens (J.R. Muir); L. Foxall and J. Salmon (eds.), When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity (Mark Golden); A.-M. Vérilhac and C. Vial, Le mariage grec du VIe siècle av. J.-C. à l'époque d’Auguste (Cheryl Cox); C.A. Faraone, Ancient Greek Love Magic (David Frankfurter); C.P. Jones, Kinship Diplomacy in the Ancient World (A.J.S. Spawforth); A.B. Tataki, Macedonians Abroad: A Contribution to the Prosopography of Ancient Macedonia  (Elizabeth Carney); M.-C. Hellmann, Choix d'inscriptions architecturales grecques traduites et commentées (Léopold Migeotte); D. Taylor, The Greek and Roman Stage  (Martin Boyne); J. Porter, E. Csapo, C.W. Marshall and R.C. Ketterer (eds.), Crossing the Stage: The Production, Performance and Reception of Ancient Theatre (David Wiles); E. Green, The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry (Beert Verstraete); F. Ripoll, La morale héroique dans les épopées latines d'époque flavienne (Rebecca Nagel); P. Zanker, Pompeii: Public and Private Life (Michele George); D. Whitehouse, Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass (Beaudoin Caron); G.M. Paul and M. Ierardi (eds.), Roman Coins and Public Life under the Empire (Alison Easson).

From: Pierre Senay

Cahiers des études anciennes, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, XXXV, 1999, 110p., figures, photos en couleur.
Yanick AUBERGER, Quand Grecs et Barbares soignent leur cholestérol...

Egbert J. BAKKER, Bruits odysséens.  Le «Kléos» épique et la poétique d'Homère

Catherine BARRY, la Communication d'un original grec dans un milieu copte: problèmes de traduction
Benoît CASTELNÉRAC, Pythia, un cédérom de recherche bibliographique sur Platon
Carole COFFIN, Du Dionysos grec au Bacchus renaissant. Mythe et réalité d'une culture profane
Hubert GIROUX, Images et communication dans le monde antique
René MARTIN, la Femme dans la littérature latine (du IIe siècle avant au IIe siècle après J.-C.)
Jean-Claude POULIN, le Sort de la civilisation écrite dans l'Occident latin après la disparition de l'Empire romain
Pierre SENAY, l'Iconographie de saint Jean: un Ganymède chrétien?

Cahiers des études anciennes, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, XXXVI, 2000, 144p., figures, photos, plans.




Beaudoin Caron, la Mosaïque dite «cruciforme»

Beaudoin Caron et Lucie-Catherine Ouimet, la Céramique (1996-1997)
Thomas Élie, le Catalogue des menues trouvailles (1994-1997)
Lucie-Catherine Ouimet, le Catalogue des lampes (1996-1997)
Isabelle Chabot, la Mosaïque et les fresques de la Maison romaine (1996-1997)
Alain Dubreuil, les Trouvailles monétaires (1994-1999)
Pierre Senay, le Rapport préliminaire des fouilles à la basilique dite «triconque» de l'Ædes Memoriæ (1994, 1996-2000)

[4] Varia  <Back>

From: David Mirhady, Simon Fraser University

A Plea for Books

Dear Colleagues,
As many of you may know, Simon Fraser University has recently made its first ever tenure-track appointment in classics.  I took up the position this September. Although the SFU library holdings in classics are better than one might fear, there are still some big gaps, and library budgets today being what they are, it seems unlikely that the university will be able to fill them without help.
I hope that those of you who may be retiring, or just wanting to shed parts of your personal libraries, will consider donating books to SFU.  Especially needed are some of the standard commentaries on classical texts, and books that will facilitate senior undergraduate students' essays.
Since it is the library that will be receiving the materials, I attach here its statement on donations of books.  I am told that in some cases, as well as providing a tax receipt, the library will pay shipping costs:
Gifts of books and other materials increasingly represent an important element in the development of Library collections. Donations range from single books worth $10 to whole collections worth $500,000. If you are thinking of making a gift-in-kind to the Library, please consider the following:
Materials should enhance existing collections or support the teaching and research programs of the University.  The Library does not accept outdated text books, most books in poor physical condition, works of popular fiction or copies of popular journals such as National Geographic.  Donors are eligible for charitable tax receipts. The Library can arrange for appraisals in accordance with Revenue Canada regulations where required.  Gifts are accepted with the proviso that the Library becomes the sole owner of the donated material and therefore determines retention, location and cataloguing procedures.  When the Library cannot use donated materials, it will often arrange to send them to other institutions or may sell them and use the income to purchase other materials.
If you have materials you want to donate to the Simon Fraser University Library, please contact: Ralph Stanton, Special Collections, Rare Books and Gifts Librarian, W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Phone: (604) 291-4626; Fax: (604) 291-3023; <>
Next regular issue 2001 01 15
Send submissions to <>