Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.1 -- 2000 09 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.1 (2000 09 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Positions Available <Back>

From: Frederic M. Schroeder, Queen's University

Queen's National Scholars
(Faculty Appointments)

The Department of Classics at Queen's University is seeking applications for a faculty appointment under the Queen's National Scholars Program. Please address enquiries (with c.v.) to Frederic M. Schroeder, Acting Head, Department of Classics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6.

QUEEN'S NATIONAL SCHOLARS (Faculty Appointments)
Queen's University at Kingston invites applications from outstanding scholars for faculty appointments under the Queen's National Scholars Program. These appointments are to enrich teaching and research in newly developing fields of knowledge as well as traditional disciplines. The main criterion of interest to the selection committee is academic excellence regardless of other considerations. Preference will be given to scholars in the early- or mid- career stages. Another objective is to provide an opportunity to improve the proportion of women and members of designated minorities on faculty. Queen's University is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, gay men and lesbians.

A maximum of four awards will be available in 2000/01. Appointments under this special program will be either tenure-track or special shorter term appointments in accordance with the Collective Agreement between University and the Queen's University Faculty Association.

Prior to submission of a full application, contact should be made with the appropriate department head to discuss the position(s) which may be available. Each full application should include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and prospective research interests and a statement regarding teaching experience or potential. Applicants should also supply information concerning any interruptions in their academic careers and other factors which may have affected their capacity to complete scholarly work. It is the responsibility of the applicants to have letters from at least three referees sent directly to the address below. The deadline for receipt of completed applications, including letter of reference, is October 9, 2000 for decision in January 2001.

Applications and letters of reference should be sent to: The Head(s) of the department(s) of the applicant's field(s) of study, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6.

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

From: Christopher Hosgood, University of Lethbridge

Assistant Professor: probationary

Assistant Professor: probationary (tenure-track) beginning 1 July 2001, subject to budgetary approval. A Ph.D. is required; specialization in Ancient Greek and/or Roman history.

The University aspires to hire individuals who have demonstrated considerable potential for excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, and especially those who have well- established research programs. The University is an equal opportunity employer and offers a non-smoking environment. New Faculty are eligible to apply for university funding in support of research and scholarly activities.

Located in southern Alberta, within sight of the Rocky Mountains, Lethbridge offers a sunny, dry climate which is surprisingly mild for the prairies, excellent cultural and recreational amenities and attractive economic conditions. Founded in 1967, the University focuses on excellence in undergraduate programs and has an enrollment of over 6,000 students. The University is in an expansion phase and, among other projects, is building a $37-million Library Information Network Centre (LINC). For more information about the University please visit our web site at

This position is open to all qualified applicants but preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, transcripts, outlines of courses previously taught, teaching evaluations and publication reprints or preprints, a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, and names of at least three referees who are scholars in the field. Send this material and arrange for the letters of reference to be mailed directly to: Professor Chris Hosgood, Chair, Department of History, The University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4. Telephone: (403) 329-2543, Fax: (403) 329-5108, or E-mail: The closing date for applications is December 1, 2000.

From: Peter Toohey, University of Calgary

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)

The Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History invites applications for a tenure track ASSISTANT PROFESSOR appointment in the area of Greek and/or Roman Social (including socio-economic) History. This is a readvertisement of the position advertised in 1999-2000 and is an international search. The successful candidate will be expected to take up the appointment by July, 2001.

The appointment aims to consolidate existing departmental strengths in the area of social history. It requires a PhD degree, demonstrated capacity for teaching and research, and an ability to provide direction in the delivery and development of our programmes. This expanding Department has a vigorous record of research, teaching and community outreach, and currently maintains nine continuing positions, several regular sessional appointments, and the active cooperation of emeritus and adjunct staff. It maintains about 2500 course enrolments per year,an MA programme, and sixty undergraduate majors in Classical Studies, Classical & Early Christian Studies (jointly with the Department of Religious Studies), and Ancient & Medieval History (jointly with the Department of History). Library and teaching resources are substantial. The Nickle collection of some 15,000 ancient coins is housed in the University's Nickle Arts Museum. For full information see the University's Worldwide Web site

Applications should include a Curriculum Vitae, evidence of teaching accomplishment, and at least one sample of recent research work. Confidential letters from three referees are required. Applications and references should be sent by December 1, 2000 to Professor Peter Toohey (Head), Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary AB Canada T2N 1N4; (phone +1-403-220-5537; e-mail <>). Queries concerning this position will be welcomed at any time.

Non-Canadian candidates will be considered for this position along with Canadian applicants. Human Resources Development Canada have designated this a Tier II search. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates and encourages diversity, and the Department is strongly committed to increasing the representation of women in its continuing faculty.

From: Peter Toohey, <>

Lecturer in Classical Studies
Centre for Classics and Archaeology, University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is an internationally recognized teaching and research institution. Commitment to excellence is demonstrated by innovative academic programs and its record as Australia's largest recipient of competitive research funding.

The position will be held in the Centre for Classics and Archaeology within the School of Fine Arts, Classics and Archaeology. The appointee will coordinate subjects, offer lectures and tutorials, participate in marking and assessment of students, supervise in the Honours and postgraduate scheme, and undertake an active research and publication program. The successful applicant will hold or be near completion of a doctorate in a relevant discipline within Classics. Applicants should have a demonstrated capacity for excellence in tertiary teaching in both the Classical languages (Latin and Ancient Greek), and in non-language areas. Applicants must have the ability to conduct research in the field of Classical Greek literature (an interest in Greek drama would be desirable). Evidence of ongoing research projects is essential.

Benefits: $51,160 - $60,752 p.a. (Lecturer Level B). Employer Superannuation contributions of 17 percent and salary packaging options available. This is a full-time (continuing) position.

For further information and a position description, please contact Dr Chris Mackie on tel: (03)8344 7559; fax: (03) 8344 5563, or email <>. Position Number G0009388S. Applications close 06/10/2000.

Basil L. Gildersleeve Professor of Classics
Department of Classics, University of Virginia

The University of Virginia Department of Classics announces its search for the next Basil L. Gildersleeve Professor of Classics. The current chairholder, Edward Courtney, will retire at the end of spring semester 2002, but we have been authorized to hire the new colleague as early as the 2001-2002 academic year. Area of research specialization is open: any field of Greek or Roman classical studies except archaeology will be considered. Scholars with a distinguished record of publication are encouraged to apply; we also welcome nominations. Candidates should send a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae to John F. Miller, Chairman, Department of Classics, 401 New Cabell Hall, P.O. Box 400788, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903. There is no deadline (the search will continue until the position is filled), but candidates who wish to be certain of consideration in our first round of deliberations should write to us by November 3, 2000. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, the University of Virginia encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. Email: <> .

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[2] Conferences <Back>

From: B.T. Day, McMaster University

Second Graduate Students' Conference
Competition and Celebration in the Roman World

September 30, 2000

The Graduate Students in Conjunction with the Department of Classics at McMaster University are pleased to announce the Second Graduate Student's Conference September 30th 2000, Ewart Angus Centre 1A5 (SW corner of the HSC)

Featured Speakers:
John D'Arms (University of Michigan; ACLS President): "Spectacle and Spectators at Roman Banquets"
Jonathan Edmondson (York University; Editor, Phoenix): "The World of the Arena in Apuleius' Golden Ass"

Janette Auer (McMaster University): "The Function of Horace's Carmen Saeculare in the Celebration of the Ludi Saeculares of 17BC"
Jeffrey Becker (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): "Spectacula Triumphi: The Foundation of a Dynasty"
Melody Collins (McMaster University): "Conquering by Denial in Ovid's Amores 1.4"
Eric Fournier (Universite de Montreal): "The Adventus of Julian in Sirmium"
Erguen Lafli (Universitat Koeln): "Celebration on Pisidian Coins"
Amber Lunsford (Ohio State University): "The Representation of the "Other" in Roman Triumph"
Crista McInnis (Concordia University): "Sour Grapes: The Polemic of Mark Anthony's Drunkenness"
Max Nelson (University of British Columbia): "Beauty Contests and the Roman Feminine Physical Ideal"
Dr. Luigi Pedroni (Universita di Napoli): "Personal Celebration on Roman Republican Coinage: the Case of C. Publicius Malleolus"

Registration information and forms can also be found on the web or can be obtained by contacting the Conference committee at <>. The nominal $12 (students) $20 (others) registration fee includes morning and afternoon coffee, lunch and an informal reception after the conference.

Please visit our website at:
http://www.humanities.m cmas

Pre-Registration Form
Please submit this form with your check to arrive no later than September 27, 2000 to: The Conference Committee, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ONT, L8S 4M2. The registration fee is $12.00 for students and $20.00 for other persons.

Name ______________________________
Address ______________________________

Please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and enclose the following information:

I enclose payment for _____students @ $12.00 =$______________;
_____persons @ $20.00 = $________________.Total: $_________.

Please list on the reverse of this form the names of persons other than yourself for whom you are pre-registering. Receipts for registration can be picked up on the day of the conference.

From: Jonathan Burgess, University of Toronto

Homeric Contexts
A conference sponsored by the University of Toronto and York University
October 13-15, 2000

Organizers: Jonathan Burgess <>, Matthew Clark <>

Webpage: classics/homer_contexts.html [or click on link at Department of Classics, University of Toronto, website]

Registration: $15.00 for the Saturday and Sunday paper sessions; $8.00 per day; free for graduate students. This fee does not entail a meal, though coffee and refreshments will be available. The Friday reception and video presentation are open to the public. Registration fees are to be paid on site.

Location: The Friday evening reception and video screening will be at the University of Toronto, Department of Classics, 97 St. George. The Saturday paper sessions will be at York University, Vanier Senior Common Room. The Sunday paper sessions will at the University of Toronto, Sidney Smith 1069, 100 St. George.

Conference Program

Friday, October 13, 2000. University of Toronto. Department of Classics, 97 St. George
5:00-6:00 reception
6:00-8:00 video presentation, Godard's Contempt

Saturday, October 14, 2000. York University, Vanier Senior Common Room
9:00-9:30 registration, coffee and refreshments

Session 1: Homeric Origins
9:30-10:00 Egbert Bakker, Université de Montreal: "Gilgamesh, Odysseus, and the Poet of the Odyssey"
10:00-10:30 Drew Griffith, Queen's University: "Menelaus' Afterlife and Matriarchal Succession"
10:30-11:00 Reyes Bertolin, University of Calgary: "Elegy and Epic"
11:00-11:30 discussion period

11:30-12:30 lunch break

Session 2: Homeric Tradition and Invention
12:30-1:00 Patricia Fagan, University of Toronto: "The Ominous Hero: Pelorios in the Iliad."
1:00-1:30 Aara Suksi, University of Alberta: "Melanthius and Melantho, the Wicked Children of Dolius, a Loyal Servant"
1:30-2:00 discussion period
2:00-2:30 Roberto Nickel, Laurentian University: "The Wrath of Paris: the Withdrawal and Return Motif in the Iliad"
2:30-3:00 Rainer Friedrich, Dalhousie University: "Economy and Prodigality: Similes in Avdo Mededovic and Homer"
3:00-3:30 discussion period

Keynote Paper 1
3:30-4:30 Jenny Strauss Clay, University of Virginia: "Homeric Tradition and Invention"
4:30-5:00 discussion period

Sunday, October 15, 2000 University of Toronto, Sidney Smith 1069, 100 St. George
9:00-9:30 registration, coffee and refreshments

Session 3: Homeric Afterlife
9:30-10:00 Sean Gurd, University of Toronto: "Silent Sovereign/Silent Author. Patterns of Authority in Greek Poetry"
10:00-10:30 Martina Meyer, University of Toronto: "Odyssean Images in Melian Reliefs"
10:30-11:00 Ingrid Holmberg, University of Victoria: " 'Totally, Tenderly, Tragically': Jean-Luc Godard Reads the Odyssey"
11:00-11:30 discussion period

11:30-12:30 lunch break [catered for speakers]

Keynote Paper 2
12:30-1:30 Gregory Nagy, Harvard University: "Conventions of Homeric Performance: Evidence from Plato and Beyond"
1:30-2:00 discussion period

From: Jonathan Edmondson, York University

Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome
York University, Toronto
Sunday 6 May -- Tuesday 8 May, 2001

The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in the history and literature of Flavian Rome with specialists in Josephus to consider Josephus in the context of Flavian Rome and its literature and intellectual life. Particular topics to be considered include Josephus' Roman audience and his social relationship to the Roman elite; the composition and dissemination of his works viewed from the perspective of Roman literary culture of the period; the manner in which he used or adapted Roman historiographical techniques, literary themes and rhetorical strategies; and his relationship to the Iudaei resident in the city of Rome. The conference will be held in conjunction with the annual Leonard Wolinksy lectures at York University, which in 2001 will be delivered on Josephus by Louis Feldman (New York) and Tessa Rajak (Reading).

Other speakers include: Glen Bowersock (Princeton), Hannah Cotton (Jerusalem), Werner Eck (Cologne), James Rives (York University), Cynthia Damon (Amherst College), Christina Kraus (Oxford), Christopher Jones (Harvard), Steve Mason (York University), Timothy Barnes (Toronto), Aristoula Georgiadou (Penn State), Brad Inwood (Toronto), John Barclay (Glasgow), Jonathan Price (Tel Aviv), Honora Chapman (Santa Clara University), Ross Kraemer (Brown), Erich Gruen (Berkeley), Laurence Kant (Lexington Theological Seminary), Daniel Schwartz (Jerusalem) and Martin Goodman (Oxford).

It is also planned to mount a two-week intensive graduate course on Josephus around the conference. Those interested in taking part in this course should contact the organisers as soon as possible (addresses below), as space is limited.

Further information from Steve Mason, Division of Humanities, York University, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3 <>, Jonathan Edmondson, Department of History, York University <>, or James Rives, Division of Humanities, York University <>.

From: Ian Worthington, University of Missouri- Columbia

Fordyce Mitchel Memorial Lecutre Series
Department of History, University of Missouri-Columbia

Columbia MO 65211

Through the generous endowment of Mrs Marguerite Mitchel, widow of Fordyce Mitchel, who was Professor of Greek History at the University of Missouri-Columbia until his death in 1986, the Department of History is proud to announce the biennial Fordyce Mitchel Memorial Lecture Series. Every two years a scholar of high international standing will be a guest of the History department for one to two weeks and deliver a series of original and scholarly lectures on an aspect of Greek history. These will then be revised and published as a Mitchel series by the University of Missouri Press within, it is hoped, two years. The resulting publication will be a significant addition to scholarship in the field. The lecturer will also deliver a public lecture on a related topic and meet informally with the graduate students in the departments of History, Classical Studies, and Art History & Archaeology, who are engaged in all areas of research on the ancient Greek and Roman world.

The series will begin in October 2000. The first guest lecturer will be Professor Mark Golden, Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg who will be with us from 7 to 14 October. Professor Golden's work on ancient social history is widely known. He is currently working on a project titled Sport and Social Status in Ancient Greece which will form the core of his Mitchel Memorial lectures. The three he will give here are titled 'Slaves and Greek Sport', 'Helpers, Horses and Heroes: Contests over Victory in Ancient Greece' and 'Greek Games and Gladiators', and his public lecture is titled 'Olive tinted spectacles: Myths in the history of the ancient and modern Olympics'.

For further information on the Fordyce Mitchel Memorial Lecture Series, please contact Professor Ian Worthington <>.

[3] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Aara Suksi, University of Alberta

CACW 2001 - University of Alberta

The next annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West will be hosted by the University of Alberta and will take place March 2-3, 2001 at the Varscona Hotel, Edmonton. The conference is being organized jointly by Jeremy Rossiter and Aara Suksi. We would like to emphasize that we invite submissions on ANY topic relevant to the Classical World. There will, however, be a special theme for the conference which this year will be:

The Seasons: Greek and Roman Perspectives

Since the conference is being hosted in Edmonton, an officially designated 'Winter City', we will particularly welcome papers on the theme of 'Winter'. We have plans to publish a collection of papers related to this theme after the conference. In order to satisfy SSHRC requirements, abstracts (100-150 words) must be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae (1 page maximum). These should be sent to Aara Suksi at the address below (e- mail attachment or snail mail) no later than September 21st, 2000. Abstracts submitted by snail-mail or FAX must be supplemented by a disk. Please indicate any special equipment you may need to present your paper. This is the third and final call for papers. Participants will be notified by December 1, 2000. Because funding opportunities for the conference are limited, we encourage everyone to seek funding for attendance at the conference on an individual basis. A website for the conference can be found at

Aara Suksi (780)492-6467 <>
Jeremy Rossiter (780)492-3539 <>

Department of History and Classics, 2-28 Henry Marshall Tory Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, T6G 2H4.

Eighth Annual UNB Ancient History Colloquium

The Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, invites submission of abstracts for papers to be presented at the University of New Brunswick Ancient History Colloquium to be held 30-31 March 2001.

The theme is "Warfare in the Ancient World" Keynote Address: Dr. Everett Wheeler, Managing Editor, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, Duke University: "Thucydides and Clausewitz" Dates: 30-31 March 2001

We invite papers on all aspects of the theme of warfare and the military in the ancient world including (but not restricted to) the army and the navy in the Greek and Roman world, strategy and military theory, warfare in literature and art, and the relationship between ancient and later warfare. Papers should be 20-30 minutes in length. Abstracts should reach the committee by 15 December 2000, and should be sent to Dr. William Kerr <> or to Dr. John Geyssen <>, or at the following address: Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3.

[4] Fellowships <Back>

From: Hope Robbins, <>

Center for Hellenic Studies: Junior Fellowships 2001-02

The Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University) invites applications for twelve resident Junior Fellowships to be awarded for 2001-02. A limited number of one- semester Fellowships may be awarded to applicants who are unable to apply for the full academic year. With its 50,000-volume specialized library and serene wooded campus in Washington, D.C., the Center offers an opportunity for full-time research on a major project in a collegial, international environment. Prerequisites for a Fellowship are the Ph.D. (or its equivalent) at the time of application and scholarly publications in ancient Greek studies. The Center is designated for scholars in the earlier stages of their careers (generally up to about ten years beyond the doctorate). The maximum stipend is $24,000; fully-furnished housing on the Center's grounds is provided without charge to Fellows and their families. Additional support is available for travel to Washington as well as for professional travel and research expenses. Applications must include a detailed project description, samples of previous publications, and up to three letters of recommendation. Applications must be postmarked by October 15, 2000. Further information and forms are available on our website: or by mail: Office of the Director, Center for Hellenic Studies, 3100 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008,USA. Email <>. Telephone: (202) 234-3738. Fax: (202) 797-3745.

[5] Graduate Studies News <Back>

From: Ian Worthington, University of Missouri- Columbia

Graduate Study (M.A. and Ph.D.) in Ancient History
at the University of Missouri-Columbia

The graduate Ancient History program has recently been revised and the thrust of its offerings altered to meet changing academic employment needs and scholarly avenues. The new program blends traditional and modern approaches to the subject on the solid foundations of linguistic excellence and a thorough knowledge of the ancient source materials and new methodologies.

What is different about Ancient History at Missouri?

Our graduate program offers an exciting blend of traditional and modern approaches, which sets it apart from other programs and is designed to give students expertise in a variety of areas. Ancient history has always been one of the department's strengths (previous scholars include J.A.O. Larsen, Meyer Reinhold, and Fordyce Mitchel), and the department is a pioneer in preserving traditional classical history and connecting it with comparative cultural studies. Some ancient history courses focus on particular periods or authors in Greek and Roman history; others connect classical history with global history and multicultural studies. Examples include Greek Historiography, Alexander the Great, Frontiers in Comparative Perspective, and Practicum in Ancient Global History.

The History department is also part of the Ancient Studies Program of the university, which encourages students to take graduate courses in departments such as Classical Studies, Art History & Archaeology, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. Ancient history graduate courses include reading material in Greek and Latin, and students are expected to take language courses.

The university and department
The university was established in 1839; today, it is ranked amongst the nation's highest, and is a Carnegie 1 Research Institution. The Department of History was founded over a century ago; it is housed in the century-old Read Hall, and has over thirty faculty. Work space and computing facilities are provided for graduate students.

Library and resources
The Ellis Library is the university's main library for humanities and social sciences; in addition, the Tate Library holds an exceptionally fine collection of scholarly and rare books. The MU Libraries are the 47th largest research collection in North America with holdings of 2.6 million books and 5 million microforms.

Ancient history faculty
Lawrence Okamura (Ph.D. Michigan) teaches Roman history. His areas of expertise are imperial Rome, provincial archeology, and numismatics. He is the author of articles on these areas, and is now working on soldiers, civilians, and barbarians in the Danube region.

Ian Worthington (Ph.D. Monash) teaches Greek history. His areas of expertise are classical, especially fourth century, Greek history and Greek oratory. He is the author of A Historical Commentary on Dinarchus and Greek Orators 2, Dinarchus 1 and Hyperides 5 & 6, and his edited books include Persuasion. Greek Rhetoric in Action, Ventures into Greek History: Essays in Honour of NGL Hammond, Voice Into Text: Orality and Literacy in Greece, and Demosthenes: Statesman and Orator. He is now working on a commentary on Diodorus Siculus 17 and, with Craig Cooper, a commentary on Plutarch's Demosthenes.

Structure of M.A. and Ph.D.
Graduate students take courses and write a dissertation. Examinations are held between the end of course work and the commencement of dissertation.

Departmental funding
The university and department offer generous scholarships and fellowships on a competitive basis. Students at all levels are eligible. Research assistantships, graderships, and teaching assistantships are also available to qualified graduates. As well, the Dean of Graduate Studies has generously instituted a new ancient studies scholarship of $10,000 for the best new Ph.D. student in the graduate programs in the ancient world at the university.

Preparing graduates for the job market
At Missouri, we do not believe in simply training graduate students; we believe in preparing graduates to give them an edge over the fierce competition in the job market. That's why the graduate offerings in ancient history have been recently streamlined and reworked to produce graduates with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin as well as an in-depth knowledge of how to apply new methodologies to the ancient world and of the comparative cultural studies arising from it. The resulting graduates can boast strengths in traditional classical history and an ability to teach in distinct, yet inter-related, areas. We keep an eye on what hiring institutions want, and we prepare our students accordingly. That's why graduate study here is the obvious choice - for your degree and especially your future.

Contact details
Greek history: Prof. Ian Worthington (Tel. (573) 882-0780/email: <>
Roman history: Prof. Lawrence Okamura (Tel. (573) 882-8365/email: <>, Department of History, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A.

The University of Missouri-Columbia does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, status as disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or sexual orientation.

Next regular issue 2000 10 15
Send submissions to <>