Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.5 -- 2001 01 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.5 (2001 01 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements <Back>

From: F Pownall, University of Alberta

CAC Undergraduate Essay Contest for 1999-2000

I am pleased to announce the results of the CAC Undergraduate Essay Contest for 1999-2000.

First Prize:  Matthew Penney (Memorial University) for "The Navel of Society:  Prostitution in Classical Athens and Early 20th Century Japan".

One judge commented:  "The author's choice of topic initially made me wary.  I suspected that the essay would be little else than a series of superficial comparisons between two very different  ocieties.  Instead, the author developed a strong argument, that social conditions surrounding marriage and interaction between male and female led, in the aristocratic classes, to the peculiar forms of prostitution represented by the geisha and the hetaira.  The originality of the author's thesis and his/her detailed examination of a wide range of primary source materials were articularly impressive, and made this essay informative and enjoyable to read."

Second Prize:  Jim Grant (Queen's University) for "Fortune in the Third Book of Horace's Odes"

One judge commented:  "This admirably structured paper is a fine example of New Criticism.  It recognized and met the challenges to its thesis and integrated Latin words and quotations into its argument with ease. It could have been improved by some acknowledgment of more recent literary theory."

The other judge commented:  ". . . this essay contains a close reading of the primary source material in order to demonstrate the author's central point.  The author examines the connection between providence, chance, and leisure, in particular the reasons why Horace posits leisure as the best response to the vicissitudes of both good and bad fortune. The author builds up a convincing case to support this argument by looking at a large number of the odes in Book 3; s/he is able, thereby, to argue for the centrality of this theme in the Book as a whole and then look at Horace's particular treatment of this theme."

Third Prize:  Marian S. Jago (Dalhousie University) for "Crook and Staff: Power, Identity and the Roman Church."

One judge commented:  "I felt that it was very well-researched, employed quotations and citations effectively and confidently and was written with a growing personal style."

In general, one judge made some comments on his marking criteria, which I quote in order to shed light on how the essays were judged:  ". . . I'm marking them not merely as an essay, but as a Classics essay, so familiarity with the tools of the trade count, and what might make a good paper in a different venue is lass valued; . . . I judged on my usual criteria, putting a high value on  argumentation and originality of thesis.  I recognize that this last criterion might award students who are set interesting topics, but I feel there is nothing I can do about that."

I feel that it is appropriate to bring up an issue pointed out by one of the judges, who felt it  necessary to exclude two of the essays from the competition (they are judged anonymously, but were clearly written by the same author) because he felt that they recycled their prose between themselves excessively (and, after laying them out side by side, I had to agree with his assessment).  It is a little frightening because, had the author in question submitted only ONE essay, it would have been among the prize-winners.  Certainly this is something we all need to be on the lookout for.   Incidentally, under normal circumstances, when two essays are submitted by the same author, if both are listed as prize-winners, only the higher prize is awarded.

I would like to thank the two judges, Roberto Nickel of Laurentian University and Bruce Robertson of Mount Allison University, for their time and effort.  They marked the essays anonymously, as did I in my role as final arbitrator (no students from my own institution submitted this year).

[2] Obituary <Back>

From: Robert Todd, University of British Columbia

Memorial Tribute to Homer Armstrong Thompson

The University of British Columbia’s Department of Classical, Near-Eastern and Religious Studies has marked the passing last May of its distinguished alumnus Homer Armstrong Thompson (BA 1925; MA 1927) with a memorial tribute on its website describing his early years in B.C. and his education at U.B.C.  This can be reached directly at

or through the department's website ( via the links "About Us" and "History".

[3] Positions Available <Back>

From: Sheila Ager, University of Waterloo

Term Appointment in Classical Studies

The Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo invites applications for a 2 year definite term appointment in Classical Studies (September 1, 2001- August 31, 2003).  Teaching duties will include a variety of courses in Classical Civilization as well as language courses in Latin and/or ancient Greek.  Completion of the PhD is desirable.

Closing date for applications is February 28 2001. Please send a curriculum vitae, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to Professor Sheila Ager, Chair, Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 (fax 519-746-7881; e-mail <>.  In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  The University of Waterloo encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including women, members of visible minorities, native peoples, and persons with disabilities.

From: Glenn Peers, University of Texas

Thompson Fellowship, 2001-2
The CAIA invites applicants for the Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship to the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens from 1 September 2001 to 31 May 2002.

The applicant must be pursuing graduate or post-doctoral studies and have a clear need to work in Greece, and must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. In addition to his or her studies, the Fellow will help the Assistant to the Director of CAIA with the work in the office and library (10 hours per week). Therefore, some previous experience in Greece and some knowledge of Modern Greek is an asset.

Stipend of $5000 and free accommodations in the CAIA hostel for the period of the fellowship.

Write before 15 March 2001, enclosing a curriculum vitae, outlining proposed research and have three referees send letters to the address below.

L’ ICAA sollicite les candidatures pour la bourse d'études Homer et Dorothy Thompson à l'Institut canadien académique à Athènes du 1er septembre 2001 au 31 mai 2002.

Le candidat doit poursuivre des études avancées ou post-doctorales et doit avoir besoin de séjourner en Grèce, doit être citoyen canadien, ou immigrant reçu.  En plus de ses études, le Boursier assistera le assistant du directeur de l’ICAA dans le travail du bureau et de la bibliothèque (10 heures par semaine). On recommande donc, une expérience antérieur en Grèce et au moins un peu de grec moderne.

Allocation de $5000, et logement à l’hôtellerie de l’ICAA pendant le séjour.

Ecrire avant le 15 Mars 2001, en incluant un curriculum vitae, une description du programme de recherche et trois lettres de recommandation a l'addresse en dessous.

Glenn A. Peers, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 78712-1104; Tel.: 512-471-7757; Fax: 512-471-5539; for 2000-1: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4; Tel.: 416-926-1300 x3463; Fax: 416-926-7292; Home: 190 Maria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P 1W4; Tel.: 416-761-1672

From: Judy Leore, Thorneloe University

President and Provost of Thorneloe University

Applications or nominations are invited for the position of President and Provost of Thorneloe University, a federated university of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Thorneloe is an Anglican liberal arts university, which teaches on-campus and distance education courses in Humanities at Laurentian University.  It also provides a programme in theology by distance education leading to a diploma or a bachelor degree.  Thorneloe University has experienced significant growth in recent years while providing students with a dynamic undergraduate environment.
The President acts as the Chief Executive Officer of the university and also functions as the Provost of Thorneloe’s academic programmes of Classics, Theatre Arts, Religious Studies and Women's Studies.  The Provost will be qualified to teach within one of these  disciplines.  He or she will provide leadership in fostering academic excellence while developing and promoting positive working relationships within Thorneloe, the broader University community, the various levels of government and the administrative bodies of the Anglican Church.  The Provost functions as the Director of the School of Theology and administers and instructs in that distance education programme.  The Provost also oversees the Anglican chaplaincy on campus and the Thorneloe University residence.  The President/Provost will be a communicant member of the Anglican Church.

The anticipated appointment date is July 1, 2001.  Nominations or applications should be submitted, by January 31, 2001, to: The Search Committee, Thorneloe University, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6.  Thorneloe’s website is: <>

To receive an information package with full position description contact Susan Moores at (705) 673-1730; Fax (705) 673-4979 <>

Thorneloe University is an equal opportunity employer.

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:


[4] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Alice Edwards, University of British Columbia

"All's Fair: Sex and Violence in the Ancient World"

The graduate students of the University of British Columbia's Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies are currently organizing our second annual graduate student conference. The conference, "All's Fair: Sex and Violence in the Ancient World", will take place on May 4 and 5, 2001 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, at the University of British Columbia.  Dr. Martin Kilmer from the University of Ottawa will be the keynote speaker. 500-word abstracts for papers will be accepted from graduate or senior undergraduate students in any discipline until January 31, 2001.  Suggested topics and further information about the conference are available at or by e-mailing to <>.

From: Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens

Call for Papers
"Ancient Greece at the Turn of the Millennium:
Recent Work and Future Perspectives"
Athens, 18-20 May 2001

To mark the 25th anniversary of its activities in Greece, the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens will hold an international colloquium in Athens from 18-20 May 2001.

The colloquium’s emphasis will be on the state of the latest research methods in various aspects of Greek studies from prehistory to late antiquity, including but not restricted to the use of new technology in archaeology, new theoretical approaches to Greek history, and the impact of new discoveries on our understanding of Greek society.

We invite papers (of 15-20 minutes duration) on these and other related topics. Languages of the colloquium are English, French and Greek. Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be sent by 15 March to the address below. We encourage electronic submissions in rich text format.

For further information please contact: Prof. Nigel M. Kennell, Director, Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens, Dion. Aiginitou 7, GR-11528 Athens, Greece;  E-mail:

[5] Summer Study  <Back>

From: Marian Clark

ArchaeoExpeditions 2001
Pisidian Antioch
May 20 - July 1, 2001

Poised on the southern slopes of the Sultan Mountains in central west Turkey, the ruins of Pisidian Antioch reach back to 200 B.C. when Seleucus I or his son Antiochos I established a settlement there.  It was handed over to Amyntas, King of Galatia sometime around 39 BC . The most illustrious part of Antioch's history, however, began in 25 B.C. when Roman Emperor Augustus established "Antiochia Caesarea", one of the principal Roman colonies in the Greek East.  The city was deliberately modeled, in some respects, on the imperial city of Rome.  A wall surrounded the city which contained large and impressive buildings, temples, squares, Bath House,  Nymphaeum, churches, especially St. Paul's Church, city gates, main streets, plazas and theatres. Fertile lands and good living conditions allowed the city to prosper for some 200 years and population swelled to over 50,000.  By the 3rd Century AD Antioch was named the chief city of the newly formed province of Pisidia and had reached its economic peak. In the 7th Century Arabs invaded and overtook the city until its abandonment sometime in the 13th Century. Antioch's fame, however, lies not only from it's Roman history, but also as one of the birthplaces of Christianity. It was here in 46 AD that St. Paul gave his first sermon inside a synagogue and started to attract converts to the Christian faith. In the middle of the 4th Century a church dedicated to St. Paul was built on top of the synagogue and its ruins are subject to archaeological research today. Archaeological interest in Antioch has been known since its re-discovery in 1833 by British Chaplain F.V.J. Arundell.  Since then many studies and publications have been undertaken by scholars such as H. von Rott, Sir William Ramsay and Prof. D.M. Robinson and later, Michael Ballance.  The main research which drives the work for the coming season, started with a systematic survey in 1982 under Stephen Mitchell 0f Swansea University and the Yalvac Museum. The research and rescue excavations that began in 1983 under the direction of Dr. Mehmet Taslialan, Director of the Yalvac Museum, continue today.

2001 work plan
The large Roman Bath House will be one area of research. The overall size is known and it is suspected that the Bath House contains some 15 rooms, however, most rooms are filled and must be cleared.  A team will undertake to learn more about this important building.  The Church of St. Paul has a special historic meaning for many people and some new research will be undertaken based on the number of participants available. Participants will have an opportunity to discover Pisidian Antioch and to learn excavation and recording techniques, enjoy discussions and lectures and museum visits. Prior experience is not required, although skilled participants will be most welcome.

Project Director: Dr. Mehmet Taslialan, Director, Yalvac Museum, Isparta, Turkey, with cooperation from Dr. Stephen Mitchell, University of Swansea, Wales, UK  and Mr. Maurice Byrne, Independent Researcher, Leamington Spar, UK

Facilitator: Local arrangements: Kivanc Tourism, Yalvac, Turkey
Coordinator of participants: ArchaeoExpeditions, Ottawa Canada
Dates: May 20 - July 1, 2001 (minimum stay 2 weeks)

Note:  North American participants should depart 1 or 2 days prior to
above start dates.

Package includes:
-Pick up at closest airport (Antalya) or closest bus station (Yalvac)
-Shared room pension-style accommodations in Yalvac
-Programme at Pisidian Antioch and local sites
-Transportation to and from the archaeological zone
-All meals while in Yalvac
-Service and programme charges and 15% Value added tax.

Package excludes:
-Airfare to Turkey
-Hotel in Antalya if required
-Optional day trips to Catalhoyuk Archaeogical Centre, city of Konya, and the resorts of Lake Egidir (allow US$100.00)
-All personal expenses including insurances, visas, etc.

Participants: minimum 6, maximum 12 per two week session. Adults over 18 years of age.

We are accepting expressions of interest for someone who will undertake to coordinate some field activities for the 6 week period.  Field supervisory experience on a classical site required with good references.  No salaries will be given, but assistance with room and board are offered.

General participants -  No experience necessary.

Note: Good general health is required to work in hot open environment.  Lifting and shoveling may be required. Drawing, mapping, and sorting artifacts will also be undertaken. If you have health concerns please advise us in advance.

Equipment : If you have an archaeological kit, please bring it along.  Limited equipment is available at the sites and it is possible to purchase items locally at reasonable price. Bring a good sun hat, long cotton pants, solid work shoes, work gloves and a water bottle.

Cost :2-weeks US$1300.00, 4-weeks US$2000.00, 6 weeks US$2500.00. A deposit of US$300.00 accepted at any time.

Bibliography:Pisidian Antioch; The Site and its Monuments, by S. Mitchell and M. Waelkens, Classical Press of Wales/Duckworth, 1998, US distributor, David Brown Books, Connecticut; Pisidian Antioch, The Journeys of St. Paul to Antioch, by Dr. Mehmet Taslialan, Goltas Cultural Series, 2, Ankara 1997 (out of print, photocopy available on request US$10.00)

Visas and Passport requirements vary widely.  Please inquire at the nearest Turkish Tourism Office or Embassy.

Payment : Please make payment to the attention of Cultural Expeditions MEC Canada Inc. US$ bank or postal money orders accepted. Credit cards not accepted.

Ask for a registration package today.

c/o Cultural Expeditions MEC Canada Inc.
Westgate PO 35012
Ottawa Canada K1Z 1A2
819-682-0562 phone
819-682-8001 fax

Note:   This ArchaeoExpedition opportunity is the responsibility of the project authority and facilitator named above is not in any way the responsibility of Cultural Expeditions MEC Canada Inc. The volunteer agrees to take full responsibility for their decision to participate in the stated ArchaeoExpedition project and to act prudently and with responsibility toward the project authority who has undertaken the organization of the opportunity on their behalf. Further, Cultural Expeditions MEC Canada Inc. is not a travel agent nor does it provide any travel services and is not registered under any Travel Industry Act in Canada.  The volunteer and / or the project authority are responsible for making all transportation and accommodation, rental or any other travel arrangements related to this ArchaeoExpedition.

To ensure a successful and enjoyable ArchaeoExpedition experience, volunteers should independently inform themselves about the project, conditions in the host country and about tourist visa, health and other insurances, currency matters, local customs and traditions, etc.

Next regular issue 2001 02 15
Send submissions to <>