Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.6 -- 2001 02 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.6 (2001 02 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Positions Available <Back>

From: Craig Cooper, University of Winnipeg

Sessional position in Classics

The Department of Classics at the University of Winnipeg invites applications from qualified women and men for a 12 month sessional replacement in Classics, at the rank of assistant professor, to commence either May 1 or September 1 2001.  Duties will include teaching undergraduate courses in Classical Civilization, Greek or Roman History, Classical Art and Architecture, and Greek or Latin.  Qualifications include a completed or near completed Ph.D and a demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, research and scholarship.  Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to:

Craig Cooper,
Chair, Department of Classics,
University of Winnipeg,
515 Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 2E9

Ph: (204) 786-9176
Fax: (204) 774-4134

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The closing date for applications is March 30, 2001 but late applications will be considered until April 15, 2001. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  The University of Winnipeg is committed to employment equity, welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal persons and persons with disabilities. This appointment is subject to final budgetary approval.

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[2] Lecture and Conference Announcements <Back>

From: Michele George, McMaster University

Lectures by Dr. Eric Gruen
H.L. Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor
McMaster University

The Departments of Classics and History, McMaster University, are pleased to host Dr. Eric Gruen, Professor of Classics and History, University of California at Berkeley, as H.L. Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor.  Professor Gruen will be speaking on three different occasions:

Tuesday, March 13, 3:30, Graduate seminar:
"The Jews in Rome: Toleration, Repression, or Control of an Alien Religion?"
Chester New Hall, rm. 607, McMaster University

Wednesday, March 14,7:00 p.m., Public lecture:
"The Near East and the Classical World: Creative Cultural Confusion"
Health Sciences Centre, rm. 1A4, McMaster University

Thursday, March 15, 2:00 p.m., Graduate Colloquium
"Mediterranean Diasporas and Homelands"
Chester New Hall, rm. 607, McMaster University

Everyone is welcome.  For further information, contact the Department of Classics <> OR the Department of History <>.  For directions to the McMaster campus, please consult this webpage:

From: Peter van Dommelen

4th Roman Archaeology Conference 2001

The 4th Roman Archaeology Conference 2001 takes place in Glasgow (Scotland) from Thursday 28 March until Sunday 1 April 2001. It is organised in conjunction with the 11th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference and bookings give access to both conferences.

The program of the conferences consists of two full days of up to four parallel academic sessions (Friday-Saturday), a plenary lecture by professor Greg Woolf (Thursday afternoon) and an excursion to the Antonine Wall and a visit to the National Museum of Scotland (Sunday).

The website of the conference ( now offers the full program of the conference, including paper abstracts. Information about accommodation and registration can is also available at this website.

[3] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Constanze Witt, University of Texas

EAA 2001 in Esslingen, Germany
Sept. 19-23, 2001
Block 3. Archaeology and Material Culture

This is a call for paper submissions for the following session at EAA 2001 in Esslingen, Germany, Sept. 19-23, 2001 Block 3. Archaeology and Material Culture: Interpreting the Archaeological Record Paper Session: Worlds Collide: Multiculturalism in the Archaeological Record

From the beginning, the study of ethnic identity and archaeology  has been a focus of the EAA meetings, reflecting the current upsurge of interest in developing methodologies to address this important issue. In this session, we will focus on one specific aspect: the convergence of archaeological materials of disparate cultural origins or  signatures in a find complex.

It is a truism that a group identity is discernible only  in the context of another, distinctly "other"  group.  Archaeological remains are often used to extrapolate group (ethnic/cultural) identification.  When objects of a type consistently identified as "Etruscan," for example, are unearthed in a tomb of Etruscan type and locale, we have little hesitation in calling it an "Etruscan" complex and in turn drawing on the material to inform us about "the Etruscans."  But what are we to make of finds in a similar complex that are clearly not of Etruscan origin or manufacture?  What of "Etruscan"objects found in far distant contexts?  How are we to interpret a site known to have been occupied by disparate groups but homogeneous in the archaeological record?  Or a site assumed to have been insular and uniform in population but with a diverse archaeological record?  To what extent can we ascribe ethnic/cultural identity to an intrusive or displaced object or feature? Does its identity change outside its original context?  How does the disparate archaeological material indicate the workings of such interactions as trade, gift exchange, war, migration, influence, imitation, assimilation,  acculturation?

It is intended that this session will contribute to the ongoing discussion of the archaeology of ethnic and cultural identification by presenting specific instances of "multicultural" find complexes and examining the methods and approaches of their interpretation.

Archaeologists, anthropologists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines are encouraged to submit papers. Please submit abstracts to:

Constanze Witt, PhD
UT Austin Classics Dept.
WAG 17 C3400
Austin, TX 78712
512 471 8684
fax 512 471 4111

From: Susan Jones, Bryn Mawr College

Experts, Dabblers, Hirelings & Hacks
Third Biennial Bryn Mawr College Graduate Student Symposium
October 13 and 14, 2001

Sponsored by the Graduate Students of The Departments of Art History, Classical  and Near Eastern Archaeology, and Greek, Latin and Ancient History.

In the study of past societies, one often finds that some cultures admired or emphasized the importance of specialists or "experts," while other cultures eschewed or de-emphasized specialization. Our conference seeks to examine the relative value of experience for all periods of the past. "Experience" or "professionalism" in this context relates not only to the visual medium (craft) but to statesmanship, language, and education as well. From the Athenian potter to the Roman administrator to the Italian "Renaissance man" and the modern day performance artist, how have individuals' views on professionalism changed over time and how have they been affected by social class, political power and contemporary theoretical viewpoints?

Paper Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • The importance of specialization in the visual arts and/or differences of specialists/specialization among different societies.
  • The emergence of technical specialization and questions about how knowledge of technology was restricted or shared.
  • Definitions, criteria and language applied to various levels of "experience."
  • A comparison of literary sources and material sources for  identifying and assessing the roles and status of specialists.
  • How modern constructions of "expert" and amateur" are applied or misapplied to our analysis of past and present societies.
  • Abstracts (250 words maximum) due April 1, 2001. Please send them to: Graduate Student Symposium Committee, Box C-1656, Bryn Mawr College, 101 N. Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

    For more information, contact: <>


    [4] Calls for Articles <Back>

    From: C.W. (Toph) Marshall, Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Theatre Journal

    Theatre Journal invites article submissions for potential special issues on the following topics:

    Next regular issue 2001 03 15
    Send submissions to <>