Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.7 -- 2001 03 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.7 (2001 03 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements <Back>


[2] Positions Available <Back>

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[3] Conference Announcements <Back>

From: John Geyssen, University of New Brunswick

University of New Brunswick
8th Annual Ancient History Colloquium

The Departments of Classics and Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, is pleased to announce the 8th Annual Ancient History Colloquium, 30-31 March.  The theme is War in the Ancient World.  Dr Everett L. Wheeler of Duke University will deliver the Keynote address, “Thucydides and Clausewitz,” on 30 March at 8pm in Tilley Hall 5.  A full program of events can be found at:

Everyone is welcome.  For additional information, contact Dr. W. Kerr <> or Dr. J. Geyssen <>.


From: James B. Rives, York University

‘Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome’
York University, May 6-8, 2001

Steve Mason, Jonathan Edmondson, and James Rives of York University announce the conference ‘Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome’, May 6-8 2001.  The conference, which will take place in York’s Glendon College, will bring together prominent specialists in the study of Josephus and in Roman history and literature. Our goal is to explore in a focused way some implications of scholarship on Flavian Rome for understanding the works of Josephus and some implications of research on Josephus for understanding Flavian Rome.  The conference programme is followed by information on registration and accomodation.  For further information, please contact James Rives (

Sunday, May 6
Session 1: Josephus and the Roman Aristocracy

Leonard Wolinsky Lectures, 2001 (open to the public)

Monday, May 7
Session 2: Josephus and Roman Literary Culture

Session 3: Josephus and Some Roman Literary Themes

Tuesday, May 8
Session 4: Josephus and the Roman Intellectual Tradition

Session 5: Josephus and the Iudaei of Rome (2:00-5:30) Concluding Panel. The Audience of Josephus: What Difference Does the Audience Make?

Cost of registration by itself is $70, payable in Canadian funds by cheque (drawn on a Canadian bank) or money order.  Unfortunately, we are not able to accept credit cards or other forms of payment. Please make the cheque payable to "York University" and mention the name of the conference ("Flavius Josephus") on its face.  Graduate students not registered at York University pay a registration fee of CND $40.

Those wishing to eat lunch with the group may pay an inclusive fee of $120, to cover the cost of both registration and lunches on each of the three days. Non-York graduate students may purchase lunches and
registration for $90 in total. Those registered in the graduate seminar (below) pay $50 for the lunches alone. Registrants will be on their own for dinner: Toronto offers a wide range of outstanding restaurants.

A registration form with mailing address follows this announcement.  We will issue receipts, and with them provide a map and further information about transportation in Toronto.

We have been able to secure a block of rooms, at the excellent conference rate of CND $89.95 per night (including continental breakfast), plus 15% tax, at the Howard Johnson Selby Hotel and Suites in the heart of Toronto (592 Sherbourne Street). If you wish to book a room there, please mention "York University, Group 2" in order to receive the conference rate. Although this offer will be available until April 1, 2001, it would be wise to book -- and register -- early if you wish to have a secure place. Please submit reservation requests to the hotel directly. They can be reached in the following ways:

Toll-free phone (in North America): 1-800-387-4788
Fax: (416) 923-3177
Email: <>
For further information about the hotel, please consult their web site:

The Glendon campus, where the conference will meet, is a half-hour ride by subway and bus from the hotel.

Summer Institute: Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome The international conference will also mark the  beginning of an intensive graduate seminar, which will continue to meet daily until Friday, May 18, under
the direction of Steve Mason and James Rives of York, along with special guest John Barclay of Glasgow. Participants in the seminar will not pay an additional fee for conference registration, but only for the group
lunches at the conference if they desire them. For further information on the seminar, please contact Steve Mason <>.


Registration Form
Please print out, detach, and mail with cheque or money order (made payable to ‘York University’) to:

Professor James Rives
250 Vanier College
Division of Humanities
York University
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3

Title:  ______________________

Name:   __________________________________________

Institutional Affiliation (if any):     _____________________________

Please register me for the conference "Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome," Glendon College, York University, May 6-8, 2001. I enclose (choose one):

______  CND $70 for registration only / $40 as graduate student, including coffee breaks but no lunches

______  CND $120 for registration and lunches on May 6, 7, and 8 / $90 as graduate student

______  CND $50 for lunches alone because I am a registered York graduate student or I will be registered for the graduate seminar

NB: Please pay by cheque or money order made payable to ‘York University’, and note the name of the conference (‘Flavius Josephus’) on the face.  Please also include the return address to which you like the
receipts sent.

_________________________________       _______________
Signature                                                       Date


[4] Call for Papers <Back>

From: Martin Cropp, University of Calgary

Greek Drama III

After the success of the Conferences in 1982 in Sydney and 1992 in Christchurch a third Conference on Greek Drama will be held in the University of Sydney from July 8-11, 2002. The Conference will allow for discussion of all aspects of Greek Tragedy and Old and New Comedy, including Nachleben in the Roman and later theatres, and Performance. It is hoped that keynote addresses will be given by Professor Patricia Easterling and Professor-elect Richard Hunter.

This notice is a preliminary call for papers which should be of either 40 or 20 minutes duration. The possibility of (a) panel discussion(s) is also being considered. A registration form, a provisional programme and a final call for papers will be distributed towards the end of 2001.

Accommodation will be available in Sancta Sophia College; there are comfortable motels in the vicinity.

All interested in taking part in the Conference are asked to contact one of the Conveners with provisional paper-titles or suggestions for a panel discussion before 1st September, 2001.

Canadian contact: Martin Cropp, University of Calgary <>

Kevin Lee/ Frances Muecke,
Conveners Greek Drama III
Classics Department,
University of Sydney
N. S. W.  2006


[5] Varia <Back>

From: Francois Renaud, Université de Moncton

A new Plato Internet journal has been established by the International Plato Society.  Contributors to the first issue include: Alexander Becker and Wolfgang Detel, Enid Bloch, Luc Brisson, Christopher Gill, Michel Narcy, Noburu Notomi and Christopher Rowe.  The URL is .

Next regular issue 2001 04 15
Send submissions to <>