Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
7.8 -- 2001 04 16 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.8 (2001 03 16) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements <Back>

From: Sheila Ager, University of Waterloo

CAC Registration

In view of the delays that have occurred in the mailing of the CAC program for this May, it has been decided that we should waive the late fee for conference registration.  The CAC program, and accommodation information, are already available on the CAC website; hard copies of the program should be on their way to CAC members very soon.  Participants in the conference are cordially reminded that they must register, and must also be members of the Association.


[2] Positions Available <Back>

From: Patrick Thomas, University of Evansville

Tenure-track position in Roman Archaeology

The University of Evansville invites applications for a tenure-track position in Roman Archaeology beginning August, 2001.  Research specialization within the field of Roman Archaeology is open.  The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in Roman Archaeology, Roman History, Latin language at the introductory and intermediate levels, and World Cultures, an interdisciplinary freshman course.  Ability to teach archaeology courses in other  Mediterranean/European cultures desirable; active field project a plus.  Teaching assignment is six courses per year.  Strong commitment to excellence in teaching and advising undergraduates required, along with professional activity. Ph.D. in hand by August, 2001.  Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, short statement of teaching philosophy, teaching evaluations if available, and three letters of recommendation to Patrick M. Thomas, Dept. of Archaeology/Art History, Univ. of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722.  Applications received by May 1 will be guaranteed consideration, but review of applications will continue until position is filled.  The University of Evansville is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.  For additional information, contact Pat Thomas at <>.

From: Pedar W. Foss, DePauw University

Full-time term position

The Classics Department at DePauw University seeks applications for a full-time term position to begin in August 2001, which may extend or be renewable through the 2003-2004 academic year. The position has been approved by the administration. Ph.D. preferred, rank and salary commensurate with credentials and experience.  We seek a broadly trained classicist, who can teach Latin at all undergraduate levels as well as a variety of courses in translation.  Courses likely to be taught in the first year would include Latin, Greek and Roman Mythology, a survey of ancient history, and an upper level topics class.  Credentials to teach an occasional course in Greek are preferred. DePauw has a liberal arts college of about 2,000 students and an undergraduate School of Music.  An interest in and commitment to undergraduate teaching are essential.  Candidates should send applications including a statement of teaching and scholarly interests, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and evidence of excellence in teaching.  Review of completed applications will begin April 6, 2001 and continue until the position is filled.  Contact Address: Professor Carl Huffman <> 765- 658-4750, Chairman, Search Committee, Department of Classics, DePauw University, 400 S. Locust, Greencastle, Indiana 46135.  DePauw is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.

From: Christine Morris, Trinity College, University of Dublin

Temporary Lectureship in Greek Archaeology

Applications are invited for the above post in the School of Classics at Trinity College, Dublin.  The appointment, which will be tenable from 1st October, 2001, will be offered on contract for a period of nine months. The successful candidate will be required to teach courses in Greek Archaeology  Geometric-Classical) and in the Aegean Bronze Age, and to offer a fourth year special subject of their own choice.  The ability to contribute to teaching Greek History (Classical period) and to a first year course in Greek and Roman mythology and religion is desirable.  The successful candidate will be expected to contribute fully to the administrative and academic life of the Department.  For additional information contact Professor Damien Nelis <> or Dr Christine Morris <>.

Appointment will be made within the salary range IR£18,500-IR£22,250 per annum (euros 23,490 -28,252), to accord with qualifications and experience to date. Intending candidates should submit a full curriculum vitae, to include the names and contact details of three referees, to arrive not later than Friday 27th April, 2001, to:

Recruitment and Establishment Manager Staff Office
Trinity College, Dublin 2
Tel: 608-1678/ Fax: 677-2169/ <>

For US and other jobs see the listings of

The American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

[3] Conference Announcements <Back>

From: Michele George, McMaster University

The Department of Classics, McMaster University is pleased to announce the next E.Togo Salmon conference:
Roman Family IV:  Italy and Beyond
September 28-29, 2001

Council Chambers, Gilmour Hall
Registration 8:15-9:00

  • Susan Treggiari, Stanford University , "Putting the family across: Cicero on natural affection"
  • Michele George, McMaster University , "Family Imagery and Family Values in Roman Italy"
  • Lunch 12:00-1:30
  • Keith Bradley, University of Victoria , "The Roman Child in Sickness and in Health"
  • Judith Evans Grubbs, Sweet Briar College , "Pietas and Potestas: Parent-child conflict in the Code of Justinian"
  • Jonathan Edmondson, York University , "Family structures in Roman Lusitania: social change in a Roman province?"
  • Council Chambers, Gilmour Hall
    Registration 8:15-9:00
  • Greg Woolf, St. Andrews , "Performing the Family in Roman Gaul"
  • Mireille Corbier, CNRS, Paris, "Famille et parent dans l'Afrique romaine"
  • Margaret Williams, Open University , "The Jewish Family in Judaea from Pompey to Hadrian"
  • Lunch 12:30-2:15
  • Richard Alston, Royal Holloway , "Searching for the Family in Roman Egypt"
  • Antti Arjava, University of Helsinki , "The Roman Family in the Greek East"
  • Discussion

    For registration and paper abstracts, consult our webpage:

    For more information, contact Carmen Camilleri <> or Michele George <>.

    [4] Calls for Papers <Back>

    From: C.W. (Toph) Marshall, Memorial University of Newfoundland

    "Questioning the Classical Canon"
    Atlantic Classical Association

    A conference hosted by the Atlantic Classical Association on the theme "Questioning the Classical Canon" will be held at the Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, on October 19-20, 2001. The keynote speaker will be Professor Margalit Finkelberg of the University of Tel Aviv.

    Papers of up to 20 minutes duration dealing with any aspect of the Greek and Roman world are invited. A particular interest is expressed for papers which relate to the conference theme, broadly defined to include archaeological, historical, and literary materials: the history and reception of canonical texts and approaches, the relationship between canonicity and pedagogy, subjects which fall outside traditional notions of the classical canon, etc.

    Expressions of interest (preferably with a 150-word abstract) or requests for further information should be sent to the following address by June 29, 2001:

    C. W. Marshall
    Department of Classics
    Memorial University of Newfoundland
    St. John's, NF Canada A1C 5S7
    It is hoped that some funding will become available to assist with costs of travel. Those interested in receiving support should make contact as soon as possible, and by April 23, 2001, at the latest.

    From: Peter Toohey, University of Calgary

    Hecate at the Crossroads:
    Magic in the Ancient and Mediaeval Worlds
    September 26-27, 2001

    This is a call for papers for a conference on ancient and mediaeval magic to be held at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia, on the 26th and 27th of September, 2001.  The Keynote Speaker will be Professor C. A. Faraone (Chair of Classics at the University of Chicago).

    Interest in the study of magic and superstition, and their relationship with religion, society and culture, have been growing almost exponentially in the past decades.  Studies on these topics from historical, sociological, anthropological, literary, epigraphic, papyrological and religious/theological perspectives have flourished and provoked much exciting discussion, thought and writing, internationally as well as in Australia and New Zealand.  For this reason, it seems timely to bring together Australasian and International scholars from Classics, Ancient and Mediaeval History, Religious Studies and other disciplines with an interest in magic and superstition for the first conference of this kind in the region, to discuss, debate and share our knowledge and  ideas.

    We invite scholars from all disciplines with an interest in magic and superstition in the ancient or mediaeval periods to present papers at this conference.

    Abstracts of 500 words (max.) should be submitted by e-mail, mail or fax. before 30 April, 2001.  Abstracts should contain the title of your paper, your name, title and affiliation, and contact details.  Papers should aim to be 30-40 minutes in length.  Send abstracts to:

    Charles Tesoriero
    School of Classics, History and Religion
    University of New England
    Armidale, NSW
    Australia, 2351
    Ph. +61 2 6773 2538  Fax.  +61 2 6773 3520  <>
    Alternative Contact:  Ms Gina Butler: +61 2 6773 2555 <>


    [5] Courses and Summer Study <Back>

    From: Dr. Michael B. Cosmopoulos, University of Manitoba

    Iklaina Archaeological Project
    The Iklaina Archaeological Project will run from May 30 to June 16.  It is a 6 ch course offered through the Department of Classics at the University of Manitoba.  If you know of students who might be interested in participating,  we are still accepting applications. More info can be found at:

    Next regular issue 2001 05 15
    Send submissions to <>