Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
8.1.1 -- 2001 10 09 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.1.1 (2001 10 09) Return to
Archive Directory

Position Available

From: Rory Egan, University of Manitoba

Instructor I or Instructor II
Term of Eighteen Months
The Department of Classics at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time position at the rank of Instructor I or Instructor II for a term of eighteen months from January 1, 2002, to June 30, 2003.  The position requires a person with a broad philological training capable of teaching Greek and Latin at all undergraduate levels and also a variety of classical civilization courses.  Teaching duties in the academic term beginning in January 2002 will consist of a lecture course in Greek religion, a lecture course in Classical Myth, and an undergraduate Greek or Latin course.  For the regular session 2002-2003, 18 credit hours of teaching will be assigned by the Head.  Starting salary and rank will reflect the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant.

A complete application consisting of a letter of application, a current CV, and evidence of successful teaching must be received by October 22, 2001.  Applicants should also arrange to have three confidential letters of reference sent to

Rory B. Egan, Head
Department of Classics
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB   R3T 2M8
(FAX: 204-474-7684).
Further information concerning this position, or the Department may be obtained from or by email at <>

The University of Manitoba encourages applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities.  In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Next regular issue 2001 11 15
Send submissions to <>