Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
8.4 -- 2001 12 17 ISSN 1198-9149

Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.4 (2001 12 17) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements
        (CAC/SCEC Homepage)
[2] Positions Available
[3] Fellowships
[4] Graduate Studies
[5] Calls for Papers
        (Missouri-St Louis)
[6] Conference Announcements
        (Simon Fraser/CACW)
[7] Summer Study
        (Georgia, UNB)

[1] Association Announcements

The CAC/SCEC Homepage  <Back>

Just a reminder to everyone (in Canadian Classics departments) to check your listing on the CAC webpage
( to ensure that it is correct.  Corrections and additions can be sent to James Murray <>.

[2] Positions Available

From: Pat Macnutt, Acadia University <Back>

Tenure track position in Classics
Assistant Professor
The Department of History & Classics invites applications for a tenure track position  (position # 10202) at the Assistant Professor level effective 1 July 2002.   Candidates should have a completed Ph.D. by the appointment date, an established research programme that has led to publications, and a record of innovative and successful teaching.  They should be qualified to teach a variety of classical civilization courses with a concentration in literature and ancient history, and also to teach Greek and Latin in accordance with the needs of the Department’s Classics programme.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to:  Dr. Barry Moody, Head, Department of History & Classics, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B0P 1X0.  Fax:  902-585-1070.  <>.  Closing date for applications is 15 February 2002.

Acadia has recently adopted the Acadia Advantage initiative, which incorporates computer technology into the learning process. Faculty members are expected to explore the use of information technology in teaching and exploit its application when they find it enhances the learning environment. The University is committed to supporting these endeavours.

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Acadia University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

While budgetary approval has been granted for this position, Acadia University reserves the right not to fill this position or to fill positions at a level different from the advertised level or term.

    For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:


     and the Atrium:


[3] Fellowships

From: Louis L'Allier <>  <Back>

The Loukidelis Fellowship

The Loukidelis Foundation and the Department of Classical Studies at Thorneloe College of Laurentian Univer>

Transfer interrupted!

kidelis Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2002-2003.  The Loukidelis Fellowship is non-renewable and open to individuals who at the time of taking up the fellowship have completed all course and residential requirements for the Doctorate in Classics, with an orientation in Greek studies, and who have passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship.  The holder will be asked to teach a total of three term courses (9 credits) over the Fall and Winter terms and give a public lecture.  In 2002-2003 the holder of the Loukidelis fellowship will receive $18,500, with an allowance of up to $2500 to cover moving and other research-associated expenses.  Applications for the Loukidelis Fellowship should include official transcripts and three letters of reference.  The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission. Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis.  Completed applications should be sent to: Dr Louis L'Allier, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Thorneloe University, Ramsey Lake Road,  Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6 by 1 March 2002. Further inquiries about the position may be directed to Dr L'Allier <>; and additional information about the department and the university is available on the Web at  Thorneloe College is committed to employment equity.  Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for this position.

[4] Graduate Studies

From: Jonathan Edmondson, York University  <Back>

Graduate Study in Ancient History at York University (Toronto)

This is a brief message to announce that Ancient History has now been officially approved by the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies as a field in the Graduate Programme in History at York University.  Courses in Ancient History are now available for students registered for the M.A. in History, while students can specialize in Ancient History at the Ph.D. level.

Participating faculty include:

        Carl Ehrlich (Israel in the Iron Age)
        Maynard Maidman  (Mesopotamia from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period; Israel)
        Jeremy Trevett (Ancient Greece; social and economic history, Greek rhetoric)
        Matthew Clark (orality and literacy in Archaic Greece)
        Gerard Naddaf (intellectual history of Archaic and Classical Greece)
        Guy Métraux (Greek art and architecture in its social context)
        Jonathan Edmondson (Roman social and economic history; Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy)
        Steven Mason (Religion in Hellenistic and Roman worlds; Judaism in Greco-Roman world; Christian
        Guy Métraux (Roman art and architecture in its social context)
        James Rives (Roman social and cultural history, esp. religion and ethnicity in the Roman Empire)
        Patrick Gray (Late Roman and Byzantine culture, esp. theological and ecceliastical history)
        Michael Herren  (Late Roman and medieval studies)

For further information, please contact Jonathan Edmondson <>, Stephen Brooke, Director of Graduate Programme in History <> or Angela De Gasperis, Administrative Assistant, Graduate Programme in History <>.

Prospective students may wish to consult the programme's website: For information on Admissions, visit the website of the Faculty of Graduate Studies:

[5] Call for Papers

From: Dr. Michael Cosmopoulos, University of Missouri-St. Louis <Back>

International Conference
The Parthenon and its Sculptures in the 21st century:
The Current State and Future Directions of Research

University of Missouri, St. Louis, April 26-28, 2002
Call for Papers

Above the current international controversy about the Parthenon Marbles lies our constant need to continue studying and understanding this unique monument and its sculptural decoration.   The purpose of this conference is to assess the current state and to mark future directions of research on the Parthenon and its sculptures.

The conference, organized by the Center for International Studies of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, will serve as a forum for the presentation of recent research on the Parthenon and its sculptures. The conference will cover three major themes: a) art and architecture, b) the history of the building and its sculptures, and c) theoretical and methodological issues.

Papers on any one of these three themes are invited.  They should be 15-20 minutes long, inter-disciplinary or discipline-specific, and be accessible both to the specialists and the educated public.  Although papers on the issue of the restitution of the Parthenon Marbles are welcome,  the aim of the conference is to move past the debate in order to promote the spirit of collegiality, scholarship, and international cooperation.

A number of papers will be selected by anonymous reviewers for publication. Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be submitted by Friday February 15, 2002 to:

Prof. Michael B. Cosmopoulos
Chair, Organizing Committee
Department of Anthropology
537 Clark Hall
University of Missouri
St. Louis, MO. 63121
Tel. (314) 516-6241, Fax (314) 516-6757

We encourage electronic submissions in rich text format.

Organizing Committee
Prof. Michael Cosmopoulos, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Prof. Robert Lamberton,  Washington University
Prof. Constantine E. Michaelides, Washington University
Prof. Sarantis Symeonoglou, Washington University
Prof. Susan Rotroff, Washington University
Prof. Mikels Skele, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Prof. Diane Touliatos, University of Missouri-St. Louis

[6] Conference Announcements

From: David Mirhady, Simon Fraser University  <Back>

An Interdisciplinary Conference hosted by the
Classical Association of the Canadian West
on the theme
Harbour Centre, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC
February 22-23, 2002

Keynote Speaker: BRENT SHAW, University of Pennsylvania
"Slavery and Freedom: the Image of Spartacus"

Friday, February 22nd
3:00-4:45  Roundtable on the Teaching of Latin and Greek
Facilitators:  Martin Cropp, University of Calgary; Annabel Robinson, University of Regina

Modern Philosophy and its Classical Antecedents
Robert Todd, UBC, Fitting in the Odd Man Out: Ancient Philosophy and Classical Studies
Randy (Peg) Peters, SFU, George Grant and Plato’s "Beyond  Being": Humanities and Classics in
Ian Angus, SFU, Gregory Vlastos and the ‘Critique of Metaphysics’
Craig Cooper, University of Winnipeg, The Magistrate’s Role and Influence in the Athenian
        Judicial Process

Modern Literary Criticism and Classical Literature
Alison Keith, University of Toronto, Arma virumque cano: Codes of Masculinity in
        Hollywood’s Rome
Ingrid Holmberg, University of Victoria, Totally, Tenderly, Tragically’: Jean-Luc Godard Reads the
Rebecca Nagel, University of Alberta, Vita Sackville-West and Virgil’s Georgics
Chris Morrissey, SFU, Girardian Triangles? Aristotle’s Anger Management

Saturday, February 23rd
8:15-8:45 Annual General Meeting, Classical Association of the Canadian West

Greek and Roman History and Culture
Duncan Fishwick, University of Alberta, A Marble Relief from Carthage
Matthew Fullerton, University of Alberta, Admonishing Dreams and Bloods
Duels: Livy’s Treatment of the Accounts of Coelius Antipater and Quintus Quadrigarius
Kathi Sherwood, Concordia University, Ethnographic Parallels to Greek Dining Rooms
Max Nelson, UBC, Scythian Inebriants: A Note on Vergil, Georgics 3.379-80

Classics and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Programmes
Anthony Podlecki, UBC, Hobbes’ Thucydides, Nietzsche’s Euripides: the Joys and Perils of Teaching
        in an Interdisciplinary Programme
Jennifer Dellner, Drury University, The Classics in the Wide, Wide World
Bella Vivante, University of Arizona, The Nostos of the Warrior: Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony
        and Homer’s Odyssey
Christopher Marshall, MUN, How to Read Theophrastus’ Characters

Presocratic Philosophy and its Modern Analogues
Peyman Vahabzadeh, University of Victoria, Return of Presocratic Origins: Reiner Schürmann’s Reading of
        Parmenides and Heraclitus
Hallie Marshall, MUN, Empedocles Kathormoi Re-examined
Leonard Angel, Douglas College, The Relevance of Zeno’s Paradoxes in Contemporary Quantum
        Physics and Philosphy of Mind

Modern Approaches and Parallels to Greek Literature
Kristin Lord, Wilfred Laurier University, Hermione Unattached: Parental Bonding in
        Euripides’ Andromache
Aara Suksi, University of Alberta, Leaning on Antigone: from Sophocles to Judith Butler
Reyes Bertolin, University of Calgary, Greek Influences in Jewish Spain
Dolores Clavero, SFU, The Myth of Hercules and its Treatment in Medieval Spanish Literary

Ancient Rhetoric in the Modern Classroom
Matthew Clark, York University, Rhetoric and the Humanities
Richard Coe, SFU, Using Classical Rhetoric to Teach Writing and Reading
Kathleen Loucks, Green River College, Speech Communication and Classics
Frances Batycki, University of Calgary, Roman Rhetoric and Rennaissance Literature

Children’s Literature and Movies
Roderick McGillis, Univerity of Calgary, Paul Fleischman’s Iliad: Dateline Troy
Eleanor Irwin, University of Toronto, Deity in Film from Fantasia to Walt Disney’s Hercules
Laurel Bowman, University of Victoria, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Greek Hero Revisited

Ancient Science and the Modern Scientist
Alexander Jones, University of Toronto, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity: Research and
Len Berggren, SFU, Ancient Artifacts as an Introduction to Greek Mathematics
Daryn Lehoux, King’s College, Ancient Science, Head On
John Humphrey, Ancient Technology and the Modern Engineer

4:00-5:30 Keynote Speaker:
Brent Shaw, University of Pennsylvania, Slavery and Freedom: the Image of Spartacus

7:00 Banquet

Those interested in registering for the conference should send a cheque (payable to "Simon Fraser University") for Can$55 (US$40) ($30 for the conference registration and $25 for the Saturday evening banquet (Indian food)) to David Mirhady, Humanities, SFU Burnaby BC V5A 1S6, by early January (but why not send it now?)

The recommended hotel is the Ramada West Pender (604-488-1088).  Its rate for SFU (which you might mention) is $75 single/double, with a continental breakfast.

For more information, please contact David Mirhady  <>.

[7] Summer Study

From: Richard LaFleur, University of Georgia  <Back>

2002 Summer Classics Institute
at the University of Georgia
Each summer the Summer Classics Institute at the University of Georgia offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate Latin and Classics courses and, in alternate summers, Intensive Beginning Greek. The Institute curriculum is supplemented by workshops and guest lectures by visiting Master Teachers and other scholars. The program is designed especially for Latin teachers who wish to continue their education, work towards certification, or earn a Master's degree on a summers-only basis. The 15 faculty members of the department share in a tradition of cooperation with high school teachers and programs which has culminated in an exciting and challenging curriculum.

Scholarship assistance is available and Latin teachers pay only the low in-state Georgia tuition.

Here are this summer's offerings:

AP VERGIL (LATN 4020/6020) Prof. Nancy Felson
LIVY (LATN 4310/6310) Prof. Robert Harris
MYTHOLOGY (CLAS 1020, an undergraduate course with special materials for teachers) Prof. Charles Platter
GERMAN FOR READING KNOWLEDGE (GERM 3500) TBA by the Department of Germanic & Slavic Languages
FRENCH FOR READING KNOWLEDGE (FREN 2500) TBA by the Department of Romance Languages

Classes are held from mid-June to early August; some courses are offered in intense four-week short sessions. The Department of Classics houses The Alexander Room, a quiet, comfortable reading room and reference library with approximately 3,200 volumes, and a state-of-the-art computer lab for its students and is adjacent to the University's three-million volume library.

For more information about the Institute and our courses, please consult our web site at .  Our flyer for the 2002 Institute is posted at .

From: Michael J. Mills, University of New Brunswick  <Back>

“Classics in Greece, 2002"
A UNB Intersession Study Tour
The Department of Classics and Ancient History announces “Classics in Greece 2002" - a UNB Intersession Study Tour from May 27 to June 17, 2002.  The itinerary for the tour includes, among other sites and museums, the birthplace of democracy, Athens (Theatre of Dionysus, Acropolis, Agora, Ceramicus, National Museum); the Temple of Poseidon at scenic Sounion; the “silver mines” of Laurion;  the children’s precinct of Artemis at Brauron; the temple of the mystery cult of Demeter at Eleusis;  the pan-Hellenic sanctuary at Isthmia; the forum of Roman Corinth; the stadium of Nemea; the Bronze Age citadels at Mycenae and Tiryns; the sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus;  Nauplion (birthplace of modern Greece); the House of Tiles at Lerna; Sparta and the mediaeval town of Mistra; the palace of Nestor at Pylos;  Olympia (home of the Olympic Games), the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, the sites of the Greek military victories at Thermopylae and Marathon, the Amphiareion, and the temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina.

Courses to be offered are:
CLASSICS 3533 - Mythology and Archaeology [3ch] (Prof. M.J.Mills).
CLASSICS 3323 - The Art and Architecture of Greece [3ch] (Prof. J.S.Murray)
There are no pre-requisites for these courses.  All lectures are given either on site or in museums, and students will be able to combine study travel with an opportunity to experience local, modern Greek culture.

Students may audit or take for credit one or both of the three credit-hour classics courses. The cost will be $3,750, which will cover everything except mid-day and evening  meals.  Included in the cost are the following: round trip economy airfare Fredericton-Athens, hotel accommodation, daily continental breakfast, transportation via motor coach to sites listed on the itinerary, return ferry passage between Piraeus and Aegina and ferry passage from  Rhion to Antirhion, admission fees for all sites and museums visited as part of the course study, gratuities to hotel and airport personnel for baggage handling and for all drivers,  local taxes and airport taxes, UNB tuition fees, membership in the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens and a pre-tour briefing.

Pre-registration for “Classics in Greece 2002" must be submitted by 25 January 2002 to the Department of Extension and Summer School. Brochures and pre-registration forms are still available from the Department of Classics and from the Department of Extension and Summer School at UNB and on line at  Enrolment will be limited.

For full information:
on-line: at
in person: at the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Carleton Hall 239
by e-mail: Prof Mills <> Prof. Murray <>
by telephone: Department of Classics and Ancient History at 453-4763

Next regular issue 2002 01 15
Send submissions to <>