Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 8.11 (2002 07 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.11 (2002 07 15)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
        1. Calls for Papers
        2. Varia
                 (CAC Women's Network / SCEC Le Reseau des Femmes)
                 (University of Georgia: Program Information)

Calls for Papers
From: James Murray, University of New Brunswick                          <Back>

The Association of Ancient Historians
Annual Meeting: 8-10 May 2003
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick

Theme: “Biography and History”

“For it is not history we are writing, but lives,” states Plutarch in the introduction to his Life of Alexander.  Certainly the historiography of Alexander’s career offers a classic instance of how the personalizing approach of ancient sources of ancient sources can bedevil the modern historian’s task of reconstructing antiquity.  And from the modern perspective, how can we know enough about any figure to write biography?  Impossible, asserts, among others, Sir Ronald Syme; though few, it seems, have taken such warnings to heart.

What is biography, and what is its connection with narrative history?  Plutarch notes the distinction, but the genre has always eluded definition.  Is biography a somehow lesser genre, or precursor to monumental history in the development of the individual historian?  Do certain types of political regime favour the writing of biography over history?  Such questions invite reflections of all kinds on classical biography and its practitioners, both ancient and modern; and such is the theme of the 2003 meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians.

While the theme of the conference is “Biography and History”, we are pleased to invite papers which focus on other aspects of ancient history.  In particular, we invite papers for a special panel on “Biography and Military History.”

Abstracts of between 200 and 400 words may be sent
    –by fax (506)447-3072
    –by email <>
    –by post to: Association of Ancient Historians 2003, Classics & Ancient
History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada   E3B 5A3

Please indicate if you will require any audio-visual equipment, and whether you will require fifteen, twenty or twenty-five minutes to make your presentation.

All abstracts must be postmarked or received by 15 October, 2002, and a completed draft of the paper is to be submitted no later than 1 April, 2003.

From: Kelly Olson, University of Western Ontario                 <Back>


CAC Women's Network / SCEC Le Reseau des Femmes now has a website, which includes a mission statement, mailing list information, our call for the 2003 panel, and a list of links and bibliography.  It's at:

Comments, suggestions, additions, corrections to this site: please email <>

From: Richard LaFleur, University of Georgia                         <Back>

University of Georgia: Program Information


The Department of Classics at the University of Georgia offers, in addition to advanced courses for teachers seeking certification, a program of graduate work in Latin leading to the Master of Arts degree on a summers-only schedule. Requirements may be completed in four summers, including, if the student elects, one summer semester in Rome.  The M.Ed., Ed.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Latin/Language Education are also offered (the Ph.D. requires at least three consecutive semesters of resident study). Latin teachers from out of state are awarded tuition waivers reducing fees to the in-state level. Limited scholarship assistance is available and some teachers may qualify for American Classical League, CAMWS, and other scholarship programs. Each summer's curriculum includes undergraduate as well as graduate courses in Latin and Classical Culture, Intensive Beginning Greek (in alternate summers), and Studies Abroad in Rome. The Summer Session runs from mid-June to early August; some courses are offered in four-week short sessions.  The Department houses the offices of Classical Outlook and Literary Imagination, and is adjacent to the University's three-million volume library.  The 15-member faculty share in a tradition of cooperation with high school teachers and programs.  All classrooms and most dormitories are air-conditioned. For information and application materials, write Prof. Naomi J. Norman, Dept. of Classics, Park Hall, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6203; tel. 706-542-2187; e-mail <>; or access Deadline for completed applications is May 1.

The University of Georgia announces its Summer Studies Abroad Program in Rome. Participants in the Rome program spend approximately seven weeks in the city, with numerous field trips and an excursion to Pompeii and the Bay of Naples. A full semester of undergraduate or graduate credit may be awarded. The program runs from mid-May to mid-July.  All college students are eligible to apply, as are teachers seeking certification credits.  Teachers may be eligible for American Classical League, CAMWS, and other scholarships; out-of-state Latin teachers pay low in-state fees.  For details write Rome Program, Dept. of Classics, Park Hall, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6203; tel. 706-542-9264; e-mail <>; or access

Six beginning- through advanced-level Latin correspondence courses are available to undergraduates, graduates, teachers, and others through the Independent Studies Office of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Each course carries three - four semester hours of undergraduate credit.  The instructors are Prof. Richard A. LaFleur (LATN 1001, 1002, 2001, "Elementary- Intermediate Latin," and LATN 4220, "Ovid") and Prof. Robert R. Harris (LATN 2002, "Golden Age Prose and Verse," and 3010, "Vergil"), both of the University of Georgia Classics Department.  Courses in Greek and Roman Culture, Classical Mythology, and Medical Terminology are also available.  For a descriptive catalog and application materials, write Independent Study, Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA 30602-3603; tel. 706-542-3243, or access .

The Department of Classics at the University of Georgia invites applications from high-school seniors or college undergraduates for the Warlick-Mannion Scholarship. Established in honor of Charles Louis Warlick and Nora Patricia Mannion, the scholarship is awarded to undergraduates who have studied Latin or classical Greek previously, in high school or college, and who intend to continue their study of classical languages at the University of Georgia. Applicants are expected to provide evidence of excellence in their prior study of Latin or Greek, including teacher recommendations, course grades, and awards for participation in language competitions, and must agree to enroll in at least one Greek or Latin language course at the appropriate level during each semester in which the award is held.  The scholarship carries a stipend of up to $1,000 for the first year and may be renewed annually upon successful re-application. For application forms, contact Scholarship Committee, Department of Classics, Park Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6203; tel. 706-542-9264; email <>; or access Deadline for completed applications is February 1, prior to the academic year for which the application is made.

Persons seeking high school Latin teaching positions in Georgia as well as schools in Georgia and neighboring states that anticipate openings for Latin teachers should contact the GCA Placement Service, Dept. of Classics, Park Hall, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6203 (706-542-9264; e-mail <>; or access  Candidates should supply us with name, address, phone, FAX, e-mail and a one sentence description of the job you are seeking. Positions will be posted to this website,, as we learn of them, and you may then contact the schools directly, usually via a letter and resume.  We will give your name and phone number to schools advertising on our website, but you should also send a letter and resume directly to individual schools or systems. School administrators are asked to provide details of the position together with the name, address and phone number of the person prospective candidates should contact

Next regular issue 2002 08 15
Send submissions to <>