Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
8.5.2 -- 2002 01 28 ISSN 1198-9149
Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.5.2 (2002 01 28) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Annual Meeting
[2] Positions Available
        (MUN; Northeast Normal University, Changchun)
[3] Call for Papers
        (UBC Graduate)

[1] Annual Meeting

From: Robert Todd, University of British Columbia <Back>

Two notes:
1) The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the CAC meeting is extended to 20 February 2002.
2) Information on accommodations is available at Note that for on-campus accommodation, the deadline for the special conference rate is 10

[2] Positions Available
From: Iain Bruce, Memorial University of Newfoundland        <Back>

Tenure Track Appointment with Specialization in Greek or Roman History
Department of Classics
Applications are invited for a tenure track appointment with specialization in Greek or Roman history to commence on September 1, 2002.  The appointee will teach both Greek and Roman history and Latin and Greek, and will have the ability to teach introductory courses in other aspects of classical civilization.  The appointment will be made at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. and provide evidence of excellence in both teaching and research. Salary will be determined according to the current collective agreement.  The position is subject to budgetary approval.  For information about the Department of Classics please visit our website at

Closing date for applications is March 15, 2002.  Applicants should mail or fax their curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three referees to Dr. Iain Bruce, Head,  Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF A1C 5S7; Fax: (709) 737-2135.  Phone: (709) 737-8593.  <>

Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada.  As the Province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the educational and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programmes to almost 16,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John's, a very safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.

Memorial University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from qualified women and men, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.  All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

From: Wu Yuhong             <Back>
One-year Contracts
Northeast Normal University University, Changchun
The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University, Changchun, employs 3-4 Foreign Experts in Assyriology, Egyptology and Classics to teach our  undergraduate, MA and PhD students, on one-year contracts, which can be extended. A half year contract is also possible on condition that a one way airline ticket is refunded to the university (one year contract with return tickets). PhD degree holders and experienced scholars are preferred.  IHAC maintains its own library and publishes a journal, the Journal of Ancient Civilizations, now in its sixteenth year.

Teaching Duties: c. 12-16 hours per week with all instructions conducted in English. Subjects can include Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin; General Greek and Roman History); Assyriology (Sumerian and Akkadian language and other Assyriological studies); Egyptology  (Hieroglyphic Egyptian languages, history, and archaeology); other subjects by agreement.

School Terms: Autumn c. 1 September-c. 10 January; Spring c. 1 March-c. 10 July
Holidays -- c. 10 January-c. 28 February; 1-2 May; c. 10 July-c. 31 August; 1-2 October; 25 December;  -2 January.

Salary: 3000-4000 Yuan per month (up to 70% of this amount per month may be converted into US dollars for single scholars and up to 50% for scholars with families).

Accomodations:  The university provides a fully furnished free apartment (living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen equipped with a washing machine) with adequate free central heating in a complex about15 minutes from the university. Appointee pays a portion of gas and electricity.

Travel: One round trip fare from native city - Changchun. University grants various stipends totalling about 2000 Yuan for travel in China.

Health Care: Inexpensive

Other Information: Food for a family of three costs an average of 1000 Yuan per month. Dining out for one person for all three meals per day costs an average of 850 Yuan per month. The climate is normally sunny, dry, and clear. Temperatures range in winter from -25 C to -10 C; summer 15 C - 28 C.

Changchun, a city of about 2 million, is the capital of Jilin province in Northeast China, and has more universities than any other city in China. Applications should include up-to-date c.v. and two supporting references. Applications, references, as well as requests for information, should be sent to:

Professor Wu, Yuhong
Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations
Northeast Normal University
130024 Changchun
Jilin Province
P.R. China
Applications and inquiries can also be sent via Fax (86-0431-568-4027) or <>

    For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:
    and the Atrium:

[3] Call for Papers
From: Leanne Vincent, University of British Columbia        <Back>

University of British Columbia Society of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies
Graduate Student Conference
This is an invitation to all interested graduate students, in any discipline, to submit abstracts of original research for presentation at the annual University of British Columbia Society of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies Graduate Student conference.  The aim of this conference is to give graduate students a less formal and more intimate forum in which to present papers related to the theme of Frontiers: Religion, Literature and Empire.  The conference will take place at the University of British Columbia from May 9-10, 2002 in the days prior to the annual conference of the Classical Association of Canada.  The abstracts should be no more than one page, double-spaced and may be addressed via regular mail to: SCANNERS Graduate Conference, c/o The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, C260-1866 Buchanan Building- Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T-1Z1. Abstracts may also be submitted via  email to <>. For the latter, please submit abstracts in rich text format.  Total length of presentation should not exceed 20-25 minutes.  The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2002.  Thank you.

Appel à tous les étudiants intéressés, quelle que soit leur discipline, à soumettre un résumé de leur recherche en vue d’une communication lors de la conférence annuelle de la Société des Étudiants du département d’études Classiques, Proche-Orientales, et Religieuses (SCANNERS) de l’Université de Colombie Britannique.  Cette conférence, qui se déroulera les 9 et 10 mai 2002, a pour but de donner aux étudiants de maîtrise et de doctorat l’opportunité de présenter leurs recherches sur le thème des Frontières: Littérature, Religion, et Empire, dans un environement plus intime et moins intimidant. La conférence se déroulera les jours précédents la conférence de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques, qui a lieu à l’Université de Colombie Britannique du 10 au 12 mai 2002. Les propositions de communication ne doivent pas excéder une page, espace double. Elles peuvent êtreadressées par courrier à: Conférence SCANNERS, c/o Département CNERS (études classiques, proche-orientales et religieuses), C260-1866 Buchanan Building-Main Mall, Université de Colombie Britannique, Vancouver, BC  V6T-1Z1, ou par courrier électronique à: <>, (au format RTF s’il vous plaît). Les communications ne doivent pas excéder 20-25 minutes.  La date limite de submission des propositions est arrêtée au 15 février 2002.  Merci.

Next regular issue 2002 03 15
Send submissions to <>