Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
8.5.3 -- 2002 02 05 ISSN 1198-9149
Founding Editor: K. Kinzl
(Trent University)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.5.3 (2002 02 05) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Annual Meeting
[2] Positions Available
[3] Varia

[1] Annual Meeting

From: Robert Todd, University of British Columbia <Back>

for the CAC Annual Meeting at UBC, 11-13 May 2002

Plaza 500 Hotel
500 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Z 1M2
toll-free no. for reservations 1-800-473-1811
30 rooms (executive king; no smoking) have been reserved for delegates to the CAC conference at a rate of $89.00 (single/double/twin), plus 10% (Provincial Room Tax) and 7% (GST).  They are available from 10 May (arrival) to 14 May (departure).  Cancellations: up to 48 hours in advance without penalty.  Shuttle service available.

Please note again that for on-campus accommodation the special rates quoted in the earlier message, and on the website, are available only until 10 April 2002.

[2] Positions Available

From: Gerald Schaus, Wilfrid Laurier University  <Back>

The Board of the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens invites applications for the position of Director of the Canadian Archaeological Insitute in Athens from July 1, 2002 for a one or two year appointment.  Candidates should be established scholars in the field of Greek studies, conversant in modern Greek, and willing to take a leadership role in promoting Greek-Canadian cultural exchange.  The Director must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and willing to reside in Athens for a period of at least 8 months of the year. Funds are extremely limited, and the Board is most open to various models.  Enquiries should be made to <>. Applications should be addressed to Prof. Sheila Campbell, Chair, Personnel Committee, c/o Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Cres., Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 2C4. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2002.


Le Conseil d'administration de l'Institut Académique à Athènes sollicite des candidatures pour le poste de Directeur de l'Institut Canadien d'Archéologie de Athènes. Date d'entrée en fonction: le 1er juillet 2002. Durée du poste : un ou deux ans. Les candidats devront avoir fait preuve d'expertise dans le domaine des études  grecques et devront parler le grec moderne couramment.  De plus, ils devront être prêts à assumer un rôle important dans la promotion des échanges culturels entre la Grèce et le Canada.  Le Directeur devra être citoyen canadien ou résident permanent et être prêt à demeurer à Athènes au moins huit mois par an.  Les fonds étant très limités, le Conseil d'administration est ouvert à toute proposition.  Pour avoir de plus amples renseignments, contacter Gerry Schaus par courriel à:  <>.  Prière d'adresser sa candidature au Professeur Sheila Campbell, Présidente du comité de sélection du personnel à l'adresse suivante: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Cres., Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S2 C4. La date limite de dépot des candidatures est le 15 février 2002.

    For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

     and the Atrium:

[3] Varia

From: Laura Surtees, CAIA<Back>

Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens (CAIA)
Potential New Members
As the Assistant of Outreach Enhancement at the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens (CAIA), one of my projects this year is to promote our Institute by attracting and contacting potential new members. The following are some of the reason I think you will be interested in becoming a member of CAIA, especially if you plan on visiting Greece or continuing to do  research.

CAIA was established 25 years ago in order to facilitate the expedition of permits for Canadians who wished to carry out research into the material culture of Greece, either through excavations or study.  If you are interested in researching anything to do with the material culture, Greek law requires you to obtain permission to study through an academic representative such as CAIA.  So as a member of CAIA, you are able to obtain permits through our Institute and our staff can help with the drafting of your letters and permit applications.  You probably know about the American and British Schools at Athens that have many Canadian members, however, it is less bureaucratic and simpler to work through the Canadian Institute when doing work in Greece.

In addition to the perk of a less expensive annual membership fee, as a CAIA member you receive free reader’s privileges at all the foreign institutes and schools providing the most complete collection of published material concerning the ancient and medieval world.  Beyond facilitating research CAIA membership also enables you to obtain museum and archaeological site passes which allow for free unlimited admission.  For the minimal fee that you pay for the museum pass, you end up saving enormous amounts of money.  If the only sites you visited were the Acropolis, the Agora, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, you would pay as much in admission fees as  the museum pass costs.

CAIA resides in an apartment containing its offices, a library, and a hostel.  The library is open for use everyday and provides a pleasant and quiet working environment.  The hostel accommodations are available to our members, and when the rooms are not vacant, the staff can help provide information about alternative accommodations at various other locations throughout the city.

CAIA is an important cultural institution in Athens providing Canadians the opportunity to study in Greece, and I look forward to welcoming many of you on your next visit to Greece.

Annual fees for student membership are $20 and for regular membership $30.  Please make cheques payable to our Canadian branch, the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens, 59 Queen’s Park Crescent, Toronto, ON M5S 2C4. CAIA is a charitable institution under paragraph 149.1 (1) of the Income Tax Act.

For further details of the functions and the activities of CAIA, please visit our website at or contact me, Laura Surtees, at <>

Next regular issue 2002 03 15
Send submissions to <>