Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
8.7 -- 2002 03 15 ISSN 1198-9149
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.7 (2002 03 15) Return to
Archive Directory

[1] Association Announcements
[2] Positions Available
        (Victoria, McMaster, New Bunswick, Laval)
[3] Fellowships
[4] Calls for Papers
        (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
[5] Summer Study
        (Brock1, Brock2)

[1] Association Announcements
From: F Pownall, University of Alberta                                                                             <Back>

CAC Undergraduate Essay Competition

I am pleased to announce the CAC Undergraduate Essay Competition for 2001/2002.  As was the case last year, in order to make the playing field more level for students in junior or introductory courses, there will be a second competition for essays written for  junior/introductory courses.  Essays for senior/more advanced courses will be judged in a separate competition. Cash prizes will be given to the winners of each competition (first, second, third) and the winning essays will be published on the CAC website.  The deadline will be August 31, 2002 to allow essays from summer courses to be included, and winners will be announced by December 2002. There are no restrictions on length or subject matter, but please make sure that the copy of the essay sent is a clean one (i.e., no grades, corrections, or identifying marks such as the names of the student or professor or the institution).  If possible, please include a cover page with just the title of the essay, and the student's name and information on a separate sheet of paper.  It would also be helpful if the nominating professor would indicate which competition (junior or senior) the essay should be judged under.

Please encourage your students to enter the competition.

Entries can be sent to:

Frances Pownall
Dept. of History and Classics
2-28 H.M. Tory Bldg.
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2H4

or you can e-mail as an attachment (but only MS-Word, please) to <>

[2] Positions available
From: Laurel Bowman, University of Victoria                                <Back>   

CRC Chair in the Aristotelian Tradition

A CRC Chair in the Aristotelian Tradition is advertised at the University of Victoria.  Details of the position can be found on the website at  Please direct enquiries to the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, J. O. Young <>.

From: Carmen Camilleri, McMaster University                                        <Back>

Nine-month contractually limited appointment

The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites applications for a nine-month contractually limited appointment at the rank of lecturer, effective September 1st, 2002.  The current salary for the nine month period of the appointment is $33,000.

Qualifications should include a Ph.D. complete or near completion, teaching experience and the ability to teach undergraduate Latin, Classical Civilization and ancient history courses.  The successful candidate will teach 6 half year courses and be expected to participate in the research and administrative activities of the department.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae and letters from three referees should be sent before April 1, 2002 to Dr. Howard Jones, Clair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M2.  <>

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority.  McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities, and persons with disabilities.

From: Tracey Chiasson, University of New Brunswick, Saint John             <Back>

Nine month term position in Classics

The University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Arts, Saint John, invites applications for a nine month term position in Classics, commencing August 19, 2002, subject to budgetary approval. Applicants should have a doctorate (or near completion) and university- level teaching experience. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in Greek and Roman History. Applications, with curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three referees, should be sent to:

Dr. R. MacKinnon, Dean
Faculty of Arts
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 5050
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 4L5
Fax: (506) 648-5611

The closing date for applications is May 10, 2002.  Questions concerning this position may be directed to Dr. Fred Donnelly, Chair, Department of History & Politics at <>.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Applicants should indicate current citizenship status.  THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK IS COMMITTED TO THE PRINCIPLE OF EMPLOYMENT EQUITY.

From: Lucien Finette, Université Laval                                                                           <Back>

Offre D'Emploi
Professeure ou professeur en langue et littérature grecques ANCIENNES
Le Département des littératures désire pourvoir un poste en langue et littérature grecques anciennes

Fonctions: La personne titulaire de ce poste devra:

  • Assumer un enseignement aux trois cycles, en langue et littérature grecques anciennes;
  • Assumer la direction de mémoires de maîtrise et de thèses de doctorat;
  • Avoir des activités de recherche reconnues dans ce domaine;
  • Participer aux activités départementales et universitaires;
  • Participer aux activités de l’Institut d’études anciennes.
  • Critères de sélection:
  • Doctorat pertinent dans le domaine de la langue et  littérature grecques anciennes ;
  • Expérience de l’enseignement dans ces domaines, au niveau universitaire;
  • Expérience pertinente de recherche en langue et littérature grecques anciennes, publications conséquentes ou subventions à l’appui; une compétence complémentaire dans le domaine de la grammaire comparée et de l’indo-européen serait un atout;
  • Aptitude à travailler en équipe.
  • Traitement et conditions de travail
    Selon la convention en vigueur. L’Université Laval applique un programme d’accès à l’égalité à l’emploi qui, à compétences égales, consacre la moitié des postes vacants à l’engagement de femmes. Entrée en fonction:  1er août 2002

    Faire parvenir sa candidature accompagnée d’un curriculum vitæ et trois  lettres de recommandation d’ici le 16 avril 2002 à:

    Monsieur Roger Chamberland, directeur
    Département des littératures
    Faculté des lettres
    Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
    Université Laval, Québec  G1K 7P4

    En accord avec les exigences du ministère de l’Immigration du Canada, cette offre est destinée en priorité aux citoyennes et citoyens canadiens et immigrantes et immigrants reçus.

        For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

         and the Atrium:

    [3] Fellowships
    From:  Louis L'Allier, Thorneloe College                     <Back>

    The Loukidelis Fellowship

    Please note the new deadline of 5 April 2002.

    The Loukidelis Foundation and the Department of Classical Studies at Thorneloe College of Laurentian University are pleased to announce the Loukidelis Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2002-2003.  The Loukidelis Fellowship is non-renewable and open to individuals who at the time of taking up the fellowship have completed all course and residential requirements for the Doctorate in Classics, with an orientation in Greek studies, and who have passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship.  The holder will be asked to teach a total of three term courses (9 credits) over the Fall and Winter terms and give a public lecture.  In 2002-2003 the holder of the Loukidelis fellowship will receive $18,500, with an allowance of up to $2500 to cover moving and other research-associated expenses.  Applications for the Loukidelis Fellowship should include official transcripts and three letters of reference.  The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission. Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis.  Completed applications should be sent to: Dr Louis L'Allier, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Thorneloe University, Ramsey Lake Road,  Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6 by 5 April 2002. Further inquiries about the position may be directed to Dr. L'Allier <>; and additional information about the department and the university is available on the Web at  Thorneloe College is committed to employment equity.  Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for this position.

    [4] Calls for Papers
    From: Francisco Marshall, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul     <Back>

    Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 02-06, 2002

    "Acaso estamos mortos e só aparentamos / estar vivos, nós gregos caídos em desgraça, que imaginamos a vida semelhante a um  sonho, / ou estamos vivos e foi a vida que morreu." Paladas de Alexandria  (séc. IV d.C.)


    Under the general slogan "um olhar distante" (a distant look), we will discuss these 4 main subjects:
    * Mirrors of tradition – myth, reason and memory
    * Organized space – city and space as cultural codes
    * The Myth of the Hero – narrative, ideology and politics
    * Imaginaries – iconologies and representation

    Papers related to the above topics, in all fields of Ancient History, Cultural History, and related areas, will be welcome.

    Deadline: May 13th, 2002

    Additional information:    <>

    Guest speakers confirmed by March 07:
    Carlo Ginzburg, UCLA, EUA; Ciro Flamarion Santana Cardoso, UFF; Edgard De Decca, UNICAMP; Emanuel Bouzon, PUCR; J Fábio Faversani, UFOP; Fernando Catroga, U. Coimbra, PT; Francisco Bethencourt, F.C.G., FR; Francisco Murari Pires, USP; Hans  Neumann, U. Münster, DE; Hugo Francisco Bauzá, UBA, ARG; Jean-Jacques Glassner, Paris 1, FR; Jacques Leenhardt, EHESS, FR; José Antônio Dabdab Trabulsi, UFMG; Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano, USP; Maria Stella Bresciani, UNICAMP; Nanno Marinatos, UM, EUA; Norberto Guarinello, USP; Raul Buono-Core Varas, UCV, CH; Serge Gruzinski, CNRS, FR; Temístocles Cezar, UFRGS; William V. Harris,Columbia University, EUA

    [5] Summer Study
    From: Leslie Longo-Viccica, Brock University                                         <Back>

    Brock University Archaeological Practicum in Cyprus

    CLAS 4F75:  2002 Brock University Archaeological Practicum in Cyprus with the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.  Excavations at St. George's Hill, Nicosia, Cyprus.  Excavation dates:  May 7th - June 14th, 2002.

    Application deadline:  March 18, 2002.

    For more information write to Dr. Danielle Parks, Department of Classics, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario L2S 3A1 Canada or email <>

    From: David W. Rupp, Brock University                                              <Back>
    Study Tour:  Gift of Dionysos - Wine in Past and Present Greek Culture
    DATES:  June 6 - 29, 2002

    The principal objectives of this 21-day study tour to Greece are to:

  • Visit selected archaeological and historical sites as well as museums to illustrate the essential characteristics of the cultures that occupied the Aegean basin from ca. 6,000 B.C. to the present;
  • Understand how wine was made in antiquity and learn current wine-making practices;
  • Recognize the various vessels and related paraphernalia that was used in the storage, serving and consumption of wine;
  • Appreciate variety of cultural contexts in which wine was used and to comprehend the range of meanings of this use;
  • Learn about contemporary Greek viticulture and oeonological practices at selected vineyards and wineries;
  • Understand Greek climate and physical geography in relation to wine production.
  • Altogether, the Study Tour is an excellent opportunity for a student to gain a first hand, in depth, understanding of the monuments and art of ancient Greece as well as the roles that wine played in the cultures of the Aegean basin over time. The students will also have the opportunity to observe the various influences the physical landscape and climate have on Greek viticulture and wines.  Site visits will range from the Neolithic through the Byzantine periods.  Eighteen museums, two art galleries and seventeen wineries are included on the tour’s itinerary.

    Eligibility: Third and fourth year undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and mature students.  No auditors will be accepted

    Tour fees: (with Toronto/Athens return economy airfare)   CAD$3,950  [ = US$2,490]
              (without airfare)   CAD$2,950   [ = US$1,860]
    Trip cancellation insurance (for medical reasons and Hospital/medical expenses during tour CAD$166.00)
    Tuition for CLAS 4M02 (= full year / 2 semester credit)
            Canadians and landed immigrants   CAD$845.10 (subject to change)
            All others    CAD$1,957.30  [ = US$1233]

    Included in the fees: transatlantic airfare with group; applicable airport taxes; hotels (triple occupancy, with private facilities) with continental breakfast; local transportation as indicated; archaeological site and museum entrances; art gallery entrances; student membership in Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens; winery tours and tastings; welcome and farewell dinners.

    Not included in the fees: meals not specified; metro/subway in Athens; beverages; tips; all items of a personal nature; transportation not connected with the tour; tuition; textbooks.

    For more, detailed information, the itinerary and the application materials see:
    Or call (905 688 5550 ext. 3319), e-mail, or write Professor David W. Rupp, Department of Classics,  Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario L2S 3A1  <>

    Next regular issue 2002 04 15
    Send submissions to <>