Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 8.9 (2002 05 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 8.9 (2002 05 15)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
        1. Positions Available 
                 (University of King's College)
        2. Conference Announcements
        3. Calls for Papers
        4. Varia
                 (CAIA--Walking Tours)

Positions Available
From: Laura Heutschi                                                                               <Back>
The University of King’s College: President
The University of King’s College, founded in 1789, invites nominations and applications for the position of President.  The committed and enthusiastic students, faculty, staff, and alumni are eager to work with an exceptional person.

The University of King’s College has drawn upon its unique history to create a radically different undergraduate experience.  King’s offers its students intimacy and interdisciplinary programmes and, through its partnership with Dalhousie University in Halifax, access to a broad range of educational options.  It offers the Foundation Year Programme (regarded as Canada’s best first-year programme), Honours degrees in Contemporary Studies, Early Modern Studies, the History of Science and Technology and Journalism, as well as a one year post baccalaureate in Journalism.  Primarily residential and located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the University currently has approximately 900 full-time students, 56 faculty and 26 staff. The annual operating budget is approximately $10 Million.

Candidates must be passionate advocates of undergraduate liberal arts education, with a commitment to interdisciplinary programmes and familiarity with a residential environment. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and the academic credentials to ensure credibility are essential.  Historically, the President has played an integral role in the life of the University, by both teaching and occupying the presidential residence known as The Lodge.

The President is the Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chancellor of the University and reports to the Board of Governors.  The President will work with faculty, staff, students, and alumni in a collegial and collaborative manner to advance the aims of the University effectively within a consensual governance structure and the complex Dalhousie institutional context.  He/she will translate the unique vision of the university into successful public relations and fundraising.

The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications in mid-September, with an appointment date of July 1, 2003.  Applications and nominations should be sent to the Landmark Consulting Group, 25 Main Street West, Suite 2225, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 1H1 or to <>.  Further information about the University of King’s College is available at

For US and other jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

and the Atrium:

Conference Announcements
From: Velma Affleck, University of Prince Edward Island                   <Back>
Atlantic Classical Association --- Annual Meeting 2002
The 2002 Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association will take place at the University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. on Friday and Saturday the 20th and 21st of September.

The theme of this year's conference is "Conflict in the Ancient World".  The Greeks and Romans were highly competitive in literary, philosophical, religious, commercial, political and military spheres, and yet succeeded in creating societies which were remarkably stable, cohesive and productive.  Papers which explore some aspect of this conflict are thus especially invited.  Of course, in keeping with the traditions of the Association, contributions on any aspect of the Classical world are welcome.  All papers should be of from 15 to 20 minutes duration.

If you intend to present a paper, please send me the title and an abstract of not more than 100 words by August 1st.  Whether or not you are offering a paper, please confirm your attendance by September 1st.

I would also be grateful if you would make this notice available to colleagues and other interested persons who are not in the CAC e-mail directory.

D.F. Buck
Professor and Chair
Classics Department

Calls for Papers
From: Patrick Paul Hogan, University of Michigan                              <Back>
Call for Papers --- Water: Plumbing the Depths of Purity and Pollution
A Graduate Student Conference at the University of Michigan
Department of Classical Studies
Guest Speakers: Nicholas Purcell, University of Oxford; Richard Thomas, Harvard University
January 31-February 1, 2003
Pindar thought it was best; the Egyptians held it sacred; and empires rose and fell fighting over it, or literally in it.  Water pervaded every aspect of ancient life, for better or for worse, and nowhere is this more evident than in the realms of purity and pollution.

Whether as a geographical entity, a tool, a lifesource, or a symbol, water was almost always integral to the pursuit of cleanliness and purification; at the same time it was a potential conveyor of pollution and the undesirable.  This conference will explore the literal and symbolic manifestations and applications of this element of life in the contexts of purity and pollution, and the tensions between those two forces.

Graduate students are invited to submit abstracts for papers that consider this topic in the ancient Greek and Roman world from the Bronze Age through Late Antiquity.  We encourage a broad spectrum of disciplinary perspectives, including, but not limited to, literature, archaeology, art history, history, philosophy, and religious studies.

Themes for consideration include:

Anonymous abstracts, one page in length, should be received by October 15, 2002.

Please direct all abstracts and inquiries to <> or write us at:

Department of Classical Studies
The University of Michigan
2160 Angell Hall
435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003  USA
C/o Patrick Hogan-Graduate Student Conference

From: Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens - Outreach                <Back>
“Off the Beaten Track”
Walking Tours of Historic Athens
sponsored by the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens
Tours will focus on some of the less known sites scattered throughout the city during June and July 2002.  Cost is 7.50 Euros for members, 10 Euros for non-members.  For further details and to book your place on the tour, contact CAIA at  +30(10)7223201 or at  <>
Visit the CAIA website at

Next regular issue 2002 06 15
Send submissions to <>