Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 9.3 (2002 11 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 9.3 (2002 11 15)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
Positions Available
                 (Campion, New Endland, Australian National, Thorneloe, Southern Illinois, Classical Outlook)
        3. Calls for Papers
                 (University of the Aegean)
        4. Conference Announcements

Positions Available

From: Martin Beech, Campion College at The University of Regina                        
Campion College
At the University of Regina
Tenure Track Position in Classics
Campion College, a Jesuit Catholic liberal arts college, federated with the University of Regina, invites applications for a tenure track position in Classics at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 2003. The successful candidate will have a competence and readiness to teach Latin and/or Greek language and literature, and will be expected to teach courses in classical civilization and mythology at the undergraduate level. An ability of offer courses in other areas, such as archaeology, would also be desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to actively participate in and help expand the classics program at the University of Regina. A Ph.D., at or near completion, evidence of effectiveness in teaching, and an active research program are required.
Located in Regina’s scenic Wascana Park, Campion College offers courses in the humanities, social and natural sciences, and fine arts within the framework of the University of Regina. The College is a fully accredited member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, and its graduates receive University of Regina degrees.

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. A letter of application, a curriculum vitae, samples of research publications and three letters of reference should be sent to Martin Beech Ph.D., Chair of the Classics Search Committee, Campion College, The University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2.  The review of applications will begin on December 15, 2002 and will continue until suitable candidates have been identified.

From: Susan Treggiari                                                                                        
University of New England
Lecturer in Ancient History & Classics
The successful candidate will teach Ancient History at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, contribute to undergraduate teaching in the Classical Languages and Ancient Literature in Translation programmes and
carry out appropriate administration and co- ordination responsibilities. S/he will also be expected to supervise research students and pursue an active research programme.

Applicants will have a PhD in Roman history, be actively engaged in a current research programme with a record of refereed publications and have demonstrated experience of teaching at tertiary level. Experience
in teaching Latin and familiarity with Distance Education would be an advantage. A willingness to work as a member of a team is essential.
Australian National University positions:
Classics, School of Language Studies
The Faculty wishes to fill an important entry-level academic position in Classics. This is a continuing position. This role will involve teaching as a member of a scholarly team in Ancient Greek, Latin and Ancient History/Classical Civilisation.  The successful appointee to the position will have access to support from a special Ancient History Research Fund.

Enquiries: Dr Elizabeth Minchin, Head, School of Language Studies, Tel 02-6125-5106, <>

History, School of Social Sciences

The successful appointees will join a highly-regarded History program, which is led by senior researchers who have wide-ranging interests in Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Australian, American, Aboriginal and Asian history. The successful applicant for the first of these two positions will teach and research in the area of eighteenth to twentieth-century British History. The second position will involve teaching and research in Ancient History. Both are popular areas of study. The appointee to the latter position will be eligible for research support via the Faculty's Ancient History Research Fund.

Enquiries: Dr John Knott, Convenor, History Tel 02-6125-4521, <>

From: Louis L'Allier, Thorneloe University
Assistant Professor in Roman Literature and Social History
The Department of Classics at Thorneloe University invites applications for a probationary (tenure-track) appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning July 1, 2003.  It is subject to budgetary approval.  We seek a scholar who has research interests in Roman literature and social history.  The successful candidate will have a commitment to teaching first and second year Greek and Latin, an interest in developing interdisciplinary courses and who will also contribute to the rest of the Classics mandate as described below.  Candidates must have a Ph.D. or provide evidence that they will have it before the appointment begins.  Other qualifications include demonstrated high achievement in undergraduate teaching, published work and evidence of continuing research.  The department offers a certificate and a concentration in Classical Studies.  A variety of courses are offered: Classical Languages, Greek and Roman History, various literature courses (Epic, the Ancient Novel) as well as Greek and Roman Mythology.  Applicants should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and any other supporting material, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent, to:
Dr. Louis L’Allier,
Chair, Department of Classical Studies,
Thorneloe University
Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
The closing date for applications is 6 January 2003.  More information on Thorneloe University and the Classical Studies program may be found on the University’s website: Thorneloe College is committed to employment equity.  Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for this position.

From: Fred Betz, Southern Illinois University

Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Tenure-track Asst. Prof. in Classics, pending budgetary approval.
Effective date Aug. 16, 2003. Ph.D. in Classics. If all requirements for the Ph.D. are not complete by date of hire, a one-year term appt. at rank of instructor will be offered. The successful candidate will lead the Latin language program, teach a large general-education course in Roman civilization, but should also be able to teach Greek and Latin at all undergraduate levels and general-education courses (including large lecture classes) in classical civilization and mythology. College-level teaching experience and evidence of research potential required. Related research interests in Latin literature or Roman civilization preferred.  Apply by December 20, 2002, or until position filled. Submit complete dossier, including cover letter, CV, brief writing sample (article, paper, Diss. ch.), graduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to Professor Frederick Betz, Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 62901-4521; FAX: 618/453-5499; <>  SIUC is an AA/EOE.

From: Richard LaFleur
Call for Applicants for the Position of EDITOR of The Classical Outlook
The American Classical League invites applications for the position of Editor of The Classical Outlook, the most widely circulated Classics journal in North America.

The Editor is responsible for the evaluation of materials for publication, with the assistance of an editorial board, and for the production and mailing (via mailing service) of four quarterly issues per annum.

The position is not salaried, but a generous travel budget is provided to cover costs of attending the ACL's annual Institute each June as well as a mid-year Executive Committee meeting (ordinarily held at ACTFL or APA) and other professional meetings.

The Editor's home institution (generally a college or university) is expected to provide released time, office space, and clerical assistance at a level sufficient to produce high quality camera-ready copy for printing. ACL covers all other expenses, including phone, printing, mailing, etc., in the form of a grant to the host institution.

Dossiers, including letter of application, curriculum vitae, and evidence of achievement in scholarship, teaching, and professional service, as well as editorial experience, should be mailed by 15 December 2002 to Editor Search Committee, American Classical League, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056.  Inquiries may be directed to the committee at that same address.

Candidates will be interviewed at the 2003 meetings of either the American Philological Association, 3-6 January in New Orleans, LA, or the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 3-5 April in Lexington, KY.

Appointment will be confirmed by the ACL Council at its June 2003 meeting, and the new Editor will be responsible for publication of the journal commencing with the Winter 2004 issue, following an orientation by the current Editor and Senior Associate Editor on the campus of the University of Georgia during the summer of 2003.
Calls for Papers

From: Tom Nairn
University of the Aegean, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 2-5 July 2003
Conference Theme: The Next World Order
The conference this year is being hosted by the Globalism Institute at RMIT, the University of the Aegean and Common Ground, Melbourne. It will be held on the campus of the University of the Aegean in Rhodes, just outside the walls of the World Heritage listed Old City.

The conference will include major keynote papers by internationally renowned speakers and numerous small-group workshop and paper presentation sessions. It will address the role of the humanities in the new world order. Globalisation so far has defined a common economic order, but, thankfully perhaps, not yet a common political or cultural society. All those researching and teaching in the area of the humanities have an urgent stake in discussing these future-shaping processes, whether these reflections are retrospective or prospective.  We cannot simply leave questions of our human futures to the dominance of technologists and economists.

The conference welcomes presentation proposals from right across then humanities, broadly conceived. These may present perspectives which are finely grained and empirical, or which are expansive and theoretical. Diversity of thought and expression is to be expected in a vibrant and relevant humanities. Papers submitted for the conference proceedings will be fully peer-refereed and published in print and electronic formats. If you are unable to attend the conference, virtual registrations are also available allowing access to the electronic versions of the conference proceedings, as well as virtual presentations which mean that your paper can be included in the refereeing process and published with the conference proceedings.

The deadline for the first round call for papers is 15 December 2002.  Full details of the conference, including an online call for papers form, are to be found at the conference website.

We do hope you will be able to attend this important and timely international conference.
Conference Announcements

From: Ella Hermon, Université Laval

Espaces intégrés et gestion des ressources naturellesdans l’Empire romain

Programme provisoire
Colloque international organisé par Ella Hermon (Groupe de recherche en histoire romaine, Institut d'études anciennes et Faculté des lettres, Université Laval) avec la collaboration de Pascal Arnaud (Membre de l’Institut Universitaire de France et de l’Unité mixte de recherche, CEFAM-CNRS, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Université «Sophia Antipolis» de Nice)

Avec  le soutien des institutions et organismes suivants:
Mercredi 5 mars, Université Laval
Accueil des participants
17h 00: Visite de l’Université Laval en compagnie du Groupe de recherche en histoire romaine (GRSH)
18h00: Allocution de bienvenue
M. Jacques Mathieu, Doyen de la Faculté des lettres, Université Laval, Québec.
M. Paul-Hubert Poirier , Directeur de l’Institut d’études anciennes, Université Laval, Québec.
18h 30: Réception de l’Institut d’études anciennes, Faculté des Lettres
         (Dôme des étudiants, 5e étage, Pavillon Bonenfant)

Jeudi  6 mars, Petit Séminaire de Québec
9h 00: Allocution de bienvenue
M. Jean-Marc. Narbonne, président du Comité des célébrations des «Grandes Fêtes» de l’Université Laval, Québec
Mot du président du colloque
M. Luigi Labruna, président d’honneur, président du Conseil des Universités d’Italie, Doyen de la Faculté de droit, Université «Federico II», Naples, Italie.
Séance d’ouverture
Président: M. Luigi Labruna
9h 30: “Prolégomènes méthodologiques,” Ella Hermon,  Université Laval (Québec)
10h 00: “Exploiting the Barrington Atlas as foundation for studies of environment and natural resources in the Greek and Roman world,” Richard J.A. Talbert, Université de Caroline du Nord (USA)
10h 30: Pause-café: Démonstration du site Internet GRHR, Université Laval
11h 00: Espaces intégrés: diffusion du savoir scientifique
Institut des sciences et technologies de l’Antiquité (ISTA-CNRS), Université de  Besançon, France et Action Cost (Espagne)
12h 00: Repas et Réunion de travail  projet  IDR: projet éditorial
14h 00: Séance II: Sources et concepts: Romanisation, centre-périphérie, représentations sociales
Présidente: Monique Clavel-Lévêque, ISTA-CNRS; Action Cost (France)
14h 10: “Strabon, la romanisation des provinces d’Occident et l’intégration de l’économie: entre topique et analyse,” Pascal Arnaud, Université de Nice «Sophia Antipolis» (France)
14h 30: “Paysages de frontière : l’Arménie ancienne chez Strabon,” Giusto Traina, Université de Lecce (Italie)
14h 50: “Représentations sociales et les vignettes des manuscrits des Gromatici,” Antonio Gonzales, Ista, Université de Besançon (France)
15h 10: “La perception des mines anciennes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui,” Almudena Orejas Saco del Valle, Action Cost, Université de Madrid (Espagne)
15h30: Allocution du doyen de la faculté de droit M. Pierre Lemieux, Université Laval (Québec)
La Cérémonie de la remise du doctorat honoris causa de l’Université Laval à M. Luigi Labruna, Président du conseil des Universités d’Italie, doyen de la faculté de droit Federico II ( Naples, Italie).
Réception du recteur de l’Université Laval
Organisée par le comité de célébration des «Grandes Fêtes» de l’Université Laval en présence de diverses personnalités des mondes académique, politique et diplomatique sous la présidence du Recteur de l’Université Laval, M. Michel Pigeon.

Vendredi 7 mars: Petit Séminaire de Québec
Séance III: Sources et pratiques de gestion des ressources naturelles
Président: Okko Behrends, Université de Göttingen, (Allemagne)
9h 00: “Quelques textes gromatiques sur l’occupation et le marquage des terres,” Jean-Yves Guillaumin, ISTA, Université de Besançon (France)
9h 30: “Potentialités naturelles et viticulture,” Monique Clavel-Lévêque et Antonio Gonzales, ISTA, Université de Besançon, CNRS-(France), Action Cost (Europe)
10h 00: Pause-Café: Démonstration du lexique synoptique: Les terres publiques, GRHR et RVE (Université Laval)
10h 30: “L’évaluation des compétences agrologiques des sols dans l’agronomie latine au Ier s. ap. J.-C.: Columelle, Pline l’ancien et le cadastre B d’Orange,” François Favory, CNRS-Université de Besançon (France)
11h 00: “Un des aspects des Collectanea rerum memorabilium de Solin: l’inventaire des ressources de l’oikoumène en productions remarquables,” M. Robert Bedon, Université de Limoges (France)
11h 30: “La diffusion du savoir scientifique,” E. Hermon, GRHR et le Réseau de valorisation de l’enseignement de l’Université Laval
12h 00 :  Repas
Réunion de travail du groupe IDR : programmation des activités (2003-2004) du projet
14h 00: Séance IV: Politiques globales et régionales de gestion des ressources naturelles
Président:  Luigi Capogrossi-Colognesi, CNR, Université «La Sapienza» de Rome (Italie)
14h 00: “Les principes du droit romain et la gestion des ressources naturelles,” Okko Berends, Université de Göttingen (Allemagne)
14h30 : “La gestion des conflits d’eau : les Gromatici et les sources juridiques,” Carla Masi-Doria, Université de Naples «Federico II» (Italie)
15h 00: Pause-café: Démonstration du diagramme synoptique, GRHR et RVE (Université Laval)
15h 30: “Peuplement et surpeuplement: leur rapport avec les ressources naturelles,” Elio Lo Cascio, Université de Naples «Federico II» (Italie)
16h00 : “La gestion de l’eau entre l'entreprise privée et l’administration publique dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine,” Jean-Jacques
Aubert, Université de Neûchatel  ( Suisse)

Samedi 8 mars: Petit Séminaire de Québec
Séance V: Espaces intégrés
Président: Pascal Arnaud, Université «Sophia Antipolis» de Nice (France)
9h 00: “Rome et la montagne: Les Alpes du Sud, une étude de cas,” Philippe Leveau, Centre Camille Jullian, Aix-en- Provence ( France)
9h 30: “Montagnes et plaines: transhumance et élevage,” Marinella Pasquinucci , Université de Pise (Italie)
10h30-12h00:  Séance VI : Clôture du colloque
Réflexions de synthèse:
Pascal Arnaud
Okko Behrends
Luigi Capogrossi-Colognesi
Monique-Clavel Lévêque
Philippe Leveau
Ella Hermon
Conclusion: Luigi Labruna

Next regular issue 2002 12 15
Send submissions to <>