Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 9.5.1 (2003 01 31)

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 9.5.1 (2003 01 31)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
Call for Papers
                 (Windsor, APA)
        2. Summer Study

From: Robert Weir, University of Windsor     
Onward to the Olympics:
Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games
October 3-4, 2003:   
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
An international conference on Olympic history, ancient to modern, sponsored by The Canadian Academic Institute in Athens and Wilfrid Laurier University, with participating institutions: the University of Guelph, the University of Western Ontario and the University of Windsor.
First Call for Papers
Introduction: Southern Ontario is a focal point in Canada for the study of the Olympic Games both in their original development at Olympia, Greece  and in their modern transformation from Athens, 1896 to Athens, 2004. The Olympic Round Table at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo has alternated yearly with the International Symposium for Olympic Research sponsored by the International Centre for Olympic Studies at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario bringing together students, scholars, athletes and organizers of the Olympics Games. The Canadian Academic Institute in Athens, with home office at the University of Toronto and research facilities in Athens, Greece is preparing for the Athens 2004 Games by developing a Media Ring to support the information needs of media in Canada and elsewhere as they gear up for the upcoming Games in Greece, as well as other information resources for schools and interested visitors. Onward to the Olympics will bring together scholars and students of Olympic history to focus on major accomplishments of these unique athletic festivals, as we look to the future, to Athens in 2004 and to the place of  Olympic athletics in the 21st century.

Call for Papers: Papers are invited on topics within the purview of the history of the Olympic Games, including, for example, gender issues, commercialism, political interference, idealism and spectacle.

Abstracts (maximum 300 words) should be submitted to the conference chairs: Dr. Gerald Schaus <> (ancient Olympics) or Dr. Stephen Wenn <> (modern Olympics) by Friday, February 28, 2003. Mail submissions may be sent to either chair at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5.   Papers should be no longer than 20 minutes. Submissions will be reviewed for selection by appropriate members of the organizing committee.

 Publication of selected papers from the conference is planned in a volume of Proceedings. For further information, please see and the web site of the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens:

Organizing Committee:
Gerald Schaus, chair, Wilfrid Laurier Univ.
Victor Matthews, Univ. of Guelph
Nigel Crowther, Univ. of Western Ontario
Robert Weir, Univ. of Windsor
Stephen Wenn, chair, Wilfrid Laurier Univ.
Kevin Wamsley, Univ. of Western Ontario
Robert Barney, Univ. of Western Ontario
Scott Martyn, Univ. of Windsor

From: Tiberiu Popa, University of Pittsburgh     

Call for Papers
New Approaches to Ancient Science
A Three-Year Colloquium of the American Philological Association
Organized by Tiberiu Popa, University of Pittsburgh
and Philip Thibodeau, DePauw University

2nd Year:  Earth Sciences
135th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association
San Francisco, January 2004
This three-year colloquium aims to shed new light on ancient science, enable established and emerging scholars to share views with one another, and give this exciting field more prominence among classicists.  We hope to spur a large audience to a greater appreciation of the power and sophistication, as well as the often telling limitations, of ancient scientific theories.  The organizers invite researchers from a wide range of disciplines - classics, history and philosophy of science, political and economic history, archaeology - to examine ancient science from their own varied perspectives.

In its second year, the colloquium will center on 'earth sciences' in antiquity (geography, geology, meteorology), a field that has witnessed renewed interest over the past few decades.  Fascinating new lines of investigation have shed light on everything from the reception and critique of meteorological theories in antiquity to techniques used in cartography and stereographic projection - yet there is still much work that needs to be done. We encourage contributors to submit papers which fall under at least one of the following rubrics: Abstracts of no more than 800 words should be sent by February 15, 2003 to Tiberiu Popa, <> (or: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Classics, 1518 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260). Email and hard-copy contributions are equally welcome.  All abstracts will be judged anonymously by three referees; notifications of the colloquium's final decision will be sent out by March 25, 2003. Contributors must be members in good standing of the American Philological Association.  For more information please visit our website at

Summer Study
From: Richard LaFleur, University of Georgia

2003 Classics Summer Institute at the University of Georgia

Each summer the Classics Summer  Institute at the University of Georgia offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate Latin and Classics courses and, in odd-numbered years, Intensive Beginning Greek. The Institute curriculum is supplemented by workshops and guest lectures by visiting Master Teachers and other scholars. The program is designed especially for Latin teachers who wish to continue their education or earn a Master's degree in Latin on a summers-only basis. The 15 faculty members of the department share in a tradition of cooperation with high school teachers and programs which has culminated in an exciting and challenging curriculum. Scholarship assistance is available and Latin teachers pay only the low in-state Georgia tuition.

Here are this summer's offerings:

Classes are held from mid-June to early August; most courses are offered in intense four-week short sessions. The Department of Classics houses both the Alexander Room, a quiet, comfortable reading room and reference library with approximately 3,200 volumes, and a state-of-the-art computer lab for its students and is adjacent to the University's three-million volume library.

For more information about the Institute and our courses, please consult our web site at or email <>.

Next regular issue    2003 02 15
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