Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 9.6 (2003 02 14)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray   (University of New Brunswick)    <
Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto at Mississauga)  <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 9.6 (2003 02 14)                        <Return to CCB Archive>
AGM 2003
                  (Deadline for Women's Network Panel)
        2. Positions available
               (Brock, American Academy in Rome)
        3. Scholarships and Fellowships
                (Conacher Fellowship, Etruscan Foundation 2003)
        4. Summer Study
                (American Academy in Rome [2])
        5. Calls for Papers
        6. Varia

                 (Alburnus Maior, Drama at Trent)

AGM 2003
Please Note: The deadline for abstracts for the CAC WN panel on CLOTHING
AND TEXTILES IN THE ANCIENT WORLD has been extended until 28 Feb 2003.

Positions Available
From: Leslie Longo-Viccica

Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4207

Position Title: Instructor
Course:  CLAS 1P95 – Myths of the Greek and Roman Gods
Spring Evening 2003 - May 5 - June 7, 2003
Compensation: $4,120.00

A.B.D. in Classics (including Classical Studies, Ancient Studies, Classical Archaeology).
Evidence (e.g. letters of reference, course evaluations) of recent, successful University-level teaching in Classics.
Recommendations from Professors of Classics

Applications will be accepted until March 14th, 2003.
Applications should include a cover letter outlining qualifications & experience, a current curriculum vitae, the names and contact information (including email) of two referees, a CUPE 4207 application form and your seniority date.  Forward applications to:
Prof. Carol U. Merriam
Spring Term Co-ordinator
Department of Classics
Brock University
St. Catharines, ON  L2S 3A1
For further information contact Carol U. Merriam,  at 905-688-5550, ext 3320, <> or Leslie Longo-Viccica, Administrative Assistant, at 905-688-5550, ext. 3575, <>.

From: Erin Upton

American Academy in Rome
The American Academy in Rome invites applications for the position of  Director of the Summer Program in Archaeology, a three-year term, 2004-2006.

The Summer Program in Archaeology was established in 1991 to give graduate students of Latin, ancient history and the classics, as well as archaeology and art history, an overview of current developments in archaeological method and theory, focusing on ancient Italy and the ancient Mediterranean world.  This program is intended primarily for graduate students, but also accepts qualified, advanced undergraduate students.  Participants in this 7-8 week program divide their time between Rome and field study at excavation sites.  The Director reports to the Mellon Professor in the Humanities and is responsible for the curriculum, operation and quality of the program, with assistance from the Academy staff in Rome and New York.

Eligible applicants will demonstrate knowledge of Roman history and material culture, Latin, Italian and hold a position as a college or university faculty member.

Application Deadline:  1 April 2003

Send cover letter, curriculum vitae and three sealed letters of reference to:  Chairman of the Search, Summer Program in Archaeology, American Academy in Rome, 7 East 60 Street, New York, NY 10022-1001.

For further information about the Academy and a complete position description, please visit>.

Scholarships and Fellowships
From: Martin Cropp

Please circulate this notice to students applying for graduate programme admission

Classical Association of Canada

The Desmond Conacher Scholarship
Call for applications, February 2003

This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the Classical Association of Canada. The scholarship has been endowed through donations from his
family, friends, colleagues, and universities with which he was associated. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the Classical Association of Canada through its Awards Committee. One award of $2,500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria: Applicants must be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) intending to enter the first year of graduate studies in a classics or similar programme at a Canadian university. Specializations within the general area of classics such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. Applicants must be less than 28 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. The main criteria are academic achievement, professional promise, and an appropriate undergraduate preparation.

Application procedure:
The following items should be sent, to arrive by APRIL 15th, to Professor Martin Cropp, CAC Awards Committee Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4: A personal statement describing the applicant’s previous academic
career, employment experience, and academic and career objectives; A list of graduate programs to which the applicant has applied for admission; Transcripts recording the applicant’s undergraduate degree work
(unofficial transcripts are acceptable if certified by the applicant’s department); A list of any academic awards and honours received at the postsecondary
level ; Two letters of recommendation from teachers familiar with the applicant’s work (sent separately by the writers or included with the application in envelopes sealed and countersigned by them).

Selection and award procedure: The Committee meets during the Association’s annual general meeting in May. Applicants will be informed of the results soon after this. The award will be paid in September subject to confirmation that the winner has registered in an appropriate graduate program.

The committee may choose to reduce the amount of the award or make an honorary award if the total amount of this and other awards offered to the winner for the first twelve months of graduate study (including
scholarships, fee remissions, teaching and research assistantships and the like) exceeds $18,000. In such cases an award may be made to a runner-up.

Further information: Questions should be addressed to the Awards Committee chair, Professor Martin Cropp <>.  Other committee members in 2002-03 are Professors Janick Auberger (Université
du Québec à Montréal: <>), Craig Cooper (Treasurer, CAC: University of Winnipeg: <>), Michele George (McMaster University: <>), James Russell (Past President, CAC: University of British Columbia <>).
À communiquer aux étudiants demandant l’admission au deuxième cycle

Sociéte Canadienne d'études Classiques

Bourse de la Fondation Desmond Conacher
Concours de bourse annuelle,  février  2003

Cette bourse est offerte en mémoire de Desmond  Conacher, ancien Professeur d'études classiques à Trinity College, Toronto, Membre de la Société royale du Canada et Président honoraire de la Société canadienne d'études classiques. La Fondation a été constituée grâce aux généreux dons de la famille, des amis et des collègues de D. Conacher, ainsi que des universités auxquelles il était affilié. Ses objectifs sont
d'encourager et de soutenir financièrement un jeune étudiant débutant des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada. La Fondation est administrée par la Société canadienne d'études classiques et son Comité
de sélection. Une bourse de 2500 $ est attribuée chaque année.

Critères d’admissibilité: Les candidats doivent être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) sur le point de commencer la première année d'un programme de deuxième cycle en études classiques (ou l'équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Les divers domaines de
spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l'histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l'archéologie, sont admissibles. Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 28 ans au 1er
janvier de l'année de la demande. Les principaux critères de sélection sont les réalisations académiques, les objectifs de carrière et les perspectives de succès, et le fait de posséder une formation de premier cycle pertinente.

Modalités de présentation:
Les pièces suivantes devraient être acheminées au plus tard le 15 avril (à destination) à: Professeur Martin
Cropp, Président du Comité de sélection de la SCEC, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 : Une lettre personnelle faisant état des études antérieures, des expériences de travail et des objectifs universitaires et de carrière; Une liste des programmes d'études supérieures dans lesquels le candidat a posé sa candidature; Originaux ou copies certifiées conformes (par le département) des résultats obtenus au cours des études de premier cycle; Une liste des prix, honneurs et bourses reçus aux niveaux collégial et universitaire; Deux lettres de recommandation écrites par des professeurs d'université
connaissant bien les travaux du candidat (envoyées séparément par les professeurs ou par le candidat, sous pli cacheté, et contresigné par le professeur).

Procédure de sélection et annonce des résultats: Le comité de sélection se réunit à l'occasion du Congrès annuel qui se tient en mai. Les candidats seront informés des résultats peu de temps après. La bourse sera versée en septembre, après confirmation que le récipiendaire a bien complété son inscription dans un programme d'études supérieures d'une université canadienne.

Le Comité de sélection peut réduire le montant de la bourse ou peut décider d'un prix honorifique de remplacement si la somme de la bourse et des autres bourses cumulées par le récipiendaire (incluant tout type
de bourse, exemption de frais de scolarité, contrats d'assistanat d'enseignement ou de recherche, ou toute forme de revenu de cet ordre) excède le montant de 18,000 $. Dans ce cas, une bourse pourra être
accordée au second en lice.

Informations:  Les demandes d'informations supplémentaires devront être adressées par écrit au Président du Comité de sélection, M. Martin Cropp
<>.  Les autres membres du Comité de sélection pour l'année 2002-2003 sont: Mme Janick Auberger (Professeure, Université du
Québec à Montréal: <>), M. Craig Cooper, Trésorier de la SCEC (Professeur, University of Winnipeg: <>),
Mme Michele George (Professeure, McMaster University: <>), M. James Russell, Président sortant de la SCEC (Professeur, University of British Columbia: <>).

Note : La forme masculine a été employée pour alléger le texte.

From: John J. Dobbins

The Etruscan Foundation has a long tradition of supporting fieldwork and scholarship in Etruscology and related disciplines. Beginning in 2002, the Etruscan Foundation is pleased to underwrite up to four fellowships (for up to $2000 each), designed to help defray the costs of student participation in a field school or in archaeological fieldwork at ancient sites in Italy. These fellowships are available to advanced undergraduates (including seniors) or graduate students at North American colleges and universities.  These scholarships are not limited to work on Etruscan sites; applications for archaeological work at any ancient site in Italy are welcome.

Each fellowship carries a stipend of up to $2,000; this stipend can be used to defray costs of travel, room and board or fees connected with the excavation. Etruscan Foundation Fellows will be expected to satisfy the terms of the award.

Applications will be evaluated by a subcommittee drawn from the Etruscan Foundation Advisory Board, supplemented, when appropriate, by outside ad hoc members. Their recommendations will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Four copies of the application (as well as the original sealed letter of recommendation) are due by 5:00 PM on April 1, 2003 at the office of the Etruscan Foundation:
The Etruscan Foundation
Ms. Gwen Dwyer
c/o Grants Management Associates
77 Summer Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02110-1006
Further details and the application are available at the Etruscan Foundation's web site:

Summer Study
From: Erin Upton
American Academy in Rome
Summer Program in Archaeology
4 June- 23 July 2003

The Summer Program in Archaeology was conceived in 1991 to give graduate students in all areas of Classical studies an overview of current developments in archaeological method and theory, focusing on ancient Italy and the ancient Mediterranean world. The seven-week course teaches twelve selected participants the objectives and methods of archaeology through instruction and hands-on experience in active archaeological research. The program is divided into two parts: three weeks in residence at the American Academy for lectures and the opportunity to study the monuments and sources offered by Rome itself, and four weeks on-site at an archaeological excavation. Part of the field work will include joining the Stanford University excavations at Monte Polizzo in west Sicily, directed by Prof. Ian Morris.

The program is open to graduate students in archaeology, Classics, and art history, though qualified advanced undergraduate students may also be considered.

Costs and Logistics
A fee of $2,500, which covers tuition, partial room and board, and travel within Italy, must be paid to the Academy's office in New York by 15 May 2003. This amount does not cover the cost of transportation to and from Italy. Participants should be prepared to pay for additional meals, any travel not directly related to the program and other personal expenses such as laundry.

Participants will be accommodated in the newly renovated building at Via Masina 5b adjoining the main Academy building, with multi-room apartments. Participants will be housed in double rooms with shared baths. Applicants should note that there is no air conditioning either at the Academy or in most public buildings in Rome. Lunch and dinner are provided at the Academy Monday through Saturday. Each participant will receive a bill itemizing charges for phone calls and other incidental expenses.

Students are encouraged to obtain support from their university or department. Additional financial assistance from the Academy is available to qualified participants in the program. If such assistance is requested, please submit copies of any financial award letters for the most recent academic year. In determining scholarship amounts, preference will be given to those students enrolled at colleges and universities that are Institutional Members of the American Academy in Rome.

How to Apply
Applications should consist of a cover letter explaining why the program is of interest, a curriculum vitae and two sealed letters of recommendation.

Applications should be sent to:
Ingrid Rowland
Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities
American Academy in Rome
7 East 60 Street
New York, NY 10022
Application Deadline: 15 March 2002

All applicants will be notified by mid-April.

For questions and information, please contact Prof. Ingrid Rowland <>.

From: Erin Upton
American Academy in Rome
Classical Summer School
23 June - 1 August 2003
This program is open to graduate students (and mature undergraduates) of Classics, ancient history, Classical art, or Classical archaeology; and to middle school, high school and two-year college teachers, a significant component of whose teaching involves Latin, ancient Greek, or Classical civilization.  The Classical Summer School provides participants with a well-founded understanding of the growth and development of the ancient city of Rome and its immediate environs from the earliest times to the age of Constantine through a careful study of material remains and literary sources.  Daily visits to sites and museums are accompanied by lectures to introduce the material and place it within its context.  Besides frequent excursions within Rome, the group will take field trips to major sites such as Palestrina, Sperlonga, the Alban Hills, Ostia, Cerveteri, Tarquinia, and Veii.  The director is Professor Ann Vasaly, Department of Classics, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 353-2427, <>.

Tuition is $1,400.  Tuition, fees, room and board will total approximately $4,600, not including airfare or personal expenses. Scholarships are available from regional and state classical associations with deadlines ranging from October 2002 to April 2003.

DEADLINE: 3 March 2003

 For applications, contact: American Academy in Rome, 7 East 60 Street, New York, NY 10022-1001, (212) 751-7200 ext.41, <>,

Call for Papers
From: Craig Cooper


Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World VI: the Politics of Orality
Call for papers

The Department of Classics at the University of Winnipeg invites all classicists, historians and students of oral culture to the Sixth Biennial conference on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World, to take place in Winnipeg from 5 to 9 July, 2004.

This conference will follow the same format as the previous five conferences held at Hobart, Tasmania (1994), Durban (1996), Wellington (1998), Columbia, Missouri (2000), and Melbourne (2002), and refereed proceedings will be published by E.J. Brill as Volume 6 in the Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World series in, it is hoped, late 2005.

Located in southern Manitoba, the geographical centre of North America, Winnipeg can be reached by air through Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Chicago, or Minneapolis and by canoe through Hudson Bay.  Early July (our spring/summer/fall season) is very pleasant, warm and dry. There are a number of local festivals and attractions, and for our American colleagues, the Canadian dollar makes the visit a bargain.  The University of Winnipeg is located downtown, with easy access to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Provincial Museum, the Provincial Legislature, the Hudson Bay archives, the historic Forks of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, and a number of restaurants and hotels.  Next to the University is the Holiday Inn; rooms at the University rate go for $79 Cdn ($52 US).  Just a short walk from the University stands the Fort Garry, one of Canada’s famous railway hotels, which rents rooms for $99 Cdn ($65 US).  For those who wish to economize, rooms are available at the William and Catherine Booth College, next to the University, for $20 Cdn ($13 US).  At the college meals can be had for very reasonable prices (breakfast: $3 Cdn; lunch $5.50 Cdn; dinner: $6.50 Cdn).  By the end of March 2003, a Web-Page for the conference will be accessible through the Classics Web-Page with full details on registration and accommodation

The theme for the conference is The Politics of Orality.  As a society moves, however incompletely, from an oral to a literate culture, what controversies arise in that transition?  What value and weight can still be attributed to oral tradition?  Issues for the Ancient World could include the question of orality and democracy; the debate on the effects of writing down laws or the shift from oral to written evidence; the impact which Lycurgus’ official copy of the plays of the three tragedians had on the transmission of texts and on the oral performance of  plays; the role of debate in the political process.  Papers need not be restricted to only these possible areas of discussion but can cover any area of controversy in the Ancient World that arises in the transition from an oral to a literate society.

We would also like to include at this conference contributions from other disciplines and areas of study that deal with present day problems of orality and literacy, such as Anthropology, Aboriginal Studies or Folklore Studies.  For example, Canadian courts have had to deal with the weight to be given to Aboriginal oral traditions in resolving land claims; a member of our own Anthropology department is preparing an oral archive of Cree tales and there may be an opportunity to hear some of this first hand.  Similar work is being conducted on oral traditions of post-war German immigrants to Canada in the department of History.

Abstracts of 250 words should be sent by 5 September, 2003 by mail or e-mail as Word attachments to:
Dr. Craig Cooper, Chair
Department of Classics
University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R3B 2E9

From: Duncan Fishwick

Geza Alfoeldy has informed me that the Roman site at Alburnus Maior is being threatened by Canadian mining interests. A campaign is underway to save the site.  All that people have to do is to write Alfoeldy <> giving their name, title, university and address.  He will then place the name on the web, Home Page .  There are also three letters which he would like supporters to just sign and mail  to the relevant official in Roumania - again giving name, title, address etc. These can be obtained by writing me.

I think it is very important that Canadian classicists be involved in this, especially as it is a Canadian firm that is threatening to do the damage.

From: Kathy Axcell
Department of Ancient History & Classics
Lady Eaton College, 1600 Westbank Drive
Peterborough, Ontario   K9J 7B8   CANADA
(705)748-1011, ext. 1814; FAX: (705)748-1131; E-mail: AHC@TRENTU.CA

You are cordially invited to a dinner in honour of the Classics Drama Group’s production of Aeschylus’ Suppliants preceding opening night Thursday, February 27, 2003

5:30pm:   Dinner
    Shish-Kabob Hut
    220 King Street

8:00pm:   CDG production
    The Pit - L.E.C.

R.S.V.P. by February 24, 2003
Kathy Axcell, Dept. Secretary
Ancient History & Classics, LEC
Phone: 705-748-1011, 1814
E-mail:  Kathy Axcell <>  to reserve complimentary tickets.

Next regular issue    2003 03 15
Send submissions to