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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 11.12.2 (2005 09 09)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 11.12.2 (2005 09 09)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Call for Papers
                     (Atlantic Classical Association)
        2. Conference Announcement
                     (CAIA Student Conference)
        3. Varia
                     (Apartment in Lucca, Italy)

Call for Papers

From: Beert Verstraete

Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association
October 21 and 22, 2005

This year's annual meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association will be hosted by the Department of History and Classics of Acadia University, in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, on October 21 and 22 (a Friday and a Saturday). This meeting will be placed under the rubric of "Classics and the Social Sciences." The key-note speaker will be Professor Robert Prus of the Department of Sociology at the University of Waterloo. Dr Prus has numerous publications (including several books) to his credit. Some of these set out the theoretical and methodological foundations of the influential Symbolic Interactionist School of sociology (sometimes referred to as the Chicago School), while others are studies of contemporary Canadian society which exemplify the strong ethnographic tradition, established by the Chicago School, of doing social science. More recently, Professor Prus has become keenly interested in the Greco-Roman antecedents of Western social thought, in particular those that anticipate the themes of intentionality, agency, and intersubjectivity foregrounded by the Symbolic Interactionists. His key-note address will explore this subject.

Papers that reflect the social-science emphasis of the conference, as well as other papers on any aspect of Greco-Roman antiquity, are cordially invited.

We will schedule sessions for the presentation of papers in the afternoon of Oct. 21 and the morning of the 22nd. The key-note address followed by a reception will take place in the evening of the 21st. A luncheon followed by a short business meeting will come right after the morning sessions of the 22nd.

If you are planning to fly in, we will arrange transportation by van or shared taxi for you from the Halifax Airport to Wolfville at a fixed time late in the morning or early in the afternoon of the 21st and back to the Airport again by mid-afternoon of the 22nd. Soon after the deadline for submission of abstracts has passed, we will send you the programme and information about available accommodation in and around Wolfville.

The registration fee for this conference is $25 payable at the conference.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 26. Please send your abstract (preferably as a Word document) to:

Vernon Provencal
Beert Verstraete

N.B. If you are thinking of attending without presenting a paper, please notify us as well so that we can put you on our mailing list.

Conference Announcement
From: Jane Francis

Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens
Student Conference

Concordia University
Hall Building, Room 631
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec
September 23-24, 2005

Friday, September 23, 2005

8:30 am Registration

9:00 am Welcome (J. Francis, Concordia University; G. Schauss, CAIA President)

9:15 am Session 1

Lian Chang (McGill University): The Generation of Daidala

Roxanne Guevin (UQàM): Critique de l'écriture du Phèdre et poétique de la composition des discours

Timothy Holt (Trent University): Who They Were and What They Lost: The Nature of the Greek Dead in Odyssey 11

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Session 2

Xavier Brouillette (École Pratique des Hautes Études): Philosophie et périégèse dans le dialogue sur les oracles de la Pythie de Plutarque

Julien Villeneuve (McGill University): Plotinus against the Peripatetics on Happiness

Frederic Tremblay (UQàM): Les catégories dynamiques chez Aristote

12:15-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00 Session 3

Ben Deutsch (University of Toronto): A Review of the 'Octopus' Form in Minoan and Mycenaean Pottery

Renée Bouchard (Université de Montréal): Analysis of Women Charioteers on the Red-figure Pyxis # 216211

Jessica Steppert (Queen's University): A Study in the Chronology of Hellenistic Art: The Laokoon Group Controversy

3:00 Coffee Break

3:30 Session 4

Graham Wrightson (University of Calgary): How innovative was Alexander the Great's army?

Steven Sirski (Independent Student): Cosmology, Astrology, Astronomy: Religions or Sciences of the Ancient Greeks?

4:00 Tour

Antiquities galleries, Musée des beaux arts de Montréal, 1380 Sherbrooke St.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

9:30 am Session 5

Constance Sleeth (Trent University): Temple as the Foundation of Certain Poleis

Mary-Margaret Fincher (Independent Student): The Death of Alexander the Great: Still a Mystery?

Rene Georgopalis (University of Alberta): Understanding Artemisia and Gender-Role Reversal

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Session 6

Matthew Malott (University of Windsor): Ritual, Substitution and Murder in Greek Tragedy

Leonora Biagioni (Independent Student): The Trojan Women, Helen and Hecuba: Two Sides of the Same War

Tamara Jones (McMaster University): The Modern Identification of Medea as Other: The Transmission of an Ancient Greek Myth

David Grant Thompson III (University of Puget Sound): Aeschylus' Persae and Early 5th-Century Athens

12:45 Lunch Break

2:00 Session 7

Ileanna Szymanski (University of Guelph): 'Quality' in Aristotle's Theory of Sense-Perception

Darryl Murphy (Wilfrid Laurier University): Hapax Legomena in Aristotle's Peri Psyche

Terry Rahbek-Nielsen (University of Calgary): Bronze Age Crete: Reconsidering a Victorian Utopia.

3:30 Closing Remarks

4:00 Keynote Lecture

Dr. Shelley Wachsmann: Deep-Submergence Archaeology: The Persian War Shipwreck Survey

Contact: Jane Francis   (

From: Frank Burke

Research/Sabbatical/Vacation Housing
Lucca, Italy

Child friendly. Newly renovated apartment in Lucca, Italy. 880 square feet with 400-square-foot terrace. Two bedrooms and studio or three bedrooms, depending on use, plus spacious kitchen/living room and bathroom. Ideally equipped for researchers (high-speed internet, voltage transformers, etc.). Air conditioned with dishwasher and washing machine. Tenants entitled to 10% discount on Italian language courses. Available from October 7, 2005 till late May or possibly late June 2006, preferably for rentals of 2 weeks or longer. For more information, photos, and prices see: Email contacts: Frank Burke at, Annette Burfoot at

Next regular issue 2005 09 15
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