Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes
11.5        2005 01 16          ISSN 1198-9149
Editors/Rédacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques
President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary)
Secretary/Secrétaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Treasurer/Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)
[1] Positions Available
[2] Summer Study
[3] Calls for Papers
[4] Varia
[5] Of Note
1] Positions Available
From: Diana Walton
Nipissing University
Faculty of Arts and Science
Classical Studies
The Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies invites applications for a nine-month limited-term position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August 1st, 2005, subject to final budgetary approval. The area of specialization is Classical Greek and Roman civilization. The successful candidate will be required to teach two sections of Classics 1005, which is a full-year introductory survey course in Greek and Roman civilization, and Classics 2005, a full-year upper-level course in Classical Mythology. In second term, the appointee will have the option to teach, for additional remuneration, the half-year upper-level course, Classics 3097 Women in Classical Rome.
Preference will be given to candidates with a PhD in Classical Studies who have expertise relevant to the courses listed above and a demonstrated ability to teach at the undergraduate level. Candidates with a PhD near completion are also encouraged to apply.
In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens. Nipissing University is an equal opportunity employer. The deadline for receiving applications is March 18, 2005.
For more information contact Dr. Margaret Denike, Chair Department of Humanities & Cultural Studies at (705) 474-3461, ext. 4576 or at
A letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation and teaching evaluations (if available) should be sent to:
Dr Andrew P. Dean
Dean of Arts and Science
Re: Classical Studies Search Committee
Faculty of Arts and Science
Nipissing University
100 College Drive
North Bay, ON P1B 8L7
Fax: 705-474-3072
Recent Positions:
University of Winnipeg:
University of British Columbia:
University of Manitoba:
University of Canterbury:
University of Manitoba:
Dalhousie University:
Wilfrid Laurier University:
Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens:
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[2] Summer Study
From: Victoria F. Sherry <>

The Wyoming Council for the Humanities presents "Democracy: From Athens to America," a seminar for secondary and community college teachers, June 19-24, 2005, at Northwest College, Powell, Wyoming. (307) 721-9243 or for information and application

"Democracy: From Athens to America" Summer Teachers Institute
June 19-24, Powell, Wyoming

Wyoming Council for the Humanities announces its sixth summer institute, "Democracy: From Athens to America," to be held June 19-24, 2005 at Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming, an hour and a half from Yellowstone National Park. Meeting collaboratively in daily seminars and mini-courses, participants will explore the nature of Athenian democracy and its evolution in the Constitution of the United States.

The institute offers secondary school and community college teachers as well as members of the general public an opportunity to study in depth and learn with colleagues in an informal campus setting. A faculty of four with expertise in political science, ancient history, art and classical studies will give public lectures and lead mini-courses, and a seminar based on Aeschylus’ Oresteia and Plato’s Apology. Course topics are the workings of Athenian democracy, both ancient and modern views of the regime, and the archeology of the city of Athens.

Public lectures will include the social history of Athens and the nature of its democracy, how Athenian democracy is shaped in American democracy, the U.S. Constitution and the art and archeology of Athens. The institute is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People program and by the Jackson Community Foundation.

Institute faculty will be: Gregg Cawley, Professor of Political Science, the University of Wyoming; Philip Holt, Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages, the University of Wyoming; Susann Lusnia, Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, Tulane University; and Jennifer Roberts, Professor and Director, Program in Ancient History, City University of New York Graduate Center.

For more information and an application form, visit or contact the Wyoming Council for the Humanities, 1315 Lewis St., Laramie, WY 82072, e-mail:, phone: 307-721-9243.

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[3] Calls for papers
From: M. Catherine Bolton
DIS/LOCATION: Writing Exile/Migrancy/Nomadism/Bordercrossing
Colloquium, May 5-7, 2005
Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Concordia University

We see the importance of exploring exile as a site of struggle for new forms of creativity, belonging and identity in the context of cultural and territorial displacement.
— Luis Torres. "Writings of the Latin-Canadian Exile"
Dislocation. The act of displacing or the state of being displaced; disruption.
—Collins English Dictionary
Synonyms: break, confusion, disarray, disarticulation, disconnection, discontinuity, disengage-ment, disorder, disorganization, disruption, disturbance, division, luxation, misplacement.
—Roget's Interactive Thesaurus <>
Traditional notions of time, space, culture and identity are being undermined. The validity of any fixed, unilateral, coherent vision of the world is more and more seriously questioned. Perhaps the only certainty that remains is that, from now on, the only way to grasp the world is to consider it as it is: plural and inherently contradictory. There are several responses to this major crisis, from quests for spirituality or retreats into allegedly "solid" identities to the exaltation of a monolithic globalization that wipes away cultural diversity and ignores increasing injustice.
The feeling of being "out of place," which in the past was almost exclusive to exiles and other expatriates, is becoming more and more generalized. Today’s situation may be even more radical than ever before: while "out of place" has historically implied that there was, somewhere, a place (however unattainable), what is at stake now is the very existence of any "place" at all. As such, a broad-based consideration of the writings of exiles would seem particularly appropriate for exploring today’s "dis/location." To start with, as Edward Said and other scholars have pointed out, contemporary Western culture is in large part the work of people who are "out of place": exiles, émigrés, expatriates, and refugees. This is particularly true in places like Canada and the United States. Furthermore, while sedentary populations can — or could in the past — shelter in the "solidity" of one "place," however illusory it might be (one culture, one country, one language, one religion, one ideology), the very condition of exile demands that one be aware of the foreignness and multiplicity of the world.
This Colloquium will consider "dis/location" as a heuristic tool which will help us connect, tackle, and perhaps go beyond pre-established notions related to "being out of place," such as "exile," "migrancy," "nomadism," or "bordercrossing." In order to do so, we invite scholars interested in the writings of exile today or in the past to share their views. We also welcome literary contributions from writers in exile, particularly those who have settled in Canada. It is within this context that Nela Rio, the distinguished Argentine-Canadian poet, fiction writer and literary critic, will give the keynote address. The poetry exhibit Outspoken Art/Arte Claro, in support of the United Nations declaration demanding the elimination of all forms of violence against women, will also be on view at the conference.
Papers or creative works may be presented in any of the four main languages of the Americas — English, French, Spanish or Portuguese — and should be no longer than twenty minutes. Proposals and abstracts (200 words) may be sent to Hugh Hazelton ( or Goretti Ramírez ( by March 1, 2005.
* * * * *
DIS/LOCATION: Exil/Migration/Nomadisme/FrontiPres
Colloque du 5 au 7 mai 2005
Département d’études classiques, langues modernes et linguistique
Université Concordia
Montréal, Canada

Nous voyons l’importance d’explorer l’exil comme étant un endroit oj l’on lutte pour de nouvelles formes de créativité, d’appartenance et d’identité dans un contexte de déplacement culturel et territorial.
— Luis Torres. "Writings of the Latin-Canadian Exile (Oeuvres de l’exil latino-canadien)"
Dislocation. Séparation des parties d’un tout; démembrement, dispersion.
—Le Petit Larousse Illustré
Synonymes: cassure, contorsion, déboîtement, démantPlement, démembrement, désagrégation, désarticulation, désunion, disjonction, dispersion, dissolution, entorse, faille, foulure, luxation, plissement, séparation, tectonique.
—CNRS - Université de Caen
Les notions traditionelles de temps, d’espace et d’identité sont en train d’Ltre ébranlées. La validité de n’importe quelle vision figée, unilatérale, cohérente du monde est de plus en plus sérieusement questionnée. La seule certitude qui demeure est peut-Ltre que, B partir de maintenant, la seule façon de saisir le monde est de le considérer comme il est : diversifié et par nature contradictoire. Il y a plusieurs réactions B cette crise majeure, des quLtes pour la spiritualité ou les retraites dans des identités soi-disant «solides», B l’exaltation d’une mondialisation monolithique qui efface toute diversité culturelle et ignore l’injustice croissante.
Le sentiment de «ne pas Ltre B sa place», ce qui dans le passé se référait presqu’exclusivement aux éxilés et autres expatriés, devient de plus en plus généralisé. La situation d’aujourd’hui peut Ltre encore plus radicale que jamais. Il est certain que le «ne pas Ltre B sa place» a impliqué historiquement qu’il y avait, quelque part, une place, quoique inatteignable. Ce qui est en jeu maintenant est l’existence mLme d’une «place» quelconque. A ce titre, une considération réunissant des tendances trPs variées d’oeuvres d’exilés semble particuliPrement appropriée pour l’exploration de la «dis/location». Comme Edward Said et d’autres érudits ont fait remarquer, la culture occidentale contemporaine est en grande partie le travail de ceux qui ne sont pas B leur «place»: exilés, émigrés, expatriés et réfugiés. Ceci est particuliPrement vrai pour des endroits comme le Canada et les États-Unis. De plus, quoique les populations sédentaires peuvent, ou pouvaient dans le passé, s’abriter sous la «certitude» d’une «place» — aussi illusoire qu’elle puisse Ltre (une culture, un pays, une langue, une religion, une idéologie) — la condition mLme de l’exil exige que l’on soit conscient de l’étrangeté et de la multiplicité du monde.
Ce colloque considérera la «dis/location» comme étant un outil heuristique qui nous aidera B aborder, B rattacher et peut-Ltre B surpasser les notions pré-établies liées au «ne pas Ltre B sa place», telles que l’exil, la migration, le nomadisme ou les frontiPres. Nous invitons, donc, des chercheurs intéressés dans les oeuvres d’exil aujourd’hui ou dans le passé B partager leurs opinions. Les contributions littéraires d’auteurs en exil sont aussi bienvenues, particuliPrement de ceux qui se sont installés au Canada. C’est dans ce contexte que Nela Rio, la remarquable poPte, écrivaine et critique littéraire argentine-canadienne, donnera la conférence inaugurale. De plus, dans le cadre du congrPs, aura lieu l’exposition Outspoken Art/Arte Claro, en appui B la Déclaration des Nations Unies pour l’élimination de toute forme de violence contre les femmes.
Les exposés ou les travaux créatifs peuvent Ltre présentés dans n’importe quelle des quatre langues principales des Amériques — l’anglais, le français, l’espagnol ou le portugais — et ne devraient pas dépasser les vingt minutes. Les plans et les résumés (200 mots) peuvent Ltre envoyés B Hugh Hazelton ( ou B Goretti Ramírez ( avant le 1er mars 2005.
* * * * *
DIS/LOCACIÓN: Exilio/Migración /Nomadismo/Fronteras
Coloquio del 5 al 7 de mayo del 2005
Departamento de Estudios Clásicos,
Lenguas Modernas y Lingüística
Concordia University
Montreal, Canadá
Vemos la importancia de explorar el exilio como un escenario de lucha para nuevas formas de creatividad, pertenencia e identidad en el contexto de desplazamiento cultural y territorial.
        —Luis Torres. "Obras del exilio latino-canadiense"
Dislocación. Acto de desplazarse o estado de ser desplazado, disrupción.
    —Collins English Dictionary
Sinónimos: ruptura, confusión, desorden, desarticulación, desconexión, discontinuidad, desacoplamiento, trastorno, alteración, división, luxación, pérdida.
    —Roget's Interactive Thesaurus
Las nociones tradicionales de tiempo, espacio, cultura e identidad están siendo socavadas. La validez de cualquier visión fija, unilateral y coherente del mundo es cuestionada cada vez más seriamente. Quizá la única certeza que queda, de ahora en adelante, es la de comprender el mundo considerándolo tal como es: plural e inherentemente contradictorio. Existen varias respuestas a esta crisis capital, desde búsquedas espirituales o refugios en identidades presuntamente "sólidas" hasta la exaltación de una globalización monolítica que borra la diversidad cultural e ignora la injusticia en aumento.
El sentimiento de sentirse "fuera de lugar", que en el pasado fue casi exclusivo de los exiliados y otros expatriados, está convirtiéndose en algo más y más generalizado. La situación actual puede ser incluso más radical que nunca antes: mientras que el "fuera de lugar" ha supuesto históricamente que había, en algún lugar, un lugar (por inasequible que sea), lo qué ahora está en cuestión es la misma existencia de algún "lugar" en absoluto. Como tal, una consideración, con una amplia base en las obras de exiliados, parece particularmente apropiada para explorar la "dis/locación" de hoy en día. Para comenzar, como Edward Said y otros estudiosos han convenido, la cultura occidental contemporánea es en gran parte el trabajo de personas que están "fuera de lugar": exiliados, emigrados, expatriados y refugiados. Esto es particularmente cierto en lugares como Canadá y los Estados Unidos de América. Además, mientras que poblaciones sedentarias pueden, o podían en el pasado, refugiarse en la "solidez" de un "lugar" —por ilusorio que éste fuera (una cultura, un país, un idioma, una religión, una ideología)—, la misma condición de exilio exige que uno sea consciente de la extraZeza y la multiplicidad del mundo.
Este coloquio considerará la "dis/locación" como una herramienta heurística que nos ayudará a conectar, abordar y, tal vez, ir más allá de las nociones preestablecidas y relacionadas con "el estar fuera de lugar", tales como "exilio", "migración", "nomadismo" y "fronteras". Invitamos a investigadores interesados en las obras del exilio de hoy o del pasado a compartir sus opiniones. Asimismo, acogemos con agrado contribuciones literarias de autores exiliados, particularmente de aquellos establecidos en Canadá. Es en este contexto que la distinguida poeta, cuentista y crítica literaria argentino-canadiense Nela Río ofrecerá la conferencia inaugural. Además, en el marco del congreso, se realizará la exposición itinerante Outspoken Art/Arte Claro, en apoyo a la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas por la eliminación de toda forma de violencia contra la mujer.
Escritos u obras artísticas pueden ser presentados en cualquiera de los cuatro principales idiomas de las Américas —inglés, francés, espaZol o portugués— y deben tener una duración máxima de veinte minutos. Propuestas y resúmenes (200 palabras) pueden ser enviados a Hugh Hazelton ( o a Goretti Ramírez ( antes del 1 de marzo del 2005.
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[4] Varia
From: Catherine Rubincam <>
Dear Professors, dear colleagues, dear friends,
Please sign on the internet our petition in defence of the teaching of Ancient Greek at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). Please forward this message to any person that might be interested insupporting us. Thank you !

Messieurs les Professeurs, chers collPgues, chers amis,
Merci de signer sur internet notre pétition pour la défense de l'enseignement du Grec Ancien B l'Université de Neuchâtel (Suisse). Merci aussi de transmettre ce message B toute personne qui serait susceptible de soutenir nos efforts.

Egregi Professori, cari colleghi, cari amici,
Vi ringraziamo di firmare su internet la nostra petizione per mantenere l'insegnamento del Greco Antico presso l'UniversitB di Neuchâtel (Svizzera). Grazie anche di trasferire questo messaggio a tutte le persone che potrebbero essere interessate a sostenerci.

Sehr geehrte Professoren und Kollegen, liebe Freunde,
Bitte unterzeichnen Sie unsere Petition für die Beibehaltung des Lehrstuhls für Griechische Philologie der Universität Neuchâtel (Schweiz). Bitte leiten Sie auch dieses e-mail an alle Interessenten weiter. Danke !
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[5] Of Note
A Guide To Ancient Greek Drama (Blackwell Guides to Classical Literature)
Hardcover: 312 pages
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers (February 15, 2005)
ISBN: 1405102144
Next regular issue 2005 02 15
Send submissions to