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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 11.6 (2005 02 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques
President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 11.6 (2005 02 15)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Positions Available
                     (Queen's University), (University of Oxford)
        2. Summer Study
                     (Archaeological Fieldschool in Greece)
        3. Varia
                     (Canadian Institute in Greece), (Classics Drama Group)


Positions Available

From: Terry Smith
Queen's University
Limited-term Positions

The Department of Classics at Queen's University invites applications from suitably qualified candidates interested in teaching the following courses in the 2005-06 session:

LATN 110 (1.0 course load) Introductory Latin (Fall and Winter term)

GREK 112 (50% of 1.0 course load) Introductory Greek (Fall term)

CLST 101 (50% of 1.0 course load) Introduction to Greek and Roman Civilization (Roman portion; Winter term).

Fall term begins September 1, 2005, ends December 31. Winter term begins January 1, 2006, and ends April 30.

Applicants should have their Ph.D. or be very close to receiving the degree. Teaching experience is required. Every appointment is defined by the Collective Agreement between the Queen's University Faculty Association and Queen's University. Details of the relevant agreements can be found at Rank and remuneration will be commensurate to qualifications and experience.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen's is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

Applications should include a current curriculum vitae and a statement of research and teaching interest. These, and any relevant other materials candidates wish to submit for consideration, and two confidential letters of reference should be submitted to Professor Dietmar K. Hagel, Head, Department of Classics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6. Phone (613) 533-2745; fax (613) 533-6739; email

Consideration of applications begins March 28th, 2005.

From: Karen Brill
University of Oxford
University Lecturership in Ancient History

University of Oxford
Faculty of Classics in association with Merton College
University Lecturership in Ancient History

The University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in Ancient History with effect from 1 October 2005. The person appointed will be offered a Tutorial Fellowship at Merton College. Applications are invited from candidates with teaching experience and a research interest in any aspect of Greek and Roman History.

Combined University and College Salary: £29,035 - £45,707

For further particulars, including details of how to apply, see or contact Ms K. Brill, Classics Centre, George Street, Oxford OX1 2RL (tel: 01865-288385, email:

Deadline for applications: Tuesday, 22 February 2005. Interviews will be held on Thursday, 21 April 2005.

Recent Postings:

Nipissing University

University of Winnipeg

Summer Study
From: Dr. Michael B. Cosmopoulos

Archaeological Fieldschool in Greece
University of Missouri-St. Louis

The University of Missouri-St. Louis is accepting students and volunteers for its archaeological fieldschool at Iklaina, Pylos, Greece. The fieldschool will run from June 3 to June 17 and includes also travel to the major sites and museums in the Peloponnese and evening classes and seminars on Greek culture, history, and archaeology. Students can receive 6 credits through the department of Anthropology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis; volunteers on an auditing basis are also welcome to apply. Deadline for applications: April 4. All relevant information, including application forms and registration instructions, can be found at the website of the Greek Studies Chair of the University of Missouri:

From: Margriet Haagsma

Canadian Institute in Greece
Student Competition

Design a New Logo for the Canadian Institute in Greece!
A Competition for Students and Recent Graduates

Since the mid-1970s, the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens / Institut canadien académique à Athènes (in Canada) / Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens / Institut canadien d'archéologie d'Athènes (in Greece; CAIA/ICAA everywhere) has been Canada's official representative in Greece for a wide range of educational, scholarly, and artistic endeavours, with its core mission the facilitation of Canadian archaeological activity in the territory of the Hellenic Republic. In addition to several surface surveys and excavations such as those at Karystos on the island of Euboia, Argilos in Northern Greece, and Stymphalos in the Peloponnesus, the Institute is currently involved in an underwater survey to find the remains of Persian invasion fleets from the early 5th century B.C. and has sponsored lectures and symposia in Greece and Canada on a wide range of topics, from ancient Athenian inscriptions to the Olympic Games, as well as history and anthropology in the contemporary Mediterranean.

In 2005, the Institute is changing its name. From now on, it will be known on both sides of the Atlantic as the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) / Institut Canadien en Grèce (ICG). This change represents a new, larger vision of what the Institute can bring to Canadian-Greek cultural interactions while continuing its original mission to serve the Canadian academic community.

This name change means that CAIA's old logo, a stylized palmette, needs to be changed as well. We at the Institute are thus asking you, our current and future members, to help by designing a new logo which will appear on all official Institute correspondence, publications, other communications and, of course, on the Institute's webpage.

The logo competition is open to Canadian students (undergraduates and graduates) and recent graduates (degree awarded within the last five years).

The creator of the winning design will receive a five-year individual membership in the Institute (among other privileges, this makes you eligible for free entry to Greece's state museums and archaeological sites), a copy of the lavishly illustrated history of the Institute, On Site: Canadian Archaeologists in Greece, soon to appear from Motibo Publishing, and your choice of one book from the Papers of the Canadian Institute at Athens series. The winner will also be given credit on the Institute's webpage. The copyright for the winning design becomes the property of the Canadian Institute.


1. Entries must include a graphic image suitable for reproduction in black-and-white that incorporates the name of the Institute as follows:

The Institute's name can appear in both official languages, i.e. Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) / Institut Canadien en Grèce (ICG)


It can appear just in Greek — Kanadiko Institouto sten Ellada (KIE), with the English and French names appearing elsewhere on the stationery / webpage / etc., along with address / phone / fax / internet information.

2. Entries should be in .jpg or .gif file format. File size must not exceed 350KB.

3. One logo idea to each .jpg or .gif file. Filenames must include the contestant's last name plus an additional identifier.

4. The number of entries allowed to each contestant is five (5).

5. Entries should be sent as attachments to an e-mail message that contains contact information (full name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail, university affiliation/date degree(s) received) and a list of the files (filenames) attached to the message.

6. If the total size of your entries exceeds 950KB, please divide them among two or three e-mails, each containing contact information and list of files.

E-mail your entries to:

Prof. Margriet Haagsma, Dept. of History and Classics, University of Alberta, e-mail:

Dr. Stefanie Kennell, Director, CAIA/ICAA, e-mail:

The deadline for contest entries is Friday 15 April 2005, 12 midnight Pacific time.

To find out more about the Institute, visit our webpage —

Canadian Institute staff, Board Members, and members of their immediate families are not eligible to enter this contest.

From: Kathy Axcell
Trojan Women by Euripides
The Classics Drama Group at Trent University

The Classics Drama Group at Trent University presents: Trojan Women by Euripides

Performed by the Conacher Players
March 1-4, 2005, 8pm
The Performance Space — Gzowski College (Symons Campus)

Tickets are only $5.00

For tickets: Please contact Kathy Axcell ( or call 748-1011, 1814) Department of Ancient History & Classics (EC S118)

The Classics Drama Group will be performing in Toronto as well. They will put on one performance at the Ignatieff Theatre, Trinity College, Toronto at 3:00pm on Saturday, March 5, 2005. Same contact information but tickets will be $10.00/person ($7.00 for students and seniors).

Please visit the following website for more information on the Classics Drama Group at Trent University:

Next regular issue 2005 03 15
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