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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 12.2 (2005 10 19)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 12.2 (2005 10 19)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Association Announcements
                     (CAC On-line Directory)
        2. Positions Available
                     (Toronto)   (American School of Classical Studies at Athens)
        3. Conference Announcements
                     (Montreal APA/AIA)

Association Announcements

From: John R. Porter

CAC Directory of Classics Departments and Programmes in Canada
Répertoire des départements et de programmes d'études classiques au Canada

It's time once again to check the listings on the CAC Directory of Classics Departments and Programmes in Canada / Répertoire des départements et de programmes d'études classiques au Canada.

You can find the pages at:

(Note: you need only consult one of these. Ideally, they present the same information.)

Please have a look at your personal entry and encourage (or, better still, formally appoint) someone in your department to examine your departmental listing as a whole for items that might need to be updated, added, or deleted (new faculty, retirements, contact information, personal WWW pages, and so forth).

I've recently updated the links to department WWW sites, so they should work (for the moment!). The pages also include basic links to program information and specific resources or attractions available (on-line journals, local societies, etc.) but such links can be problematic: they tend to change frequently and, if too numerous, will make the page unwieldy. That being said, please send along any such links that you think might be appropriate — although I will ask for your understanding if they do not make it onto the page in the end.

The directory is a great resource but needs to updated with care from time to time. You and your colleagues are the ones best equipped to provide accurate and up-to-date information about your department, its members, and its programs.

Positions Available

From: Rohini Wittke
University of Toronto
Tenure-stream position in Greek and/or Roman Art, Architecture, and Archeology

The Department of Fine Art at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus, invites applications for an Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure-stream, in Greek and/or Roman Art, Architecture, and Archeology.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be near completion, and must demonstrate a strong record of excellence in teaching and research. The successful candidate will be expected to play an important role in undergraduate and graduate-level academic programs, both within the Department of Fine Art and in contiguous fields.

The appointment will begin July 1, 2006. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and samples of academic writing and/or publications. Arrangements should also be made for the submission of three letters of reference directly to:

Professor Marc Gotlieb, Chair
Search Committee, Greek/Roman Art
Department of Fine Art
100 St. George Street, Room 6040
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3

Deadline for applications is December 1, 2005.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

From: Mary E. Darlington
American School of Classical Studies at Athens

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens seeks a distinguished scholar and experienced administrator for the position of Director of the School. The Director works with the School's Managing Committee and Trustees in developing and implementing the academic and fiscal policy of the School and reports to the Managing Committee through its Chair. The Director leads the School's mission in Greece and oversees the School's activities, including its academic program, excavations, and other research. The Director is expected to participate actively in the design of academic programs and the instruction of students at the School. All department heads report to the Director. The Director also oversees relations between the School and the host country. Candidates must demonstrate strong qualities of leadership and articulate clearly their vision for the future of the School.

The term is flexible, two to five years. It begins on July 2, 2007, and is renewable. Salary and benefits commensurate with rank and experience, housing in the Director's residence, travel, entertainment and research budgets provided. The deadline for applications is January 8, 2006. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a statement explaining their interest in the position and their vision for it (max. 750 words), and the names of three referees to K. Clinton, Chair, Committee on Personnel, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 6 - 8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. ASCSA is an EO/AA employer.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton St., Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609-683-0800
Fax: 609-924-0578

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

Conference Announcements
From: Martin Cropp

APA/AIA Annual Meeting, Montreal, 5 - 8 January, 2006
Special Invitation to Members of Canadian Associations

The American Philological Association (APA) and the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) are pleased to be holding their joint annual meeting in Canada again after a long absence and wish to encourage all interested persons in Canada to attend. Members of the societies listed below are eligible to register at the appropriate full member rate (US$110/C$132 by November 14; US$145/C$174 afterwards) even if they are not currently members of the APA or AIA:

Classical Association of Canada
New Brunswick Archaeological Society
Ontario Archaeological Society
Quebec Association of Archaeologists

Note that the Student Member registration rate is available only to qualified members of APA or AIA.

For further information consult the "Annual Meeting" section of either society's web site:

Next regular issue 2005 11 15
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