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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 12.10 (2006 06 20)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 12.10 (2006 06 20)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Association Announcements
                     (Travel Claims)
        2. Positions Available
                     (Saint Mary's University), (Australian National University)
        3. Varia
                     (Classics in Portugal)

Association Announcements

From: Annabel Robinson

Reminder: Claims for Travel Assistance to CAC Conference
TORONTO, May 24-26 2006

To those who attended the CAC conference and intend to submit a claim for travel reimbursement, could you please make sure it reaches me by June 23. A form was available at the conference. If you need another copy, please let me know.

The grant from SSHRC will enable us to reimburse a portion of your airfare. Unfortunately we are not in a position to make any reimbursement for accommodation. In an attempt to make the distribution of funds as fair as possible, the following guidelines will be observed:

Only members of the CAC in good standing will be reimbursed. (If you are not a member there is an opportunity to join at the conference, in which case a portion of your registration fee will be credited to your membership fee.) Amounts will be decided in accordance with the SSHRC guidelines, taking into account distance travelled, fare levels, and the needs of students and others with limited incomes.

Positions Available
From: Geraldine Thomas

Saint Mary's University
Classical Mythology Courses

The Department of Modern Languages and Classics at Saint Mary's University in Halifax is seeking instructors to teach 2.5 Classical Mythology courses (Mythology of Greece and Rome I and II) offered in the 2006-2007 academic year. Candidates should have Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant status, at least an M.A. in Classics or a related area and, if possible, successful university teaching experience. Applications should be sent to:

Dr. Geraldine Thomas
Department of Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 420-5812


From: Ben Kelly
Australian National University
Associate Lecturer in Classics

The Australian National University
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts
School of Language Studies

Associate Lecturer in Classics

Academic Level A
Salary Package: $44,860-$59,963 pa plus 17% super
Reference No.: FA3444

The School of Language Studies in the Faculty of Arts, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, is inviting applicants from Classicists for the position of Associate Lecturer. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate research and teaching competence in Ancient Greek and Latin languages and Ancient Greek History/Culture. The successful applicant will develop courses in Ancient Greek and Ancient History/Culture, contributing to the existing Classics major offered at ANU.

This position will appeal to someone who has PhD in classics, is excited about his or her research, enthusiastic about teaching, committed to collegiality and ambitious to make a contribution to the Faculty, College and wider ANU community.

The University reserves the right not to make an appointment or to make an appointment by invitation.

Further particulars, including selection criteria, are available from:

Rob Tidy, phone +61 2 6125 5707 , e-mail or

If you wish to discuss the position after obtaining the selection documentation, please contact:

Dr Elizabeth Minchin , phone +61 2 6125 5106, e-mail

Information for applicants

Job Application Cover sheet —

Closing Date: 30 June 2006

From: Francisco de Oliveira

A Petition in Favor of Classics in Portugal

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Classics in Portugal are by now suffering their greatest attack in many years. Help us to fight against this cultural narrowness of our politics, by signing and sending to others, mainly to the members of FIEC, the Petition in Favor of Classical Languages in Portugal:

Thanking you all in advance,

Francisco de Oliveira, Full Professor of Classics and President of Euroclassica

If you want to hear later from us and get a feedback on the outcome of this petition, when signing it, please check the box 'Available to Petition Author' regarding your email address options.

Si vous désirez recevoir plus tard un message avec l'information sur les résultats de cette petition sélectionnez cochez s.v.p. la case 'Available to Petition Author' dans le panneau d'affichage des options concernant l'adresse de votre courier électronique.

Se desejar receber posteriormente da parte dos promotores alguma informação acerca dos resultados da petição, por favor, ao entrar na página de subscrição, seleccione a opção 'Available to Petition Author' no item respeitante ao seu endereço de correio electrónico.

Next regular issue 2006 07 15
Send submissions to <>