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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 12.11.1 (2006 08 24)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 12.11.1 (2006 08 24)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Calls for Papers
                     (Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity)   (Dirt, Disease, and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to Modernity)
        2. Positions Available
                     (University of Ottawa)   (University of Sydney)
        3. Conference Announcements
                     (Graduate Conference: "Strangers and Exiles in the Roman World")

Calls for Papers

From: Franco De Angelis

"Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity"
Classical Association of Canadian West / Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest

Reminder: Call for Papers Deadline
Conference: "Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity"
(March 16-17, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Keynote Speaker: Professor Lord Colin Renfrew (Cambridge University)

A reminder that September 15, 2006 is the deadline for paper proposals for the "Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity" conference to be hosted jointly by the Classical Association of Canadian West and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest. This deadline is later than the usual deadline for paper submissions for the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West and earlier than the usual deadline for paper submissions for the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest: hence this reminder to avoid confusion. Full details about the conference, including details about submitting a paper proposal, can be found in the original "Call for Papers" which may be accessed at one of the three following websites:

*Archaeological Institute of America:

*Classical Association of Canada / La Société canadienne des études classiques:

*Liverpool Classicists List:

I will be happy to answer any inquiries in the meantime. Please direct them to me at my e-mail address: <>.

From: Mark Bradley
Pollution and Propriety:
Dirt, Disease, and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to Modernity

A two-day conference at the British School at Rome,
Thursday 21 and Friday 22 June 2007.
Keynote speaker: Professor Mary Douglas

This interdisciplinary conference will examine the significance of pollution and cleanliness in the art, literature, philosophy, and material culture of the city of Rome from antiquity through to the twentieth century. Dirt, disease and pollution and the ways they are represented and policed have long been recognised by historians and anthropologists to occupy a central position in the formulation of cultural identity, and Rome holds a special status in the West as a city intimately associated with issues of purity, decay, ruin and renewal. In recent years, scholarship in a variety of disciplines has begun to scrutinise the less palatable features of the archaeology, history and society of Rome. This research has drawn attention to the city's distinctive historical interest in the recognition, isolation and treatment of pollution, and the ways in which politicians, architects, writers and artists have exploited this as a vehicle for devising visions of purity and propriety. As a departure point, then, the organisers propose the theme of 'Pollution and Propriety' and the discourses by which these two antagonistic concepts are related. How has pollution in Rome been defined, and by what means is it controlled? How does Rome's own social and cultural history affect the way states of dirt and cleanliness are formulated? Does purity always accompany political, physical or social change? Does Rome's reputation as a 'city of ruins' determine how it is represented? What makes images of decay in Rome so picturesque? It is hoped that this conference will bring together scholars from a range of disciplines who are interested in dirt, disease and hygiene in Rome in order to examine the historical continuity of these themes and to explore their development and transformation alongside major chapters in the city's history, such as early Roman urban development, the Roman Empire, early Christianity, decline and fall, the Renaissance, the Unification of Italy, and the advent of Fascism. Papers might include, but are certainly not limited to:

It is hoped that this conference will be of interest to scholars working in archaeology, cultural history, literature, art history, and the history of medicine. The conference will aim to develop themes in the history of the city of Rome, as well as providing a context for examining general issues of pollution and purity. Papers should be original and should have not been previously published or delivered at a major conference. Abstracts of approximately 200 words should be submitted by November 30, 2006. Successful contributions may be considered for publication in a conference volume.

Organisers: Dr Mark Bradley (Classics, Nottingham)     Prof Richard Wrigley (Art History, Nottingham)

Positions Available

From: Geoffrey Greatrex
University of Ottawa
Tenure-track Position: Latin Literature

The Department of Classics and Religious Studies of the University of Ottawa announces the opening of a full-time, tenure-track position for an assistant professor starting 1 July 2007.

Field of specialization: Latin literature

Ph.D. relevant to the field of Classics is required. Candidates should have sufficient refereed publications (minimum three) to qualify for supervising graduate research at the University of Ottawa. Although most of the teaching at the undergraduate level will involve Latin language and literature of the classical period, the research field of this position is open to any area of Latin between the second century BC and the seventh century AD. The successful candidate will be expected to teach and direct research at the undergraduate and graduate levels in both French and English, and this immediately and competently upon assuming the position. However, the bulk of the teaching load will be in English.

Salary is in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae, one or two recent publications, and three confidential letters of reference sent under separate cover to:

Dr. Geoffrey Greatrex, Chair
Department of Classics and Religious Studies
University of Ottawa
70 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada KIN 6N5
Tel. 613-562-5714
Fax 613-562-5991

The deadline for applications is: 6 November 2006.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Equity is a University of Ottawa policy; women, aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


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Le Département d'études anciennes et sciences des religions de l'Université d'Ottawa sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeur au rang d'adjoint menant à la permanence, à partir du 1er juillet 2007.

Domaine de spécialisation: Littérature latine

Le candidat ou la candidate devra être titulaire d'un doctorat pertinent en études anciennes et disposer de publications à caractère universitaire (un minimum de trois) pour être reconnu apte à diriger des etudes supérieures à l'Université d'Ottawa. L'essentiel de l'enseignement au niveau du baccalauréat sera consacré à la langue et la littérature latines de la période classique. Toutefois, les champs de recherche du candidat pourront inclure n'importe quelle période du latin, depuis le IIe siècle avant notre ère jusqu'au VIIe siècle de notre ère. Il ou elle devra avoir une maîtrise suffisante des langues française et anglaise pour pouvoir enseigner et diriger des recherches dans l'une ou l'autre langue, du baccalauréat au doctorat. L'essentiel de l'enseignement se fera cependant en anglais.

Le traitement sera en conformité avec la convention collective de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Le dossier de candidature comprenant lettre de présentation, curriculum vitae, une ou deux publications récentes et trois lettres de recommandation confidentielles, envoyées sous pli séparé, devra parvenir à

Monsieur Geoffrey Greatrex, Directeur
Département des études anciennes et Sciences des religions
Université d'Ottawa
70, avenue Laurier est
Ottawa (Ontario)
Canada KIN 6N5
Tél. 613-562-5714
Télécop. 613-562-5991

Date de clôture : le 6 novembre 2006.

Toutes les personnes qualifiées sont encouragées à poser leur candidature. Toutefois, cette offre s'adresse de préférence aux citoyens canadiens et aux résidents permanents. L'Université d'Ottawa souscrit à l'équité d'emploi et elle encourage les femmes, les autochtones, les membres des minorités visibles et les personnes handicapées à postuler.


From: Peter Wilson
University of Sydney
Lectureship in Roman History

School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry
Faculty of Arts
University of Sydney

The Faculty of Arts and School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry are seeking to appoint a suitably qualified person to a Lectureship in Roman History.

The Department of Classics and Ancient History is located in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, one of the three schools within the Faculty of Arts. The Department is currently enjoying an exciting period of renewal and growth, and this post offers the opportunity to be part of these developments. It has a distinguished reputation in Ancient world studies internationally, and its main research strengths include Classical and Hellenistic Greek history and culture; Roman Republican and Imperial history and historians; the Greek and Roman theatre; the Greek and Roman novel; Greek and Roman poetry; Classical mythology.

A full list of its current academic staff may be found at:

A doctoral qualification, teaching experience, expertise in Roman history, the ability to teach Latin at all levels and a publication record relevant to the position are essential. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research and teaching in the field of Roman history.

Additional information is available from the Head of School, Professor Richard Waterhouse on (02) 9351 5658, fax (02) 9351 3918 or e-mail:   <>

This position is a full-time continuing, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.

Remuneration package: AUS $80,126 - $95,150 p.a. (which includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $67,708 - $80,403 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer's contribution to superannuation)

Closing: 30 September 2006

This post is a permanent (tenured) one, and it may assist those with little experience of the Australian system to know that the level 'Lecturer Level B' is more akin to a tenured Assistant Professorship in the American system.

Conference Announcements

From: S.C. Russell
Graduate Conference
"Strangers and Exiles in the Roman World"

The McMaster Classics Graduate Students will be hosting a Graduate Conference on Saturday, September 30. The conference is entitled "Strangers and Exiles in the Roman World" and we have managed to attract Dr. Erich Gruen (Gladys Rehard Wood Professor of History and Classics at UC Berkeley) as our keynote speaker. The thrust of the conference will be exploring the manner in which outsiders were perceived and treated in the Roman world — both how 'Romans' were treated abroad and how 'non-Romans' (the terms themselves are obviously loose constructions) were treated by the Romans and how typically marginalized social groups were viewed by Roman officials. It is a broad topic but focused enough that we have received, and now accepted, many excellent papers from all over North America. These include: the social acceptance and treatment of midwives, Ovid's perspective as an exile, Tacitus' perceptions of the Britains, proto-Latin and the role of language in cultural perception, the perceptions of magic and magicians in Petronius, Josephus as the archetypal 'Roman' insider and outsider, and more.

Registration will take place on Saturday, September 30, from 8:30-9:00am at Gilmour Hall, room 111 (McMaster University). Anyone wishing to contact us should email us at   <>.

Next regular issue 2006 09 15
Send submissions to <>