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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 12.6.2 (2006 02 28)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 12.6.2 (2006 02 28)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Association Announcements
                     (Desmond Conacher Scholarship), (CAC Conference Book Exhibit)
        2. Positions Available
        3. CIG-ICG (CAIA) News
        4. Calls for Papers
                     (Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity)
        5. Summer Study
                     (University of Alberta)

Association Announcements

From: James Murray

Bourse Desmond Conacher / Desmond Conacher Scholarship

Dear colleagues/chers collègues

Je voudrais vous signaler la bourse Desmond Conacher, qui est offerte chaque année à un étudiant canadien (citoyen ou résident permanent) qui envisage d'intégrer un programme de 2e cycle en Études anciennes, Histoire ancienne, Philosophie ancienne ou Archéologie classique dans une université canadienne pendant la prochaine année universitaire. Les détails de la compétition sont disponibles au site de la SCEC.

Le demandes de bourse doivent être reçus au plus tard le 31 mars. Vous êtes priés d'encourager vos étudiants qualifieés!

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I should like to remind you that the Desmond Conacher Scholarship is offered annually to a Canadian student (citizen or permanent resident) who intends to enter a graduate programme in Classical Studies, Ancient History, Ancient Philosophy, or Classical Archaeology at any Canadian university in the forthcoming academic year. Details of this award are available on the CAC website.

The deadline for receipt of applications is March 31st. Please encourage your qualified students to apply!

James Murray
(Président du Comité de sélection/Chair
CAC Awards Committee)


From: Martin Cropp
CAC Conference Book Exhibit
Exposition de livres au congrès de la SCEC

The organizers of the Book Exhibit at the Annual Meeting in Toronto (24-26 May, 2006) are gathering titles of recent publications by Canadian scholars. If you have published a book in the last ten years, or can advise about such books published by others, please write to Jennifer Phenix at the Department of Classics, University of Toronto ( giving the relevant details (author(s), publisher, date, ISBN).

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Les organisateurs de l'exposition de livres au congrès annuel de la SCEC à Toronto (24-26 May, 2006) sont en cours de rassembler les titres d'oeuvres publiés récemment par les érudit(e)s canadien(ne)s. Ceux qui ont publié des livres pendant les dix dernières années (environ), ou bien qui peuvent informer les organisateurs de telles publications par des autres, sont priés d'envoyer un message à Jennifer Phenix à Université of Toronto, Département d'études classiques, (, en donnant les détails nécessaires (auteur(s), éditeur, date, ISBN).

Positions Available
From: Jeremy Trevett

York University
Contractually-Limited Appointment in Ancient History

The Department of History, Faculty of Arts, York University invites applications for a Contractually-Limited Appointment in Ancient History at the rank of Assistant Professor, to commence 1 July 2006 for a period of one year. Required qualifications include a completed PhD or equivalent in Ancient History or Classics, with a concentration on Greek or preferably Roman History, an ongoing programme of research in Ancient History, and relevant teaching experience. Candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in Ancient History at the introductory and advanced levels, including an advanced-level course in late republican and early imperial Roman history. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. The position is subject to budgetary approval.

Applicants should send a letter of application, together with a curriculum vitae and a sample of their writing to Professor Elizabeth Cohen, Chair, Dept. of History, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada no later than Wednesday April 5, 2006, and arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to reach the department by the same date.

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York's website at or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority. Temporary entry for citizens of the U.S.A. and Mexico may apply per the provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

From: Gerald Schaus

The Canadian Institute in Greece/ L'Institut canadien en Grece (formerly the Canadian Academic Institute in Athens/L'Institut canadien academique en Athenes) is extremely pleased to announce that it has just completed the purchase of a second apartment in Athens, in the same building at Odos 7 Dion. Aiginetou where it has resided for the past 12 years. The new apartment is on the ground floor, or street level, just three blocks north of the Hilton Hotel, and within a five minute walk of the Canadian Embassy. This is an exciting addition to our presence in Athens which will give us much needed space for our library, and more hostel rooms.

Having made this purchase, in the order of $300,000, the Institute now faces the daunting challenge of finding money to carry out the necessary renovations to the apartment so that it can be used for offices, library and lecture/reception purposes. At the same time, we hope that our original apartment on the third floor of this building can be fully converted into hostel space for Canadian visitors to Athens. We currently have only 2 hostel rooms in the third floor apartment for visitors. This summer, we expect to have at least 4, and perhaps 5, rooms available. If anyone is planning on visiting Greece this summer and is in need of a place to stay, you may contact Jonathan Tomlinson, the Assistant Director, at his new email address: or We expect that there will be strong demand for these rooms especially during the peak of the summer, so it's wise to contact Jonathan early. By the way, the website for the Institute is now found at

A fund-raising campaign has been launched by the Institute to raise money for the renovations needed to both apartments. Since the members of the Board of Directors of the Institute have already reached deeply into their own pockets to purchase the second apartment, we are hoping that the Canadian community, especially those interested in Classical Studies, will help us now to reach our goal of $50,000 so we can finish the project. Donations are eligible for tax receipts, and can be sent to the CIG Treasurer, Mr. George Allan, 445 Lakeshore Road, Sarnia, ON, N7V 2S4. If successful, guests to the Institute's public lectures and other events in Athens will no longer have to take the tiny three-person (two people really!) elevator up the third floor. Instead, they'll be able to walk in from the street, through the well-marbled lobby, and right into the Institute's new quarters.

Calls for Papers
From: Franco De Angelis

Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity
Classical Association of the Canadian West / Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest

Keynote Speaker: Professor Lord Colin Renfrew (Cambridge University)

The Classical Association of the Canadian West (CACW) and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest (CAPN) will hold a joint conference on Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17, 2007, to be hosted by the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The conference will be held at the Robson Square campus of the University of British Columbia located in the heart of downtown Vancouver.

The theme of this conference is regionalism and globalism in antiquity. As in the world today, ancient life at the local level was shaped by regional and global phenomena. This conference seeks to delineate regionalism and globalism in antiquity and to explore their effects on the local spatial dimension. We invite papers and thematic panels from scholars, including graduate students, interested in any aspect and time-period in antiquity of regionalism and globalism in the Mediterranean basin and lands beyond. Papers in all fields are encouraged—literature, epigraphy, history, philosophy, oratory, religion, and art and archaeology. We encourage a wide variety of approaches—disciplinary and interdisciplinary, theoretical and empirical, and comparative and cross-cultural—and the participation of a wide variety of scholars, not just classicists, but also Near Eastern scholars, Eurasian prehistorians, and any others interested in the conference theme.

Topics might include:

• sociopolitical networks (state formation, alliances, empires, etc.)
• economic, cultural, and geographic networks
• social, economic, cultural, and environmental change
• poetry, myth, music, and other creative activities
• sociolinguistics and dialects
• intellectual and spiritual traditions
• urbanism and the built environment
• ethnicity and identity
• cosmopolitanism and hybridity
• iconography and symbolism
• demography and disease

Topics might also include discussion of phenomena that encouraged and discouraged regionalism and globalism in antiquity, and their study today, such as:

• geography
• science and technology
• resistance and opposition of all kinds
• the commodification of society and nature
• structures and traditions of modern scholarship and teaching

Explanations of regional and global phenomena have often been couched in terms of "influences" disseminated from areas of higher and more powerful culture to ones of weakness and lower abilities. Recently, however, there have been more nuanced discussions of the mechanics of interregional and intercultural contact and interaction that could be investigated further. Work elsewhere in the human sciences also suggests a role for psychological and "epidemiological" factors in the creation of regionalism and globalism that deserve more attention in the study of antiquity. Here the brain has been shown to act like a common denominator in sociocultural development and culture to spread like an epidemic or virus.

Papers are particularly encouraged on topics related to this theme. Submissions are invited, however, on all subjects of special interest to classicists. Questions and expressions of interest can be sent to the chair of the conference organizing committee, Professor Franco De Angelis (University of British Columbia) at Abstracts of no more than 100-150 words for talks of twenty minutes should be sent by e-mail attachment by the September 15, 2006 deadline to the programme coordinator, Professor Robert Todd (University of British Columbia) at We are seeking funding support for the conference from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, to help offset some of the costs of participating in the conference and of preparing a volume of edited proceedings. Therefore, in order to qualify, abstracts must also be accompanied by the following:

• Family name, given name, initials
• Institutional affiliation (if any) and department
• Degrees received (beginning with the most recent; please specify the discipline)
• Recent positions held (beginning with the most recent)
• Audio-visual or other requirements
• E-mail and postal address

A preliminary program and details about participating in the conference will be posted in early November 2006 on the conference website that will be linked to the website of the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia located at

Summer Study
From: Steven Hijmans

University of Alberta
Ancient and Medieval Studies

The Department of History and Classics of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, announces a four-week, intensive summer school in ancient and medieval studies, from July 10th to August 4th, 2006. Courses range from the introductory to senior undergraduate, and cover languages, culture, history, archaeology, and auxiliary subjects. Highlights include: Koine Greek (GREEK 479), Introduction to Sanskrit (RELIG 239), and Intermediate Latin (LATIN 301); Introduction to Early Christian Writings (RELIG 211), Religions of Greece and Rome (CLASS 303), and Medieval Scotland (HIST 300); Researching Archaeological artifacts (CLASS 399 B2), and Pseudo-Archaeology (CLASS 399 B1); Roman Palaeography and Epigraphy (CLASS 399 B3) and Medieval European Palaeography (Latin, French, German)(HIST 403); and many others.

All courses are three credits. Classes meet for two full hours per day, Monday through Thursday. Students may enroll in no more than two courses. Students from other universities are welcome. Friday afternoons will be devoted to a special colloquium series on the theme "Cult in Word and Image." Students are encouraged to attend the colloquia and the informal gatherings that follow, as a way to meet instructors and fellow students in an informal setting.

For further information, visit the Department of History and Classics homepage, or the special programs section of the Spring/Summer courses website of the Registrar website,, or write to Dr Andrew Gow, Director of the Ancient and Medieval Studies Summer School, Department of History and Classics, 2-28 Tory Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta T6G 2H4, <>.

Next regular issue 2006 03 15
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