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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 12.9 (2006 05 15)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques

President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 12.9 (2006 05 15)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Positions Available
                     (Robert Welch University)   (Memorial University)   (University of Liverpool)
        2. Calls for Papers
                     (Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture)
        3. Conference Announcements
                     (KAKOS: Badness and Anti-Values in Classical Antiquity)
        4. Departmental Announcements
                     (Brock University)
        5. Varia
        6. Of Note

Editor's Note:

Because I will be in Greece from 22 May until 12 June, there will not be special bulletins during that period.
If you have something you know you would like sent out in a special bulletin, please send to me prior to 20 May.

Positions Available

From: Lisa St. Louis

Robert Welch University

Robert Welch University, an online university in Appleton, Wisconsin, is seeking several qualified instructors of Classical Languages and Classical Studies to join its faculty of nearly 20 distinguished adjunct professors. The university is proud of its conservative values and its commitment to providing a traditional Liberal Arts education.

Students in the Associate's Degree program in Liberal Arts take two introductory courses in Latin, Greek or Biblical Hebrew and two Western Civilization courses. Classical Studies courses and higher levels of the language courses are available as electives.

RWU is now preparing a 4-year BA program in Liberal Arts with specialization in Latin or Classical Studies. A program with specialization in Ancient Greek is being considered for the future.

All teaching assignments will be based upon the interests and experience of the instructor.

Candidates should be willing to teach a variety of courses from the list below:
Applicants should hold a PhD and be comfortable with the technology required for online teaching. ABDs will be considered only if the applicant has exceptional qualifications and can demonstrate substantial progress toward the completion of the doctorate. Applicants are invited to explore our website to become acquainted with RWU's core values and mission. There is no closing date as RWU accepts applications on an ongoing basis.

From: Tana Allen

Memorial University
8-Month Teaching Term Appointment

The Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, invites applications for an 8-month teaching term appointment. The successful applicant will be expected to teach introductory courses in the classical languages as well as more specialized courses in literature in translation and other aspects of classical civilization. Applicants must provide evidence of excellence in teaching. For information about the Department of Classics, please visit our website at

Applications should be directed to:

Dr. Tana J. Allen, Head
Department of Classics
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL   A1C 5S7
Fax: (709) 737-2135
Phone: (709) 737-8593

Letters of application should reach the Head by June 16th, 2006, and should be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier or comparable evidence of teaching experience, and the names and contact information for three persons who will be able to provide a letter of reference.

Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the educational and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to almost 16,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John's, a safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.

Memorial University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from qualified women and men, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

From: Thomas Harrison

University of Liverpool
Lectureship in Classical Studies

The Council of the University invites applications for a three-year fixed term Lectureship in Classical Studies in the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. This opportunity arises from the award of a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship to Professor Christopher Tuplin, and comes at a time both of expansion in staff numbers and of exciting change in the profile of Classics and Ancient History at Liverpool.

The successful candidate will have expertise and a strong research profile in any area of the literature, history or culture of the Greco-Roman world or of its later reception. S/he will teach undergraduate and postgraduate students at all levels, and be able to develop attractive new modules. It is envisaged that the post will attract research-active scholars entering the profession and hoping to progress to permanent academic positions.

The closing date for applications is 2nd June and the post is tenable from 1st September 2006.

For information on how to apply, go to

The School

Study and research in the classical world at Liverpool are integrated within the long-established School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. There are fourteen full-time permanent members of staff with classical research interests (see full list below), as well as others with related interests in, amongst other areas, Egyptology and Near-Eastern archaeology. Classical research and teaching at Liverpool cover a broad range chronologically, geographically and in terms of approach. Distinctive areas of strength are: epigraphy, classical archaeology and the history of archaeology, Greek and Roman historiography; the literature of the Roman empire, social and cultural history, and the interface of Greco-Roman and other, especially Near-Eastern, civilisations. The wider 'classical environment' in Liverpool also includes a specialist in the history of early medieval Italy in the School of History, and a strong contingent of ancient philosophers in the Department of Philosophy.

The School provides instruction for some 500 undergraduates, 30 masters and 55 research students. It currently has eleven undergraduate degree programmes: the BA in Ancient History and Archaeology, Classics, Classical Studies, Classical Studies with a Modern European Language, the Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations, Archaeology, Egyptology, Egyptian Archaeology, Geography and Archaeology, and the BSc in Evolutionary Anthropology, and in Archaeology. The School also makes a major contribution to full-time and part-time Combined Honours provision in the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Social and Environmental Studies.

At postgraduate level there are now six Masters programmes: MA in Ancient History, Classics, Archaeology, and Egyptology, and MSc in Archaeology, and Palaeoanthropology. The School places a great emphasis on the expansion of its postgraduate courses and on the recruitment of high-calibre students to its active Postgraduate Research School.

The School prides itself on its vibrant research environment. This is reflected in, for example:

Research Seminars. There are two regular series of classical seminars: a research seminar for outside speakers which runs weekly during teaching semesters, and a staff work-in-progress seminar. There are also joint seminars with Manchester and Leeds (the Transpennine Seminar, Epigraphy North), seminar series in Egyptology and Archaeology, as well as graduate seminars and an active student society.

Conferences. Conferences organised by Liverpool staff, many of which have resulted in published volumes, include: Xenophon and his World, Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture, Hellenistic Economies I and II, Purse and Paideia: Money in Plutarch and the Second Sophistic, Pontus and the Outside World, The Middle Euphrates in Antiquity, and Realities and Representations of Travel in Ancient Greece and the Near East. Planned conferences include Polybius (July 2007), and the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association (in March 2008, to coincide with Liverpool's year as European Capital of Culture).

Resources. The School and University have a number of funds available for travel to (or organising) conferences, publication expenses, pump-priming of research projects, or for assistance with teaching administration. The University is investing considerable extra resources in library facilities, including a major extension to the University Library and two substantial additional tranches of funding for the purchase of classical research monographs.

Organisation of teaching. Teaching is organised in such a way as to enable all staff to sustain a programme of research. Permanent and fixed-term staff have equivalent teaching loads. All staff have (at least) one research day per week. And all second- and third-year modules are normally related to staff research interests.

General description of the post
  1. The successful candidate will have expertise in an area of the literature, history or culture of the Greco-Roman world or of its later reception, will offer a well-formulated programme of current and future research promising real advances in knowledge and understanding, and will be expected to play a full part in the research life of the School.
  2. S/he will teach undergraduate and postgraduate students at all levels, and be able to develop modules, within a broad range of literary, historical or cultural topics, with a wide appeal both within the School and in other departments. Members of staff normally have sole charge of the design and delivery of the modules for which they are responsible. A willingness to undertake limited language teaching would be an advantage.
  3. The new appointee will also be expected to play a limited role in departmental administration, and will from the outset have a pastoral role as a Personal Tutor to undergraduate students.

Applications, Presentations and Interviews

The interview process has two parts. Candidates will give a short presentation about their present and future research to an audience of staff and research students (the presentation will be 20 minutes in length, with a further 10 minutes allocated for questions) and will then be interviewed formally by the appointing committee. Short-listed candidates may in addition be asked to supply both a sample of their research and ideas for possible modules, in advance of the interview process; any such request will come together with the invitation to interview.

Further Information

Further details of the School, staff research interests, and degree programmes can be found at

Potential candidates are welcome to contact the Head of the School, Professor Christopher Mee (0151 794 2445, e-mail:, or Professor Tom Harrison (email: if any further details are required.

Calls for Papers
From: Michele George

Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture
6th E.T. Salmon Conference

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Sept. 28-29th, 2007

The 6th E. T. Salmon conference in Roman Studies will bring together archaeologists, art historians, and social historians to consider the evidence for slavery in the visual and archaeological evidence of ancient Rome, and to examine its potential and its limitations. Although there is a substantial body of scholarship on many conventional sources for Roman slavery, the role of the material culture of ancient Rome — its art, artifacts, and physical remains — has yet to be addressed coherently and methodically. Recent scholarship in Roman history and culture, however, is setting a new course in slavery studies that demonstrates how material culture can elucidate Roman attitudes toward the institution of slavery and towards slaves themselves in ways that significantly augment the textual accounts.

Our keynote speakers represent several areas of interest in Roman studies: We are seeking papers that consider elements of Roman material culture (broadly defined) and its contribution to the study of Roman slavery. The material treated might include iconographic issues, architecture, freedmen as former slaves, commemoration in its various forms, or epigraphy, among many others. Our preference is for papers that analyze and discuss the nature of the evidence and its use in historical inquiry, rather than the presentation of data.

Abstracts of 500 words, with a single page CV, should be sent electronically as attachments in Word to:

Dr. Michele George

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30, 2006. Notification of acceptance will be sent by September 1, 2006.

Please distribute this notice to anyone who might be interested.

Conference Announcements
From: Kathy Axcell

KAKOS: Badness and Anti-Values in Classical Antiquity
The Penn Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values IV, 2006

1-3 June, 2006
Terrace Room, Logan Hall
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Free and Open to the Public


Departmental Announcements
From: Carol Merriam

Brock University
New Appointments

The Department of Classics at Brock University is pleased to announce the following permanent appointments, who will join the department in July 2006:

Ms. Fanny Dolansky
Dr. Elizabeth Greene
Dr. Katharine von Stackelberg

From: James Allan Evans

Request for Information

I am preparing an essay on the Classical Tradition in Canada for Brill's New Pauly, which will devote its final volume, I gather, to the history of classics in various countries. I'd like to know more about the Quebec system of education after the 'Quiet Revolution.'

From: Martin Cropp

Report of the CFHSS March Board of Directors Meeting

A summary report on the March 25-26 Board of Directors' Meeting of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is now available on the Federation's website (

Of Note

James Allan Evans' book on Herodotus, titled The Beginnings of History: Herodotus and the Persian Wars, will be published by Edgar Kent Publishing (books distributed by the University of Toronto Press). The volume is a collection of his articles on Herodotus with a preface by Robert Fowler, Dean of Arts, University of Bristol.

Next regular issue 2006 06 15
Send submissions to <>