Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

15.5.1      2009 01 25     ISSN 1198-9149


Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)




From Jim Murray (

CAC Nominating Committee Announcement

Le comité des candidatures de la SCEC se propose de chercher des mises en candidature pour les postes suivants qui seront à remplir en mai 2009: Trésorier 2010-2012 (renouvelable pour un second mandat de trois ans), et quatre postes au conseil occupés actuellement par Leanne Bablitz, Alison Barclay, Agathe Roman, et John Serrati. Un appel officiel de candidatures sera distribué en janvier avec la sollicitation des réabonnements.  Les règles pertinentes à la procédure sont prescrites par les articles #6 et #7 des statuts et par l’article #5 des règlements de la SCEC (disponibles sur le site internet de la Société).  Selon l’article 6c, le Trésorier doit avoir complété un mandat à titre de membre du Conseil.

Toutes questions et manifestations d’intérêt peuvent êtres adressées à l’un(e) ou l’autre des members de la comité des candidatures: B. MacLachlan (Western Ontario), V. Liapis (Montréal), and L. M. Bowman (Victoria), et James Murray (Chair, New Brunswick Fredericton).

The Nominating Committee of the CAC will be seeking candidates for the following positions which will become vacant in May 2009: Treasurer 2009–12 (renewable for one further term of three years), and four members of Council to fill the positions currently held by Leanne Bablitz, Alison Barclay, Agathe Roman, and John Serrati.  A formal call for nominations will be issued with the membership renewal mailing in January.  Relevant regulations can be found in Articles 6 and 7 and Bylaw 5 of the Constitution (available on the Association’s website).  According to Article 6c, the Treasurer must previously have served a term as a member of the Council.

Questions and expressions of interest may be addressed to the members of the Nominating Committee: Bonnie MacLachlan (Western Ontario), Vayos Liapis (Montréal), and Laurel Bowman (Victoria), and James Murray (Chair, New Brunswick Fredericton).


From: Irene Peireno ( and Ornella Rossi (

CFP Writing the self, writing lives in Greco-Roman culture 


The following is a call for papers for the panel 'Writing the self, Writing lives in Greco-Roman culture', to be held at the 2010 APA meeting in Orange County, California. Abstracts must reach the APA office by 2 February. If you are interested in submitting and abstract, please contact Eirene Peirena ( or Ornella Rossi ( for directions.

The full 'annual meeting program guide' (which includes guidelines for abstracts and 'Form D', which must accompany all submissions) is available online:


From George Kovacs (

Performance of Euripides' Andromache

From the Department of Ancient History and Classics at Trent University.


are proud to present:


February 2009

Nozhem Theatre (First Peoples' House of Learning), Trent University
February 3, 4, 5, 6
8 pm

Ignatief Theatre, Trinity College, Toronto
February 7
3 pm

Tickets: $5 ($10 for Toronto performance); contact Kathy Axcell to reserve ( (705) 748-1011 x 7848)

The Classics Drama Group is an amateur theatre company that has been producing Greek theatre for almost 15 years. This year's production, directed by CDG alum George Kovacs, sees the group working with their favorite author, Euripides.


From: Michael Fronda

CCB Submission Guidelines Reminder

This a short reminder to those planning on submitting an announcement to the CCB.  Please try to email the editor you submission by the 10th of the month, to guarantee that your announcement is included in that month's regular mailing.  For selected time sensitive announcements, or for submission whose mailing was delayed because of unusual circumstances, the editor will send out occasion "special" mailings.  Otherwise, your announcement will wait until the following month.  Please email your submission to ( and include the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading.  Emails sent to another address and/or without the proper subject heading have a tendency to be spam-filtered or lost. Finally, please proofread your submission and make sure the information is correct.  Thanks! m.


Next regular issue    2009 02 15
Send submissions to 

(place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading / écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet)