Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

15.6      2009 02 15     ISSN 1198-9149

Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcements

[2] Association Announcements and News

[3] Positions Available

[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

[5] Scholarships and Competitions

[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

[7] Varia


[1]  CCB/BCEA Announcements

No announcements this bulletin.


[2] Association Announcements and News

No announcements this bulletin.


[3] Positions Available

From Michelle George

McMaster University

The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites applications for a contractually limited appointment to run for one year (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010).  The successful candidate will teach 6 courses (3 per term), including classical archaeology (1 Greek archaeology, 3 Roman archaeology) and two sections of first year Latin.  A PhD in Classics with specialization in Archaeology is required, and a record of excellent teaching is preferred.  Applicants should send (in hard copy only) a letter of application, together with a curriculum vitae and a sample of their writing, to Dr. Michele George, Chair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M2, Canada; fax: 905-577-6930. Applications must be received by April 1, 2009, and applicants should arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to reach the department by the same date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, those legally able to work in Canada and at McMaster University will be given priority. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  Accordingly, the University especially encourages applications from women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities

More information on Classics at McMaster is available on our website:


From Lori Geldart

Mount Allison University: The Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics

The Crake Foundation and the Department of Classics at Mount Allison University are pleased to announce the Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2009-2010.

The Crake Fellowship is non-renewable, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who, at the time of taking up the fellowship, have completed all course and residential requirements for the Doctorate in Classics, passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship.

The holder will be asked to teach one course in each of the Fall and Winter terms, give a public lecture, and be in Sackville from September to the end of April.

In 2009-2010 the holder of the Crake Fellowship will receive $25,000 (CDN), with an allowance of up to $3,500 (CDN) to cover moving and other research-associated expenses.

Applications should include official transcripts and three letters of reference. The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission. Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis.

Completed applications should be sent to:

Dr. Bruce Robertson, Head
Department of Classics
Mount Allison University
63D York Street
Sackville, New Brunswick
E4L 1G9

The deadline for receipt of applications is March 15, 2009.

Mount Allison University welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.

Dr. J. Ernest A. Crake was Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University from 1946 to 1976. Seven years before his death in 1983 he founded the Crake Foundation, which in 1979 began a program of support for projects that reflected his life-long concern for Classics, the Humanities, the Library, and Scholarship.


[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

From Eli Diamond

On-Line Philosophy Journal ANIMUS vol. 13 (2009): Call for Papers on Greek Tragedy

The 2009 issue of Animus will be devoted to the theme of Greek Tragedy. In the Poetics, Aristotle remarks on the philosophical nature of tragedy, in part due to the fact that, like philosophy and unlike history, tragedy deals with universals. At its peak in fifth-century Athens, the performance of tragic drama was an important part of the polis' religious life, and the dramas themselves often reflected religious and political concerns. The plays explore both theological questions about the relationship between the various gods, between the gods and humanity, and the relation of both humans and gods to the necessity of fate, as well as politico-ethical questions concerning the institutions of state and family, social roles (of foreigners, slaves, and women), the variety of possible ends or goods to be pursued, and virtues of character - in other words, the very questions that would come to be addressed in another form by philosophy.

Animus invites articles which address the literary, religious, political and philosophical meaning of Greek tragedy. We are especially interested in philosophical commentary on particular plays, but will also welcome studies on problems that occur or recur within particular plays. Since tragedy has maintained a lasting impact throughout various epochs of Western thought, we also invite submissions which explore the reception and interpretation of Greek tragedy in subsequent periods.

For further information, please visit our website:

Deadline for Submissions: May 01, 2009

Submissions should be sent electronically by email attachment to the address

All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract, maximum length 100 words.

Departments are encouraged to post the Call for Papers, which can be downloaded here [PDF].


From Elizabeth Greene

"The Ancient Kourion Area: Penn Museum's Legacy and Recent Research in Cyprus"

An international conference at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
March 27-29, 2009
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA USA
"The Ancient Kourion Area: Penn Museum's Legacy and Recent Research in Cyprus" will provide a holistic focus on the greater region around Kourion, from earliest prehistory through medieval times. Conference participants will revisit old excavations in the light of recent interdisciplinary research in order to set an agenda for future directions. The program includes ample time for general discussion among presenters and audience.
The first scientific investigation of Kourion was undertaken by the University of Pennsylvania Museum between 1934 and 1953. A portion of the finds were exported to Philadelphia, and some are currently exhibited in the Museum’s Greek and Roman galleries. A small temporaty exhibition of additional material will accompany the conference.
Details are now available on the Penn Museum website:

Registration can be done on-line at the website.


From Allison Glazebrook

Brock University Archaeological Society 20th Annual Scholarly Symposium

Saturday March 14th 2009
Pond Inlet Brock University
11:30 am to 5:30 pm
Banquet to follow

Michael Carter
Brock University Department of Classics
Living the Nightmare: When Your Gladiatorial Dreams Come True

Judith Fletcher
Wilfrid Laurier University Archaeology and Classical Studies
Oaths and Oracles in Greek Tragedy

Daryn Lehoux
Queens University Department of Classics
Nature, Duty, and Divination in Cicero

Hugh Mason
University of Toronto Department of Classics
Seeing Witches Everywhere: Apuleius? Lycius at Hypata

Holt Parker
University of Cincinnati Department of Classics
Lesbian Love Call: Magic, Sappho, Sex Wars and the Construction of Feminine

Pauline Ripat
University of Winnipeg Department of Classics
Expelling Misconception: Identifying the Professional Astrologer in Rome

Email for more information and to register for the day by March 8.
$5.00 pre-registered
$10.00 day of and after March 8



The Spring Meeting of the Ontario Classical Association will take place at Trent University (Peterborough) on Saturday 28 March 2009 from 9.30 to 3.30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room, Scott House, at Traill College (Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario). It will be in honour of Professor David Page, a former OCA President who taught Roman History and Classics at Trent University for his entire career. The theme of the meeting is “The Lessons of History”. 

The keynote speaker is Professor Tim Cornell (University of Manchester), who will give a talk on “When was Rome founded?”.

Other speakers include Professor Guy Chamberland (Laurentian University) and Professor Fanny Dolansky (Brock University). There will also be a panel discussion on “Think Latin, Take Latin: Promotional Strategies for Classics”, involving Elizabeth Ellison (Elmwood School, Ottawa), Richard Burgess (University of Ottawa) and Allison Glazebrook (Brock).  For full details of the meeting, see schedule below.

Registrations are due 1 March 2009 (see registration form, below). Cost: $50 (OCA members), $60 (non-OCA members), $40 (students), including a hot lunch.



The Lessons of History
9:30-9:50 a.m.
Registration (Teachers– bring 20 items for Promotional Materials Exchange)
9:50-10:00 a.m.

Welcome by Dr. Christine McKinnon, Vice-President
Academic and Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Hugh Elton,
Department of Classics and the OCA Vice-President, Elizabeth Ellison

10:00– 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Guy Chamberland, Laurentian Univerity, “A New 
Constantinian Milestone from Xanthos in Lycia”
10:30-10:45 a.m.
Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 a.m.
Dr. Fanny Dolansky, Brock University, “Mixed Messages, 
Girls, Dolls and Roman Ideals”
11:15-12:00 p.m.
OCA Annual General Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Luncheon in Honour of Dr. David Page
1:45-2:30 p.m.
“Think Latin, Take Latin: Promotional Strategies for 
Classics”- Dr. Richard Burgess, University of Ottawa, Dr. Alison 
Glazebrook, Brock University and Elizabeth Ellison, Elmwood School
1230-3:30 p.m.
Keynote Address by Dr. Tim Cornell, University of Manchester, 
“ When Was Rome Founded?”
3:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks and Adjournment

Registration Form:

Please complete the following form and return it by 01 March 2009 to 
Ontario Classical Association, P.O.Box 19505, 55 Bloor Street West, Toronto, M4W 3T9


Name: (Please Circle one) Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. _________________________________________________

Guest: (Please Circle one) Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. _________________________________________________

Contact Information:    __________________________________________________________________




E-mail: _________________________________________________




Please indicate your menu choice :

_____ Roast Beef au jus _____ Szechwan Stir-Fry (vegetarian)




Student: ______ X $40.00 = 




Member: ______ X $50.00 =



Non-Member: ______ X $60.00 =



Total cheque enclosed payable to the OCA:





From James T. Chlup

Classical Association of the Canadian West Annual Meeting

The University of Manitoba will be hosting the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West on 6th and 7th March 2009, at the Delta Hotel in downtown Winnipeg.  The theme of the conference is 'Violence in Greek and Roman Antiquity'.

The finalised programme is now available at the following address:

For more information please contact James Chlup at


From Chelsey Young

3rd Annual Classics and Archaeology Conference: SUBMISSION EXTENSION

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: February 20th, 2009

The University of New Brunswick in association with The Canadian Institute in Greece 
Presents a Classics & Archaeology Conference: 
“From Weft to Trowel: 
Looking at Women from Ancient to Modern Times” 
MARCH 20-21, 2009


The Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of New Brunswick in conjunction with the Canadian Institute in Greece will be hosting a Conference on Classics and Archaeology, March 20-21, 2009. The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Laurel Bowman from the University of Victoria, B.C.

ALL GRADUATE AND SENIOR UNDERGRADUATES are invited to submit abstracts regardless of experience. The focus will be on women from a literary, archaeological and anthropological perspective; however, ALL VARIETIES OF TOPICS will be accepted. Presentations should be about fifteen to twenty minutes in length and visual aids are encouraged. 

Abstracts should be around 300 words and should include a name, address, e-mail address, phone number and the university affiliation. The deadline for submissions is February 20, 2009. Abstracts (preferably as a word document) should be sent to Chelsey Young ( The registration fee is $15, payable at the conference.


[5] Scholarships and Competitions

From Alison Keith

Bourse Desmond Conacher
Note : La forme masculine a été employée pour alléger le texte.

Cette bourse est offerte en mémoire de Desmond Conacher, ancien Professeur d’études classiques à Trinity College, Toronto, Membre de la Société royale du Canada et Président honoraire de la Société canadienne d'études classiques. La Fondation a été constituée grâce aux généreux dons de la famille, des amis et des collègues de D. Conacher, ainsi que des universités auxquelles il était affilié. Ses objectifs sont d’encourager et de soutenir financièrement un jeune étudiant entreprenant des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada. La Fondation est administrée par la Société canadienne d'études classiques et son Comité de sélection. Une bourse de 2500 $ est attribuée chaque année.

Critères d’admissibilité. Les candidats doivent être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) sur le point de commencer la première année d'un programme de deuxième cycle en études classiques (ou l’équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Les divers domaines de spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l’archéologie, sont admissibles. Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 28 ans au 1er janvier de l’année de la demande. Les principaux critères de sélection sont les réalisations académiques, les objectifs de carrière et les perspectives de succès, et le fait de posséder une formation de premier cycle pertinente.

Modalités de présentation. Les pièces suivantes devraient être acheminées au plus tard le 31 mars (à destination) à Alison Keith, CAC Awards Committee Chair, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen’s Park, Toronto ON, M5S 2C7:

Procédure de sélection et annonce des résultats. Le comité de sélection se réunit à l'occasion du Congrès annuel qui se tient en mai. Les candidats seront informés des résultats peu de temps après. La bourse sera versée en septembre, après confirmation que le récipiendaire a bien complété son inscription dans un programme d’études supérieures d'une université canadienne. Le Comité de sélection peut réduire le montant de la bourse ou peut décider d'un prix honorifique de remplacement si la somme de la bourse et des autres bourses cumulées par le récipiendaire (incluant tout type de bourse, exemption de frais de scolarité, contrats d'assistanat d'enseignement ou de recherche, ou toute forme de revenu de cet ordre) excède le montant de 20,000 $. Dans ce cas, une bourse pourra être accordée au second en lice.

Informations. Les demandes d’informations supplémentaires devront être adressées par écrit à la Présidente du Comité de sélection, Mme. Alison Keith <>

The Desmond Conacher Scholarship

Call for applications — This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the Classical Association of Canada. The scholarship has been endowed through donations from his family, friends, colleagues, and universities with which he was associated. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the Classical Association of Canada through its Awards Committee. One award of $2,500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria — Applicants must be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) intending to enter the first year of graduate studies in a classics or similar programme at a Canadian university. Specializations within the general area of classics such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. Applicants must be less than 28 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. The main criteria are academic achievement, professional promise, and an appropriate under-graduate preparation.

Application procedure — The following items should be sent, to arrive by MARCH 31st, to Professor Alison Keith, CAC Awards Committee Chair, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C7:

Selection and award procedure — The Committee meets during the Association’s Annual Conference in May. Applicants will be informed of the results soon after this. The award will be paid in September subject to confirmation that the winner has registered in an appropriate graduate program. The committee may choose to reduce the amount of the award or make an honorary award if the total amount of this and other awards offered to the winner for the first twelve months of graduate study (including scholarships, fee remissions, teaching and research assistantships and the like) exceeds $20,000. In such cases an award may be made to a runner-up.

Further information — Questions should be addressed to the Awards Committee chair, Professor Alison Keith <>


[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

From Elizabeth Greene

Brock University: CLAS/VISA 3M24
Study Tour in Mediterranean Lands, Turkey (May 5-25, 2009)

The study tour is designed to introduce students to the major monuments of Turkey in Istanbul, Cappodocia, and the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts. Students will visit sites and museums that reflect the vast cultural landscape of Turkey from the Bronze Age to the present day, with particular attention devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity. Sites and cities to be visited include: Istanbul, Ephesus, Didyma, Pergamon, Troy, Bodrum (ancient Halicarnassus), Aphrodisias, Aspendos, Perge, and Antalya.

The study tour is worth a full credit in Classics or Visual Arts from Brock University, and open to undergraduate and graduate students from Canadian institutions. Non-Brock students may take the course on a letter of permission from their home university. Please contact Prof. Elizabeth S. Greene ( for a complete itinerary, application, and fees. The deadline for applications has been extended until 25 February 2009. 


From Hugh Mason

Summer courses at the University of Toronto

Introductory Greek (GRK 100Y1Y) is among the courses available in the 2009 Summer Session at the University of Toronto (Downtown St. George Campus). The full timetable is available on the Faculty of Arts and Science website:

It will be updated early in March. Students at other North American Universities need to apply to be Visiting Students at Toronto, at:

Introductory Latin will be taught at the University of Toronto at Scarborough; for information contact:

Tamara Al-Kasey <>

Please contact me with any questions,

Hugh Mason


[7] Varia

From Michelle George

In Memoriam - Daniel J. Geagan

Daniel J. Geagan passed away on 6 February 2009, in his 72nd year. He received his graduate education at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and Johns Hopkins University, and taught at Dartmouth College after serving in the military for two years. He joined the Department of History at McMaster University in 1973 and until 2001 he taught Ancient History, especially ancient Greece, with an emphasis on social and institutional history. His distinguished research and publications on Roman Greece involved the editing and interpretation of inscriptions, dedicatory monuments, and documents from several major archaeological sites, including the Athenian Agora, Isthmia, and Corinth. He was promoted to professor emeritus in 2001, but kept working on matters epigraphic; his volume on the inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (vol. XVIII in the American School of Classical Studies series) is forthcoming soon. Apart from being a fine Classical scholar, Dan was committed to social justice and for many years was involved in the Ecumenical Support Committee for Refugees. In 2008, he was made a lifetime member of the New Democratic Party for his continuing and tireless dedication to Canada’s social democratic party. Dan will be missed by many fellow scholars and colleagues and those who had the opportunity to work with him in the community. 


Next regular issue    2009 03 15
Send submissions to 

(Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .rtf, . html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, etc. / Écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet. Veuillez envoyer les annonces au format que on peut éditer (.doc, .rtf, . html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas des pièce-jointes; incluez liens à tous affiches, circulaires, etc.).