Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

15.11      2009 08 15    ISSN 1198-9149


Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcements

[2] Association Announcements and News

[3] Positions Available
[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements
[5] Scholarships and Competitions
[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

[7] Varia

[1]  CCB/BCEA Announcements

No announcements this month.


[2] Association Announcements and News

No announcements this month.


[3] Positions Available

From: Carolyn MacDonald


Tenure-stream Appointment
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Roman History

The Department of Classics at Dalhousie University invites applications for a tenure stream appointment at the Lecturer/Assistant Professor level effective July 1, 2010, in Roman History with a secondary interest in Latin Studies.  All candidates will possess philological competence in Greek and Latin normally expected in international Classical Scholarship, and will follow a text-based approach to teaching and research. At the undergraduate level a demonstrated ability to teach large introductory classes in Ancient History, as well as  intermediate level classes in Greek and Roman History, is essential.  The successful applicant will be able to contribute to the Graduate Programme of the Department:  the preferred research area is Roman Republican and Imperial History; an interest in historiography and cross-disciplinary approaches to cultural history would be advantageous.  In Latin studies, competence and readiness to teach Latin language and literature at the undergraduate level are expected.  Applicants should have completed the PhD or have the PhD in-hand and show competence in teaching, research and publication appropriate to their experience.  The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. 

Applicants should send, in hard copy, a letter of application, complete curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests and philosophies, evidence of teaching competence, and arrange to have three confidential original letters of professional recommendation forwarded by referees under separate cover to:

Dr. Wayne Hankey, Chair
Department of Classics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 4P9

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.  Dalhousie University is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer.  The University encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women.

The closing date for applications is October 15, 2009.


[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

From: P.L. White

Cross-Cultural Influence in the Roman World
Department of Classics Graduate Conference, McMaster University
3 October 2009

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Emma Dench (Harvard University)

The theme of the conference is cross-cultural influence in the Roman world.  The keynote speaker is Dr. Emma Dench from Harvard University, who will be speaking on the topic of Roman and local conceptualizations of time.

Registration fees (includes lunch and refreshments):
$20 for students
$30 for non-students

Please email Patricia White ( to request a registration package for the conference.  Note that registration closes on 25 September 2009.


From: Cillian O’Hogan

Preliminary notice: Engendering Reception: From Penelope to Atwood’s Penelopiad
University of Toronto, April 24-25 2010

The Classics Graduate Student Association of the University of Toronto invites abstracts for a graduate conference on the theme Engendering Reception, to be held in Toronto on April 24-25, 2010. Our keynote speaker will be Susanna Braund, Canada Research Chair in Latin Poetry and its Reception, University of British Columbia.

This conference aims to consider the role gender plays in reception both within antiquity and beyond. What does it mean when Catullus and Horace imitate Sappho? How are epic heroines and villains portrayed in other genres? How is gender played out in later imitations of Greek and Roman literature (e.g. Racine’s Phèdre)? What are the issues facing contemporary women writers (such as Margaret Atwood or Anne Carson) who deal with classical topics? Our conference hopes to explore these questions, as well as more broadly theoretical issues.

Potential topics could include, but are not limited to:
• Intertextual heroines in antiquity
• The reception of female authors in the ancient world
• The use of a “female voice” by male authors
• The interaction of historical and literary female characters
• Women and the history of classical scholarship
• Women and the acquisition of Classical education in the 19th and early 20th centuries
• Gender and the contemporary reception of the classics

We welcome submissions from students of all areas of classical studies, as well as students from other disciplines, including art history, history, archaeology, philosophy, comparative literature, religious studies, women's and gender studies, drama, and politics.

A conference website will be set up shortly, and interested students are invited to join the conference’s Facebook group:

This is a preliminary notice. A call for papers and a submission deadline will be circulated in the fall. Queries and indications of interest should be directed to the conference coordinators:

Cillian O’Hogan,
Melanie Racette-Campbell,


[5] Scholarships and Competitions

From: Alison Barclay

CAC Sight Translation Competition
A request for volunteers:

I am looking for adjudicators for the Junior Latin, Junior and Senior Greek levels of the next CAC Sight Translation competition (January 2010). If you would like more information about the adjudicator’s duties or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact the competition coordinator, Alison Barclay, by August 31, 2009 (e-mail address:


[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

No announcements this month.


[7] Varia

No announcements this month.


Next regular issue    2009 09 15
Send submissions to 

(Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .rtf, . html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, etc. / Écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet. Veuillez envoyer les annonces au format que on peut éditer (.doc, .rtf, . html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas des pièce-jointes; incluez liens à tous affiches, circulaires, etc.).