Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

16.2      2009 10 15     ISSN 1198-9149


Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria) 



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcements

[2] Association Announcements and News

[3] Positions Available

[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements
[5] Scholarships and Competitions

[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

[7] Varia

[1]  CCB/BCEA Announcements

No announcements this issue

[2] Association Announcements and News

From: James Murray

(English text follows)

Nous invitons des nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l’article (b) du règlement. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées au président sortant de la société et président du comité de sélection, M. James Murray, Office of the Dean of Arts, University of New Brunswick, NB E3B 5A3 <>.  La date limite est le 15 décembre, 2009.

(a) La Société attribue un Prix du mérite pour reconnaître les efforts soutenus et méritoires d’un membre à l'accomplissement des objectifs de la Société (tels que définis à l’article 2 des Statuts). Le Prix consiste en une mention honorifique et un certificat offerts lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle. Le Prix est l’occasion pour la Société de reconnaître la contribution remarquable d’un membre pour la discipline, telle que, par exemple, un enseignement d'excellence et innovant, la formation et l'encadrement d'étudiants comme de collègues, la promotion des civilisations grecque et romaine auprès du grand public et les services rendus à la Société.

(b) Le Prix du mérite est accordé selon la procédure suivante. Chaque année, avant le 15 septembre, la Société fait parvenir aux membres un appel à nominations dont la date limite est fixée au 15 décembre. Chaque nomination devra être co-signée par un proposeur et un secondeur et fournira un exposé des motifs qui justifient la nomination. Peu avant ou à l'occasion de sa réunion d'automne, le conseil constitue un comité présidé par le président sortant et composé d’un membre ordinaire du conseil et de deux membres de la Société. Le comité fera part de sa (ses) recommandation(s) au conseil à l’occasion de la réunion du printemps. Un ou plusieurs Prix peuvent être octroyés chaque année. Le comité se charge de la rédaction du texte de la (des) mention(s) qui sera (seront) lue(s) à l'assemblée générale annuelle de la Société.

We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of the Bylaw. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year’s Past President and Committee chair, Dr. James Murray, Office of the Dean of Arts, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 <>.  Note: The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2009.

(a) The Association shall administer an Award of Merit in order to recognize a member’s longstanding and meritorious efforts in fulfilling the goals of the Association (as defined in Article 2 of the Constitution). The Award shall consist of a citation and certificate presented at the Annual General Meeting. The Award is an opportunity for the Association to acknowledge outstanding service to the discipline, such as, but not limited to, excellent or innovative teaching, mentoring of students and faculty colleagues, promoting knowledge of the ancient Greek and Roman world among the general public, and service to the Association.

(b) The Award of Merit shall be made according to the following procedure. Each year before September 15th, the Association shall issue a call for nominations to all members, with a deadline for submissions of December 15th. Each nomination shall be signed by a nominator and a seconder, and shall include a statement of the specific reasons for the nomination. At or before its Fall meeting the Council shall strike a committee consisting of one ordinary Council member, two regular members of the Association, and the Past President as chair. This committee shall report its recommendation(s) to the Council at its spring meeting. One or more awards may be made in any year. The Committee shall compose citation(s) to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.


From Jonathan Edmondson

Speaker/conférencier: Mark Lawall (University of Manitoba)
Dates: 16-28 November 2009

Mon 16 Nov., Université Laval (Québec)
Topic: “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”

Tues 17 Nov., Concordia University (Montréal)
Topic: “Ancient Global Trade: Interpreting and misinterpreting patterns of  trade in the archaeological record”

Tues 17 Nov., McGill University (Montreal)
Topic : “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”

Wed 18 Nov., Carleton University (Ottawa)
Topic: “Ancient Global Trade: Interpreting and misinterpreting patterns of trade in the archaeological record”

Wed 18 Nov., Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Topic: “An amphora, a statue and a very small temple: Amphoras and the architectural history of the Athenian Agora”

Thurs 19 Nov., Queen’s University (Kingston)
Topic: “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”

Fri 20 Nov., York University (Toronto)
Topic:  “Ancient Global Trade: Interpreting and misinterpreting patterns of trade in the archaeological record”

Mon. 23 Nov., University of Toronto
Topic: “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”

Tues. 24 Nov., Wilfrid Laurier University & University of Waterloo (at WLU)
Topic: “Ancient Global Trade: Interpreting and misinterpreting patterns of trade in the archaeological record”

Wed. 25 Nov., University of Western Ontario (London)
Topic: “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”

Thurs 26 Nov., Brock University (St. Catharines)
Topic: “Ancient Global Trade: Interpreting and misinterpreting patterns of trade in the archaeological record”

Fri 27 Nov., McMaster University (Hamilton)
Topic: “So there are prices and markets, so what? Archaeological efforts to advance debates over ancient economies”


From Jonathan Edmondson

Speaker/conférencier: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Dates: 13-19 October 2009

Tues 13 Oct., University of Winnipeg (a.m.)
Topic: “Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Xanthos and Letoon (Lycia, Turkey): Work of the Canadian Epigraphic Mission, 2001-2009”

Tues 13 Oct., University of Manitoba (p.m.)
Topic: “Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Xanthos and Letoon (Lycia, Turkey): Work of the Canadian Epigraphic Mission, 2001-2009”

Wed 14 Oct., University of Alberta (Edmonton)
Topic: “Squeezing stones to bring the dead back to life. Nine years of epigraphical work in Lycia”

Thurs 15 Oct., University of Calgary
Topic: “Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Xanthos and Letoon (Lycia, Turkey): Work of the Canadian Epigraphic Mission, 2001-2009”

Fri 16 Oct., UBC & Simon Fraser University (at UBC)
Topic: “Greek and Latin inscriptions of Xanthos and Letoon (Lycia, Turkey): Work of Canadian Epigraphic Mission 2001-2009”

Mon 19 Oct., University of Victoria
Topic: “Discovering Words, Understanding Cultures: the ancient Xanthians of Lycia”


[3] Positions Available

From Eric Csapo

University of Sydney

Lecturer in Roman History (please note that in Australia 'Lecturer, Level B' is equivalent to North American 'Assistant Professor')
Department of Classics and Ancient History,
School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, Faculty of Arts
Reference No. 560/0909

• Roman historian appointment
• Internationally renowned department
• Competitive remuneration package

The University of Sydney is one of Australia's premier University with an outstanding global reputation for academic and research excellence, and employs over 6,800 permanent staff supporting over 46,000 students.

The University of Sydney’s Faculty of Arts has a proud history and tradition of intellectual rigour. It offers one of the most comprehensive and diverse range of humanities and social science studies in the Asia Pacific, and a vibrant research and teaching environment.

The School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI) is one of four schools in the Faculty of Arts, made up of the Departments of Archaeology, Classics and Ancient History, Gender and Cultural Studies, History and Philosophy. The School brings together an exciting group of academics and students who participate in a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. It is home to some of the leading researchers and teachers in Australia and the world, as well as regularly hosting prominent visitors and international colloquia.

The School is seeking a Roman Historian for a continuing post, starting as a Lecturer (Level B) in the Department of Classics and Ancient History, to commence in January or July of 2010. Preference will be given to candidates with an established research record in the field of Republican Roman History. An additional expertise and interest in Hellenistic history is desirable. If successful, you will be expected to teach broadly across the major divisions of the department’s undergraduate curriculum, which includes Latin & Greek as well as Ancient History, and to participate in graduate teaching and supervision as appropriate.

The Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney is internationally recognised for its excellence in research and teaching in all aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity ( It collaborates closely with members of the sister Departments of Archaeology and Philosophy whose expertise lies in the ancient world.

The department is currently enjoying an exciting period of renewal and growth. This includes participation in the newly established Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia, in collaboration with the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, the Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation and others. The successful applicants will be expected to contribute to its vibrant research future.

The position is full time continuing appointment subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.

Remuneration package: a competitive remuneration package is available consisting of a Level B salary range ($76,250.00 - $90,546); plus leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation.

All applications must be submitted online. For more information and to apply, please use Reference No. 560/0909 and visit the following web link:

Closing Date: Consideration of applicants will begin on 7th November and will continue until the position is filled.

The University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. Applications from equity target groups and women are encouraged.


[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

From Max Nelson

Windsor Classics Undergraduate Conference

The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in conjunction with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Group of the University of Windsor is pleased to sponsor its fifth annual Classics Undergraduate Conference to be held on Friday, March 5 and Saturday, March 6, 2010. The conference will open on Friday with a lecture by Dr. Mark Munn from Pennsylvania State University. This will be followed by a dinner for the student speakers who will present on Saturday.

Undergraduate majors in Classics or related fields are invited to submit abstracts (of 300 words maximum) for a 15 to 20 minute talk on any aspect of ancient Greece or Rome. Please include name, year, and institution with your submission, which is to be e-mailed to Dr. Max Nelson at The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 31, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be provided by February 15, 2010.


From Laurel Bowman

Joint meeting of The Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest and the Classical Association of the Canadian West

Call for Papers:
A joint meeting of The Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest and the Classical Association of the Canadian West will take place at the University of Washington in Seattle on March 12-13, 2010. This will be the 40th Annual Meeting of CAPN and one in a series of congenial joint meetings with CACW.

We invite papers on any aspect of Graeco-Roman antiquity. Abstracts of about 200 words should be submitted by email to The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2009.

The keynote address will be delivered on Friday evening March 12 by Professor Kirk Freudenburg, Professor of Classics at Yale University. He is best known for two books on Roman satire, The Walking Muse: Horace on the Theory of Satire (Princeton 1993) and Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal (Cambridge 2001); he is also the editor of The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire (Cambridge 2005).

Please contact Catherine Connors ( with any questions.


From: Fanny Dolansky



February 27, 2010 at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Dr. Brad Ault, Associate Professor, The University at Buffalo

The graduate students of the Department of Classics at Brock University are pleased to announce our second annual Graduate Student Conference to be held on Saturday, February 27, 2010.  The purpose of this year’s conference is to explore moments of change and continuity in the ancient world through the analysis of literature, art history, and material culture.  Who or what brought about or resisted these transformations and how?  What purpose did such changes serve?  What mechanisms were in place to mark or resist socio-political transitions?  What do developments in art and architecture indicate about social, political, and religious ideologies?  What theoretical models help us understand these processes?  Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: the shift from Archaic to Classical art that was marked by the advent of realism and rhythm; the transition from Republic to Empire and its impact on political, religious, or cultural institutions in Italy and the provinces; political, social, and religious commentary on events of the 5th and 4th centuries BCE as portrayed through tragedy and comedy such as in Aeschylus’ Persians or Aristophanes’ Clouds; and images and ideas of transformation and conversion in literary works such as Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Apuleius’ Golden Ass.  We welcome abstracts on the conference theme from archaeological, historical, artistic, and literary perspectives.  The call for papers is open to graduate students at all levels in Classics, Classical Archaeology, Art History, and related fields.

Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words and will be evaluated anonymously by a committee.  Please email your abstract (to the address below) without identifying information as an attachment in MS Word or as a .pdf file, and place your name, year, program of study, and current location in the body of the email.  If selected, presenters should prepare oral papers that are 15-20 minutes in length.  Please send abstracts, as well as any general enquiries, to Lana Radloff at by November 16, 2009.  Abstracts will be reviewed by a committee and a tentative program made available by December 10, 2009.

The conference will take place in the Sankey Chamber at Brock University on February 27, 2010 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all participants.


From Martine Dumais

du 29 au 31 octobre 2009
à l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada)
le colloque
“La gestion des bords de l'eau, un environnement à risque: pour la définition de riparia dans l'Empire romain"
organisé par la Chaire de recherche du Canada société-environnement naturel dans l’Empire romain
dont la titulaire est madame Ella Hermon,
professeur au département d’histoire de l’Université Laval.

Cette activité réunira une vingtaine de chercheurs de différentes institutions canadiennes, européennes et nord-africaines.

Vous pourrez trouver plus d’information dans le programme.

Pour information: Ella Hermon (


From John Coates

International Conference on the Liberal Art

On behalf of my colleagues at St. Thomas University, I’m writing to remind you about the Call for Papers for an International Conference on the Liberal Arts to take place September 30-October 2, 2010. The theme of the conference is reflected in its title: “Looking Back and Moving Forward: The Next 100 Years of Liberal Arts – Confronting the Challenges”. This conference is also an exciting part of St Thomas University’s 100th Anniversary celebrations.

The deadline for abstract submissions is DECEMBER 15, 2009. These can be in the form of an academic paper, experiential workshop, or poster.

The four Keynote Speakers at our Conference will be the following well known scholars: Ronald Wright, Henry Giroux, Phil McShane, and Dorothy Smith.

The Conference will be located on the St Thomas Campus with the Banquet at the Delta Hotel in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Feel free to visit our new website at for further updates.

Available on the website is a copy of the formal Call for Papers in both English and French. We would greatly appreciate it if you would pass on information concerning the conference to any individuals, groups, organizations, or distribution lists that you think may be interested in this event.

We look forward to hearing from you!


From Kathryn Bosher

Out of Europe: Greek Drama in America

Northwestern University Classical Traditions Initiative and the Department of Classics present the Inaugural Lecture of the Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar series 2009-2010, ‘Out of Europe: Greek Drama in America’:

Professor Helene Foley, Barnard College, Columbia University,
‘Classical Muses: How 19th- and Early 20th-Century Women Re-Imagined Greek Tragedy for the American Stage’

5.30pm Thursday 29 October 2009 in the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, Seminar Room (Kresge 2-370), 1880 Campus Drive, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Further events in the Mellon-Sawyer Seminar series, 2009-2010:
‘Greek Drama in 19th-century America’ conference, 4-5 December 2009
‘Greek Drama in America from 1900 to 1970’ conference, 22-23 January 2010
‘Greek Drama in African-American Theatre’ conference, 12- 13 March 2010
‘Classicizing Chicago’ conference and exhibition, 20-22 May 2010

All are most welcome to attend. For more information please see our website: or contact Kathryn Bosher, Assistant Professor of Classics, Northwestern University ( or Amanda Wrigley, Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics, Northwestern University (


[5] Scholarships and Competitions

From Alison Barclay

Classical Association of Canada: Sight Translation Competitions in Greek and Latin /
Société Canadienne des Études Classiques: Concours national de versions grecque et latine

National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both the university and high school level will be held in January of 2010:

January 14, 2010: National Latin Sight Translation Competition for High School Students
January 21, 2010: Junior Latin Sight Translation Contest; Senior Latin Sight Translation Contest (Peter Lawson Smith Prize)
January 28, 2010: Junior Greek Sight Translation Contest (Margaret H. Thompson Prize); Senior Greek Sight Translation Contest

Deadline for application submissions: 18 December 2009

Please note: Submissions should be presented by departments, not by individual students or faculty. Please submit only one application per institution.

For more information and the procedure for application, please visit:

or contact:

Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
St. Mary’s University
Halifax, NS  B3H 3C3
Tel:  (902) 420-5816
Fax:  (902)  491-8694

— — — — —

Société Canadienne des Études Classiques: Concours national de versions grecque et latine

Le concours national de versions grecque et latine aura lieu en janvier 2010

14 janvier 2010 Concours de version latine improvisée pour les écoles secondaires
21 janvier 2010 Concours national de version latine, niveau intermédiaire; Concours national de version latine, niveau supérieur (Peter Lawson Smith Prize)
28 janvier 2010 Concours national de version grecque, niveau intermédiaire (Margaret H. Thompson Prize); Concours national de version grecque, niveau supérieur

Date limite d'inscription: 18 décembre 2009

Les demandes d'inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les insitutions. Chaque institution est priée de présenter une seule fiche de demande.

Renseignements: veuillez trouver plus d'information en suivant le lien ci-dessous  —

ou soumettre votre demande à:

Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
St. Mary’s University
Halifax, NS  B3H 3C3
Téléphone:  (902) 420-5816
Télécopieur:  (902) 491-8694


[6] Summer Study and Field School

From Steven L. Tuck

Vergilian Society 2010 Study Tours

For over 55 years, the Vergilian Society has offered study tours to classical lands led by experienced scholars and dynamic lecturers. These study programs are designed to appeal to secondary teachers, college students and interested laypeople as well as college professors seeking firsthand knowledge of archaeology and history. Scholarship support is available for secondary school teachers and graduate students. For Itineraries, Applications and Scholarship information, see

Alexander the Great, from Troy to Gordion
July 2-17, 2010

Romans, Etruscans and Ancient Greeks: Exploring Antiquities from Etruria to the Bay of Naples
July 7-18, 2010

Vergil, Aeneas and Augustus: A Workshop in Italy for AP Latin Teachers
July 17-28, 2010

The Archaeology of Identity in Coastal Campania: How Ancient Italians and Greeks Became Romans on the Bay of Naples
August 2-14, 2010

Steven L. Tuck
President, Vergilian Society
Associate Professor of Classics
Miami University


[7] Varia

From Jodie Bell

Publication of Symbolae Osloenses 83.1

Symbolae Osloenses
September 2009, Volume 83, Issue 1

Editorial Note
Øivind Andersen; Monika Asztalos

Herodotus, Dionysus, and the Greek death taboo. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and the construction of the "chthonic" in Greek literary tradition
Author: Pär Sandin

Proëmial Prolepsis in Plato's Politeia
Author: Hayden W. Ausland

Two further reminiscences of Callimachus Aetia frr. 67-75 in Eclogue 2?
Author: Francis Cairns

In Usum Editorum: On some Readings and Conjectures in Vergil
Author: Egil Kraggerud

The "Orphic-Pythagorean" Eschatology of the Gold Tablets from Thurii and the Sixth Book of Virgil's Aeneid
Author: Stian Sundell Torjussen

Some Remarks on a Tenth-Century Paraphrase of the "Epitome de Caesaribus"
Author: Marek Thue Kretschmer

Virgilian Imitation in Johannes Pratensis' Latin Pastoral Daphnis (Copenhagen 1563)
Author: Peter Zeeberg

Didactic translation: The first Scandinavian translation of the Eclogues: Peder Jensen Roskilde, Bucolica (1639)
Author: Mathilde Skoie

Non-Lucian Sources for Demonax with a new collection of "fragments"
Author: Denis M. Searby


Next regular issue    2009 11 15
Send submissions to 

(Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .rtf, . html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, etc. / Écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet. Veuillez envoyer les annonces au format que on peut éditer (.doc, .rtf, . html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas des pièce-jointes; incluez liens à tous affiches, circulaires, etc.).