Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

16.4      2009 12 16     ISSN 1198-9149


Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria) 



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcements

[2] Association Announcements and News

[3] Positions Available

[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

[5] Scholarships and Competitions

[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

[7] Varia


[1]  CCB/BCEA Announcements

No announcements this issue


[2] Association Announcements and News

No announcements this issue


[3] Positions Available

From: Elena Raznovan

Concordia University, Two Positions

Position #1

Classics Modern Languages and Linguistics

The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics invites applications for one limited-term appointment in Classics: Classical Languages and Literature. Applicants must have a PhD or ABD status in Classical Studies or a related area, and proven excellence in teaching and research. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in Latin and Greek language and literature. Teaching assignments may also include History and Archeology.

Applications should consist of a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Candidates should arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to the department contact.

Brad Nelson, Chair, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
c/o Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.,
Montreal, Qc. H3G 1M8
, 514-848-2424, ext. 2311

This position is subject to budgetary approval and department need. Individuals holding limited-term appointments may be reappointed, given continued funding and need, as well as satisfactory job performance. Together, initial appointments and subsequent reappointments may not exceed 36 months or a span of three consecutive years. They are normally at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, beginning August 15, 2010 and ending May 31, 2011. Successful candidates will normally be expected to teach three courses per semester.

All inquiries should be directed to Dr. Nelson at, 514-848-2424, ext. 2311. Review of applications will begin as they are received and will continue until the required position has been filled. All applications should reach the department no later than March 15, 2010.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Concordia University is committed to employment equity.


Position #2

Classics Modern Languages and Linguistics

The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics invites applications for one limited-term appointment in Classics: Greek and Roman history. Applicants must have a PhD or ABD status in Classical Studies or a related area, and proven excellence in teaching and research. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in Greek and Roman history.

Applications should consist of a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Candidates should arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to the department contact.

Brad Nelson, Chair, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
c/o Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.,
Montreal, Qc. H3G 1M8
, 514-848-2424, ext. 2311

This position is subject to budgetary approval and department need. Individuals holding limited-term appointments may be reappointed, given continued funding and need, as well as satisfactory job performance. Together, initial appointments and subsequent reappointments may not exceed 36 months or a span of three consecutive years. They are normally at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, beginning August 15, 2010 and ending May 31, 2011. Successful candidates will normally be expected to teach three courses per semester.

All inquiries should be directed to Dr. Nelson at, 514-848-2424, ext. 2311. Review of applications will begin as they are received and will continue until the required position has been filled. All applications should reach the department no later than March 15, 2010.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Concordia University is committed to employment equity.


From Michele George

McMaster Universtity, Two Positions

Position #1

The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in the area of Classical Art and Archaeology at the Assistant Professor level to commence July 1, 2010.

McMaster University is a research intensive university and the Department of Classics has undergraduate degree programs in Greek, Latin, and classical culture, as well as programs leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Classics or the equivalent, with specialization in Classical art and archaeology, and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research, with a clearly defined program of research which will result in publication.  Candidates who work in the Hellenistic and Roman eras will be given preference.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Classical art and archaeology as well as Latin language and to contribute to all aspects of the Department’s graduate program.

Applicants should send a letter of application, together with a curriculum vitae and a sample of their writing (email submission only; no faxes, please) to Dr. Michele George ( Applications must be received by January 5, 2010, and applicants should arrange for three letters of reference to reach the Department by the same date (electronic submission first, with hard copy to follow).

The Department expects to be conducting interviews at the January 2010 meeting of the American Philological Association in Anaheim.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.  McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Position #2

Post-doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies, 2010-11

The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites qualified applicants to apply for a two-year E. Togo Salmon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies to commence July 1, 2010.  The Fellow receives an annual stipend of $45,000 Canadian, a professional development allowance of $1500, and up to $5000 in research funds (to be applied for separately).  The successful candidate will teach one course per term (including 1st year Latin) and to undertake research in Roman history, literature, or archaeology, with preference given to history or literature.  The successful applicant will have a supervisor within the department.  Applicants should be not more than three years beyond their completed PhD.  Those with a defence scheduled no later than May 2010 are welcome to apply.

A CV, 3-page research proposal, and three confidential letters of reference, one of which must be from the thesis supervisor, should be sent to:  Salmon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4M2 by February 1, 2010. Formal interviews will not be held, but members of the department will be happy to meet with potential candidates at the American Philological Association in Anaheim.  Please contact Dr. Michele George, Chair ( to arrange a meeting. Candidates are encouraged to consult the department’s website:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.  McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.


From: Loius L'Allier

Thorneloe University

Assistant professor in CLASSICAL STUDIES

The Department of Classics at Thorneloe University on the campus of Laurentian University invites applications for a 10-month limited-term sabbatical replacement, at the rank of Assistant Professor in Classical Studies, beginning August 1, 2010. It is subject to budgetary approval.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Classics or related area at the time of the appointment and will teach a variety of courses at all levels of the B.A. The area of expertise is open, but preference will be given to candidates with a research interest in Roman history or literature. Other desirable qualifications include demonstrated high achievement in undergraduate teaching, published work and evidence of continuing research.
The department offers a concentration as well as a specialization in Classical Studies. The successful applicant will teach a variety of courses which may include: second year history, Greek or Latin at any level and a third year course in his/her area of expertise.

Applicants should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and the name of three referees to:
Dr Louis L’Allier,
Chair, Department of Classical Studies,
Thorneloe University
Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, On
P3E 2C6

The closing date for applications is 1 March 2010.

More information on Thorneloe University and the Classical Studies program may be found on the University’s website:

Thorneloe University is committed to employment equity. Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be considered first for this position.


From Pascale Fleury

Université Laval

Professeure ou professeur en langue et littérature
grecques ANCIENNES

Le Département des littératures désire pourvoir un poste en langue
et littérature grecques anciennes

La personne titulaire de ce poste devra :

Critères de sélection:

Traitement et conditions de travail:
Selon la convention en vigueur.

Entrée en fonction : 1er juillet 2010

Faire parvenir sa candidature accompagnée d’un curriculum vitæ et trois lettres de recommandation d’ici le 19 février 2010 à :

Madame Chantal Hébert, directrice
Département des littératures
Faculté des lettres
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
Université Laval, Québec G1V 0A6

Pour plus de renseignements sur le Département des littératures, consulter le site :

En tant qu'employeur qui valorise la diversité au sein de son effectif, l'Université Laval invite toutes les personnes qualifiées à présenter leur candidature, en particulier les femmes, les membres de minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées; la priorité sera toutefois accordée aux Canadiens ainsi qu'aux résidents permanents.


[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

From Amanda Wrigley

‘Greek Drama in America, 1900-1970’
Conference Announcement

Northwestern University’s Classical Traditions Initiative and the Department of Classics present an Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar series event in the 2009-2010 series, ‘Out of Europe: Greek Drama in America’:
‘Greek Drama in America, 1900-1970’
A two-day conference on Friday 22 January and Saturday 23 January 2010 to be held in the John Evans Alumni Center, 1800 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
Speakers include Edith Hall, Royal Holloway, University of London (keynote lecture); Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland; Karelisa Hartigan, University of Florida; Thomas E. Jenkins, Trinity University; Vassilis Lambropoulos, University of Michigan; Artemis Leontis, University of Michigan; Susan Manning, Northwestern University; Niall W. Slater, Emory University; Shawn Sides, Rude Mechanicals Theater Company, Austin, Texas; with response by Linda Gates, Northwestern University.
The schedule for the two days can be accessed as a poster in PDF format at, and as a web page at
All are most welcome to attend.
Further events in the Mellon-Sawyer Seminar series, 2009-2010:
‘Greek Drama in African-American Theatre’ conference, 12-13 March 2010
‘Classicizing Chicago’ conference and exhibition, 20-22 May 2010
For more information please see our website at or contact Dr Kathryn Bosher, Assistant Professor of Classics, Northwestern University ( or Dr Amanda Wrigley, Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics, Northwestern University (


[5] Scholarships and Competitions

From Catherine Mori

The Grace Irwin Award for Classics
(administered by the Classical Association of Canada)

The Grace Irwin Award, worth $500, is designed to reward a secondary school teacher of Latin, Ancient Greek or Classical Civilization who is seeking to upgrade existing abilities by engaging in different types of activities such as an accredited training course or travel to see artefacts/exhibits.

Application procedures for 2009 - 2010

1. Eligible applicants: teachers of Latin, Ancient Greek or Classical Civilization. The teacher should have at least one year’s teaching experience and be currently teaching in a Canadian secondary school. The teacher should also be employed as a teacher of Classics in the year in which she/he would use the award.

2. Application: applicants should send a letter of application, plus an up-to-date curriculum vitae, to Catherine A. Mori, Chair of the Grace Irwin Award Committee, c/o St George’s School, 4175 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S 1V1, to arrive no later than March 1, 2010. In the letter of application, the applicant should provide a detailed outline of the purpose for which the funds are to be used and a timetable for the completion of the proposed activity.

3. Letter of reference: all applicants should arrange for ONE confidential letter of reference
(from a department head or administrator) regarding the applicant’s professional activities to be sent to the Chair (address as above) by the same date.

Adjudication process

A committee consisting of the Chair, Vice-President of the Classical Association of Canada and one other secondary school teacher will review all applications and select the winner of the Grace Irwin Award by May 1st at the latest. The committee shall inform the winner in writing soon thereafter.

Report on completion of project

The winner of the award shall submit a brief written report for the CAC newsletter to the Chair of the committee as soon as the project is complete and in any case by January 1st of the calendar year following the granting of the award. The Chair will communicate this report to the CAC council at their next meeting.


[6] Summer Study and Field School

From Steve Hijmans

Summer Study in Rome
The department of History and Classics of the University of Alberta is pleased to announce a *6 (six-credit) undergraduate and *3 (three-credit) graduate course in the city of Rome, from August 5 - 29, 2010. This course offers an in-depth study of the archaeology and monuments of Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and, yes, even modern Rome.

The city of Rome is unmatched for its concentration of art and architecture, making it one of the most fascinating urban centres of the world. We will not only visit her major monuments and museums, but also focus on lesser known or hidden treasures.

Outside Rome we will travel to Ostia, Tivoli, Palestrina, and Tarquinia. While ancient and medieval Rome are a central focus of the course, there will be ample attention for the art and architecture of later periods as well, making this course suitable not just for classicists, but also for (art) historians focusing on later periods, and in general for all those who have an interest in the art, architecture, and archaeology of the Eternal City.The course will be conducted by Steven Hijmans, associate professor in Roman art at the department of History and Classics of the University of Alberta. He lived in Rome for a number of years, and has conducted many tours of the city. Andrew Gow, professor of Medieval and Early Modern Europe will be giving guest lectures and an experienced and knowledgeable graduate Teaching Assistant will assist in conducting this trip.

For further information, please visit the department website's "Study Abroad" section, or contact Steven Hijmans,, 780-492 2561, Department of History and Classics, Tory 2-28, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, T6G 2H4.

Application deadline: March 1, 2010
Prerequisites: flexible (see course website)


[7] Varia

From: Jonathan Edmondson

In Memoriam -- Sabine Grebe

After a brave and prolonged struggle with breast cancer, Sabine Grebe peacefully succumbed early Sunday morning December 13th, leaving her husband William E. Conklin of the Windsor Faculty of Law, her mother, Gerda Grebe of Heidelberg Germany, her brother Ralf Grebe and wife Sabine Eggmann, two nephews, Alexander and Michael, all of Karlsruhe, Germany, and her sister-in-law and close friend, Annetta Dunnion of Kingsville. A Memorial Service will be held at 11 am on Saturday December 19th at Wall-Custance Funeral Home, 206 Norfolk Street, Guelph Ontario N1H 4K3. In lieu of flowers, please direct a contribution to Foundation of Guelph General Hospital, 115 Delhi St, Guelph Ont N1E 4J4 and ear-mark the donation for the exclusive use of the Ambulatory Care Unit.

A devoted teacher and internationally recognized scholar of Latin literature and Roman history, Sabine was a member of the University of Guelph Symphonic Choir, preceded by membership in the Heidelberg Capella Carolina Choir and the Cambridge University Choir with whom she sang in most of the Cathedrals throughout the UK, including St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. In addition to singing and being an accomplished pianist, Sabine sustained a deep and enthused interest in opera, symphonic music, folk dancing, hiking, and travel. Sabine was the first woman to achieve the highest degree (Habilitation) in Classics in the history of Heidelberg University, one of the oldest in Europe. After teaching at Heidelberg, Cambridge, Colgate, and Wayne State Universities, she received tenure after one year in the School of Languages and Literatures at Guelph University. Her formidable article about Ovid’s living death in exile is soon to be published. She leaves us with two important unpublished books concerning The Role of the Foreigner in Roman Literature and Ovid’s Theory of Friendship.

Prepared by William Conklin (University of Windsor)


From W J Dominik

Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity (ISSN 1018-9017) Website

The Scholia website has recently been updated. Information about Scholia and its contents is available at

After a period of three years of not accepting articles in order to clear a large backlog, Scholia is accepting articles for Scholia 19 (2010) and 20 (2011). Potential contributors should read the ‘Notes for Contributors’ located at the Scholia web site and at the back of the journal and follow the suggested guidelines for the submission of manuscripts.

Scholia features critical and pedagogical articles on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition. It also includes review articles, reviews and other sections dealing with classics.

Scholia and Scholia Reviews (volumes 1–15) have published 670 contributions by 296 scholars and academics at 149 universities and institutions in 30 countries. Scholia has been distributed to institutions and scholars in 43 countries.

Scholia is archived in ProQuest and Informit, indexed and abstracted in L’Année Philologique, indexed in Gnomon and TOCS-IN, and listed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. Scholia Reviews, an electronic journal that features the pre-publication versions of reviews that appear in Scholia, is available at


Next regular issue    2010 01 15
Send submissions to 

(Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .rtf, . html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, etc. / Écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet. Veuillez envoyer les annonces au format que on peut éditer (.doc, .rtf, . html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas des pièce-jointes; incluez liens à tous affiches, circulaires, etc.).