Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

16.5      2010 01 15     ISSN 1198-9149


Editor/Rédacteur: Michael P. Fronda (McGill University)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques 

President: Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria) 



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcements

[2] Association Announcements and News

[3] Positions Available

[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

[5] Scholarships and Competitions 

[6] Summer Study and Field Schools

[7] Varia


[1]  CCB/BCEA Announcements

No announcements this issue


[2] Association Announcements and News

No announcements this issue


[3] Positions Available


From Michele George

McMaster Universtity

Post-doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies, 2010-11

The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites qualified applicants to apply for a two-year E. Togo Salmon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies to commence July 1, 2010.  The Fellow receives an annual stipend of $45,000 Canadian, a professional development allowance of $1500, and up to $5000 in research funds (to be applied for separately).  The successful candidate will teach one course per term (including 1st year Latin) and to undertake research in Roman history, literature, or archaeology, with preference given to history or literature.  The successful applicant will have a supervisor within the department.  Applicants should be not more than three years beyond their completed PhD.  Those with a defence scheduled no later than May 2010 are welcome to apply.

A CV, 3-page research proposal, and three confidential letters of reference, one of which must be from the thesis supervisor, should be sent to:  Salmon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4M2 by February 1, 2010. Formal interviews will not be held, but members of the department will be happy to meet with potential candidates at the American Philological Association in Anaheim.  Please contact Dr. Michele George, Chair ( to arrange a meeting. Candidates are encouraged to consult the department’s website:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.  McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff.  The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.


[4] Calls for Papers and Conference/Lecture Announcements

From John Porter

University of Saskatchewan
2010 Whelen Visiting Lectureship
Dr. Margaret Visser
“I Swear: Oaths, Curses, and Modernity”

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Neatby Timlin Theatre ~ 241 Arts

University of Saskatchewan

Free Admission — No tickets required

Public Reception and Book Signing to follow

Margaret Visser’s most recent work explores the rituals surrounding oaths and how the changing solemnity of the process affects trust in the modern world. The following synopsis provides an indication of the connections she will be examining:

“By ‘swearing’ many people today most easily mean ‘using rude words.’ Angry expletives are usually glancing references to swearing in the full sense, where a solemn declaration is accompanied by rituals designed to engender trust in what is being said. How do – or did – such words and actions operate?

“Trust – or rather, the lack of it – has become a serious modern problem. Confidence is said to be what economies are built on. It is something to be maintained or recreated at all costs should mistrust take its place. The concrete rituals of swearing can help us understand our requirements for and the deep origins of trust.”

Margaret Visser is an anthropologist, historian, and an award-winning and best-selling author. Her books have been translated into several languages and have received international acclaim. Visser’s work examines the anthropology of everyday life, exploring the connections between modern assumptions, attitudes, and social practices, and their historical roots. She has made frequent appearances on television and radio, including regular contributions to CBC Radio’s Morningside. She has also lectured extensively in Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia.

Born in South Africa and educated in Zambia and Zimbabwe, Visser moved to Canada with her husband Colin in 1966. After receiving her PhD in Classics at the University of Toronto, she went on to teach at York University for 15 years. Visser now divides her time between Toronto, Paris and southwestern France.

About the Whelen Visiting Lectureship

The Whelen Visiting Lectureship was established in 1986 through a bequest from a distinguished alumnus of the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Myron Whelen of Wilmington, Delaware.

Dr. Whelen came from the small farming community of Birch Hills in northeastern Saskatchewan. He was very much aware of the lack of opportunity in such locations to hear from and interact with people — artists, scientists, public servants and teachers — who have an international reputation in their field. The University of Saskatchewan has worked hard to enhance learning opportunities beyond the campus. Thus, the very broadly-based mandate of the Whelen Lectureship— to bring to this campus an internationally-recognized authority in a discipline taught at this University — has given a major impetus to our educational outreach.

In keeping with the spirit of Dr. Whelen’s bequest and in the tradition of the University of Saskatchewan, the program for the Whelen Visiting Lectureship is designed with a very broad spectrum of the Saskatchewan public in mind: students, teachers, and researchers; members of professional organizations and interest groups; the broader public community and, where possible, specific communities outside of Saskatoon.


From Chelsea Gardner

STRIVING FOR VICTORY: Competition and Rivalry in the Ancient World

The Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia is proud to present their 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. The Conference will be held on the UBC Vancouver Campus on May 08th, 2010 with a keynote address by Dr. Mark Golden in the evening.

Competition is a fundamental force through which the framework of our world is constructed. At times it can be co-operative, with every party working together against their environment; however, in most cases, competition is adversarial, resulting in both victors and vanquished. It is the impetus for change, the despoiler of power and the donor of glory. It can have revolutionary effects, changing the dynamics of entire cultures virtually overnight, or it can be more subtle, affecting a very small part of our world over centuries. Whatever its scope, from the written page to the playing field to the political floor, competition has the power to drive us, to define us and, at times, to destroy us.

The possible fields related to this subject are indeed many, and on the occasion of Vancouver's hosting of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, the 11th annual CNERS Graduate Students' Interdisciplinary Conference invites the submission of papers on themes of competition in such areas as:

• Sports
• Ideologies (intellectual, religious)
• Politics
• Literature
• Iconography
• Culture
• Warfare
• Theory (psychological, social, economic)

If you are interested in presenting a paper at the conference, please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by January 30th, 2010. Please include your name, institution, degree, specialization, and contact info on a separate form, as well as any audio-visual equipment you may require. Presentations should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length. All faculties and disciplines are encouraged to apply.
Please send submissions and any inquiries to:
OR any questions can be directed to our blog:


From: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos

Ancient “Unspeakable Vice” and Modern Pedagogy: Talking about Homosexuality in Classical Antiquity in the 21st Century Academy

2011 Annual Meeting of the APA, San Antonio, TX

Sponsored by the Lambda Classical Caucus. Organized by Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (Berea College) and John P. Wood (University of Missouri-Columbia)

In E. M. Foster’s novel Maurice, published posthumously in 1971 and turned into a film in 1987, two young men in early 20th century England, strongly attracted to each other, attend a class at Cambridge University during which they translate Plato’s Symposium. When a student reaches a passage on same-sex love, the instructor says in a flat toneless voice: “Omit: a reference to the unspeakable vice of the Greeks.”

Although a century later the picture has changed and ancient accounts of homosexuality are more freely discussed in academia, prejudice against and misinformation on the sexual practices of the Greeks and Romans continue to persist. The 2011 LCC panel is soliciting papers that discuss the challenges of teaching such texts at university level and provide feedback on the responses they provoke among students. Questions that individual papers may address include but are not limited to the following:

Abstracts of one page in length are due by February 1, 2010. Please do not send abstracts to the panel organizers. Email them to Nancy Rabinowitz at All abstracts will be refereed anonymously. Questions can be addressed to Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos at


From: Corben McLean

International Conference on the Liberal Arts: Looking Back and Moving Forward
The Next 100 Years of Liberal Arts – Confronting the Challenges
September 30-October 2, 2010
St. Thomas University
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Call for Papers submission deadline extended to January 31, 2010.

Many excellent paper presentations have been received for the conference but we also received several requests for extensions. In response to these requests, the submission deadline has been extended. The Call for Papers is attached.We welcome proposals for individual and panel presentations and workshops.
Publication Opportunities: Presenters may submit papers for peer-review and publication in dedicated issues of The Journal of General Education and the Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Keynote Speakers:
Ronald Wright
Henry Giroux
Dorothy Smith
Phil McShane
4-Star accommodation (Delta Fredericton)
Registration Fee includes banquet, lunches and coffee breaks.
For additional information on the speakers, registration, accommodation, etc, go to the conference website or contact the Conference Chair


From Amanda Wrigley

Northwestern University’s Classical Traditions Initiative and the Department of Classics present an Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar series event in the 2009-2010 series, ‘Out of Europe: Greek Drama in America’:

‘Greek Drama in America, 1900-1970’

A two-day conference on Friday 22 January and Saturday 23 January 2010 to be held in the John Evans Alumni Center, 1800 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Speakers include Edith Hall, Royal Holloway, University of London (keynote lecture); Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland; Karelisa Hartigan, University of Florida; Thomas E. Jenkins, Trinity University; Vassilis Lambropoulos, University of Michigan; Artemis Leontis, University of Michigan; Susan Manning, Northwestern University; Niall W. Slater, Emory University; Shawn Sides, Rude Mechanicals Theater Company, Austin, Texas; with response by Linda Gates, Northwestern University.

The schedule for the two days can be accessed as a poster in PDF format at, and as a web page at

All are most welcome to attend.

Further events in the Mellon-Sawyer Seminar series, 2009-2010:
‘Greek Drama in African-American Theatre’ conference, 12-13 March 2010
‘Classicizing Chicago’ conference and exhibition, 20-22 May 2010

For more information please see our website at or contact Dr Kathryn Bosher, Assistant Professor of Classics, Northwestern University ( or Dr Amanda Wrigley, Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics, Northwestern University (


From: Kelly Olson

The University of Western Ontario, Mar 5th-7th, 2010
This conference seeks to bring together scholars from around North America to present papers on aspects of law or justice in Greek or Roman antiquity. More specifically, the conference will address some of the following concerns: how a demand for justice was articulated and implemented in ancient civilizations; the nature of human or divine justice in Greek or Roman myth and literature; the function of law in ancient society; the rules, procedures, and institutions of Greek or Roman law; ancient philosophers on law or justice; and the influence of social norms and political and cultural traditions on law. The speakers draw together such diverse topics as philosophy, drama, the ancient city, and visual culture under the larger heading of law and justice.

To register:

Queries: Kelly Olson at


FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2010:
Session 1. Justice in Greek Poetry I: 1:00 -3:00 PM

A. Dr. Judith Fletcher (Wilfrid Laurier University): Avian Justice:  Arbitration and Judgment in Aristophanes’ Birds
B. Dr. Victoria Wohl (Univ. of Toronto): The Justice of Lamentation in Euripides’ Hecuba
C. Dr. Christopher G. Brown (Univ. of Western Ontario): Paying the Penalty: Justice in This World and the Next
(coffee break- 3:00- 3:30 PM)

Session 2. Aristotle: 3:30- 5:00 PM

A. Dr. David Mirhady (Simon Fraser University): Justice the True and the Beneficial
B. Dr. Chi Carmody (Univ. of Western Ontario): Justice Then and Now: A Modern Reading of Aristotle's Corrective/Distributive Distinction


Session 1: Justice in Greek Poetry II: 9:00 - 11:30 AM

A. Dr. Roger Fisher (York University) Antigone Rests Her Case (Ant. 904-20)
B. Dr. Rebecca Kennedy (Denison University, OH): A Culture of Justice: The Courts in Athenian Tragedy and the Visual Arts
C. Dr. Cynthia Patterson (Emory University): The Justice of Athena:  Aeschylus' Eumenides and  the Athenian Courts
(coffee break, 10:30-11:00 AM) 
(lunch, 11:30-12:30 PM)

Session 2: Law in Ancient Rome I: 12:30-3:00 PM

A. Dr. Thomas A. J. McGinn (Vanderbilt University): Was Justice Delayed Justice Denied For the Romans?
B. Dr. Andrew Riggsby (Univ. of Texas at Austin): Cicero’s Ambivalence Towards the Criminal Courts
C. Eloise LeMay ((Univ. of Western Ontario): The Republican interrex and its application of imperium
D. Dr. James T. Chlup (Univ. of Manitoba): Just War in Onasander’s Strategikos
(3:00 -3:30 PM coffee break)

Session 3. Law in Ancient Greece I: 3:30 -5:00 PM

A. Dr. Michael Gagarin (Univ. of Texas at Austin): Law and Justice in Classical Athens
B. Dr. Sarah Bolmarcich (Trinity University, Texas): Justice in Greek International Relations
C. Dr. Robert Wallace (Northwestern University): Justice and Community in Democratic Athens


Session 1: Law in Ancient Greece II: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM

A. Dr. Alex Gottesman (Temple University): Competing Visions of Justice and Community in [Lysias] 6 and Andokides 1
B. Dr. N. Popov-Reynolds (Florida Gulf Coast University): A History of Violence: Discussions of Violence Within the Army in Athenian Lawsuits
C. Carrie L. Galsworthy (Miami University): The Magicians’ Contributions to a Just World
(coffee break, 10:30-11:00 AM)
(lunch, 12:00 - 1:00 PM)

Session 2: Law in Ancient Rome II: 1:00- 3:00 PM

A. Kathryn Balsley (Stanford University): Performances of Justice in Imperial Latin Literature
B. Dr. Leanne Bablitz (Univ. of British Columbia): Babatha’s Legal Experience
C. Dr. Michael P. Fronda (McGill University): Q. and M. Minucius Rufus in Genoa: Arbitration and the Performance of Roman Power
(coffee break, 3:00-3:30)


[5] Scholarships and Competitions

No announcements this issue


[6] Summer Study and Field School

From Myles McCallum


The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University and the Department of Modern Languages and Classics at Saint Mary’s University will be offering a joint field school at San Felice, Puglia, Italy. The field school will allow students to participate in an ongoing archaeological research project, the excavation of a Roman villa, directed towards the examination of imperial land holdings in southern Italy. Students will learn the basic techniques of archaeological excavation, finds processing, environmental archaeology, photography, drawing, and data entry. Students will work 5 days a week on site and will have their weekends free to visit nearby archaeological and touristic sites such as Lecce, Bari, Matera, the Gargano Peninsula, and Trani, or to participate in organized field trips to sites in the region.

Dates: June 28 to July 30, 2010

Academic Credit: 6.0 credits. The course will be taken as a visiting student through Mount Allison University.

Participation Fee: $2,200.00 CAD. This fee covers room and board, all course equipment/supplies, and travel to and from the site. Nota bene: This does not include student airfare to and from Italy, or travel to Gravina in Puglia within Italy. Students should budget an additional $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 dollars depending on their travel dates and point of departure.

Lodging: Rental apartments in Gravina in Puglia (Bari), Italy

Food: Students will eat lunches in the apartments and dinner at a local restaurant

Other costs: Student travel on weekends; souvenirs; internet. These incidental costs will likely total between $300 and $500.00 CAD.

Contact Information: Dr. Myles McCallum ( or Dr. Hans vanderLeest (

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in Classics or archaeology


[7] Varia

From: Peter O'Brien


Halifax Humanities 101 is launching a unique fundraising event on January 22-23, 2010.

ODYSSEY LIVE! is a live continuous reading of Homer's Odyssey, beginning at 7pm on Friday, January 22 and ending at 7pm on Saturday, January 23 in the New Academic Building at the University of King's College. You are invited to attend this unique event and watch as different teams of readers tackle all 24 books of this wonderful epic. Come and see media personalities, university presidents, politicians, and others bring the excitement, drama, and poignancy of Homer's Odyssey to life!

Halifax Humanities 101 is a program inspired by the vision of Earl Shorris, founder of the Clemente Course, to bring the riches of Humanities education to those living below the poverty line in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, students gather at a local library to participate in lectures, to engage in discussion, and to exercise their minds in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.

For absolutely NO COST, students are able to study with local university professors and read classic texts in philosophy, literature, history and art, including, of course, Homer's Odyssey. All books and reading materials are provided FREE, as well as bus tickets, refreshments, and child care.

To find out more about Halifax Humanities 101, please visit the website: . If you feel inspired to make a donation to support this fundraiser, simply click on the logo. This will take you directly to the Halifax Humanities 101 donation page, where you can make a tax-deductible donation using a major credit card. Where it says Fund Designation, scroll to ODYSSEY LIVE. Any donation is appreciated, and if you are in Halifax on January 22-23, you are most welcome to drop in on the performances!


Next regular issue    2010 02 15
Send submissions to 

(Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .rtf, . html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, etc. / Écrivez le mot SUBMISSION dans le ligne de sujet. Veuillez envoyer les annonces au format que on peut éditer (.doc, .rtf, . html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas des pièce-jointes; incluez liens à tous affiches, circulaires, etc.).