17.01.1  ~  2010 09 21  ~  ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)

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Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada
Publication électronique de la Société canadienne des études classiques

President / président: Alison Keith (University of Toronto)
Secretary / secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)


2010 CAC Undergraduate Essay awards

From: Bonnie MacLachlan

Additional successes in the 2010 CAC Undergraduate Essay awards are now available for posting:


2nd place: Damian Melamedoff from the University of Winnipeg, with "The Twelve Tasks of Heracles: A Role-Playing Game," an innovative and carefully-crafted adaptation to the game Dungeons and Dragons of the labours of Heracles.
3rd place: Rob Konkel from the University of Saskatchewan, for his paper "Pericles and the School of Hellas: An Expression of Athenian Nationalism," in which he looks at how Pericles manipulated democratic rhetoric to further ideological goals that were nationalistic and totalitarian.


As there was a tie for first place there will not be a second-place winner.

Third-place: Louise Savocchia from McMaster University, who submitted a paper entitled "Pocket-sized Political Statements: The Development of the Coinage of the Deinomenids of Sicily," combining textual and iconographic evidence to demonstrate the political messages that were conveyed by the tyrants' coins, and including a thoughtful inquiry into the vexed question of the Demareteion, a coin featuring Demarete, wife of Gelon and daughter of Theron.
Honorable Mention:

- Anna Avdeeva, from Carleton University, for her paper entitled "Elite Bodies Unveiled: The Sacred Band of Thebes in its military, political and intellectual context." She argues that the Sacred Band emerged from a Theban tradition that honoured warrior-lovers, and embodied 4th century philosophical ideas about harmoniously-governed homoerotic societies.
- Valérie Pageau from the University of Ottawa, for her essay "Sur le biculturalisme dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Dion Cassius," which looks at the tensions in Dio's work arising from his attachment to Greek culture through his upbringing in Bithynia and his ostensible support of the Roman Empire in the late 2nd century CE.


Next regular issue   2010 10 15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2010 10 15

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