~ 2010 11 15 ~ ISSN
Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian
page web:
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada
Publication électronique de la Société canadienne des études classiques
President / présidente: Alison Keith (University of Toronto)
Secretary / secrétaire: John Serrati (McGill University, Montreal)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)
To join the CAC:
Pour adhérer à la SCÉC:
Contents /
Table des matières
[1] Association
Announcements & News / Annonces & nouvelles de l'Association
~ Prix du mérite (rappel) / Award of Merit
Graduate Student Caucus / Caucus des étudiants gradués
[2] CCB Announcements
/ Annonces du BCÉA
~ From the Editor / Un mot du rédacteur
[3] Positions
Available / Postes à combler
~ Dalhousie: probationary Tenure-track
Laval: professeur(e) -- langue et littérature grecques
[4] Calls for
Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences
~ Sixth Annual Windsor Classics Undergraduate
Women's Network panels at the AGM / Séances du Réseau des femmes au
Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses & concours
~ Memorial: Postdoctoral Fellowships
[6] Summer
Study & Field Schools
~ Columbia: Psychology for Ancient &
Mediaeval Historians (workshop)
[7] Varia
~ Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
[1] Association Announcements & News /
Annonces & nouvelles de l'Association
From: Jonathan Edmondson
(English text follows)
Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure
prescrite par l'article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations
et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées au président sortant de
la société et président du comité de sélection, M. Jonathan Edmondson,
Department of History, 2140 Vari Hall, York University, 4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 <>.
La date limite est le 15 décembre 2010.
(a) La Société attribue un Prix du mérite pour reconnaître les efforts soutenus
et méritoires d'un membre à la réalisation des objectifs de la Société (tels
que définis à l'article 2 des Statuts). Le Prix consiste en une mention
honorifique et un certificat offerts lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle. Le
Prix est l'occasion pour la Société de reconnaître la contribution remarquable
d'un membre à la discipline, telle l'excellence et l'innovation en
enseignement, la formation et l'encadrement d'étudiants et de collègues, la
promotion des civilisations grecque et romaine auprès du grand public et les
services rendus à la Société.
(b) Le Prix du mérite est accordé selon la procédure suivante. Chaque année,
avant le 15 septembre, la Société fait parvenir aux membres un appel à
nominations dont la date limite est fixée au 15 décembre. Chaque nomination
devra être co-signée par un proposeur et un secondeur et fournira un exposé des
motifs qui justifient la nomination. Peu avant ou à l'occasion de sa réunion
d'automne, le conseil constituera un comité présidé par le président sortant et
composé d'un membre ordinaire du conseil et de deux membres de la Société. Le
comité fera part de sa (ses) recommandation(s) au conseil à l'occasion de la
réunion du printemps. Un ou plusieurs Prix peuvent être octroyés chaque année.
Le comité se charge de la rédaction du texte de la (des) mention(s) qui sera
(seront) lue(s) à l'assemblée générale annuelle de la Société.
We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the
procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and
nominations should be addressed to the Past President and Committee chair,
Professor Jonathan Edmondson, Department of History, 2140 Vari Hall, York
University, Toronto ON M3J 1P3 <>.
Note: The deadline for nominations is December
15, 2010.
(a) The Association shall administer an Award of Merit in order to recognize a
member's longstanding and meritorious efforts in fulfilling the goals of the
Association (as defined in Article 2 of the Constitution). The Award shall
consist of a citation and certificate presented at the Annual General Meeting.
The Award is an opportunity for the Association to acknowledge outstanding
service to the discipline, such as, but not limited to, excellent or innovative
teaching, mentoring of students and faculty colleagues, promoting knowledge of
the ancient Greek and Roman world among the general public, and service to the
(b) The Award of Merit shall be made according to the following procedure. Each
year before September 15th, the Association shall issue a call for nominations
to all members, with a deadline for submissions of December 15th. Each
nomination shall be signed by a nominator and a seconder, and shall include a
statement of the specific reasons for the nomination. At or before its Fall
meeting the Council shall strike a committee consisting of one ordinary Council
member, two regular members of the Association, and the Past President as
chair. This committee shall report its recommendation(s) to the Council at its
spring meeting. One or more awards may be made in any year. The Committee shall
compose citation(s) to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the
From: Donald Sells
The Graduate Student Caucus of the Classical Association of Canada would like
to announce the approval of a Constitution by its membership. The purpose of the Caucus is to connect and
support graduate students in Classics and Ancient History across Canada, to
represent their interests in the CAC, and to support student involvement in the
broader academic community. The GSC is a
bilingual organization, which meets at the Annual Meeting of the CAC and
encourages on-line discussions among its members, as well as regional events
for graduate students. The Constitution,
in both English and French, can be found at:
[2] CCB
Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
From: Guy Chamberland
In revising the list of CCB recipients, I was able to reinstate CAC members who
had been removed because their email address was obsolete. Please contact me ( and the Treasurer ( to update your
email address. If you did not receive previous issues of the CCB, you may want
to start with CCB
17.02.1 which contains important information about the next CAC Annual Meeting in Halifax, May 10-12, 2011.
Suite à une révision de la liste des abonné(e)s, certains membres seront
peut-être surpris de recevoir le Bulletin après un "vacat" de
plusieurs mois ou même de quelques années. Dans tous les cas, les adresses
étaient périmées. N'hésitez pas à contacter le rédacteur ( et la trésorière ( pour tout
changement d'adresse. Si vous n'avez pas reçu les dernières livraisons du BCEA,
veuillez prendre note du tout récent BCEA 17.02.1 qui
contient des informations importantes sur le
prochain congrès de la SCEC à Halifax, du 10 au 12 mai 2011.
[3] Positions
Available / Postes à combler
From: Donna Edwards
Dalhousie University, Department of
Probationary Tenure-track Appointment
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society and Culture
Applications are invited for a probationary tenure track appointment at the
Lecturer/Assistant Professor level effective July 1, 2011 in History of Ancient
Greece: Politics, Society and Culture. This position is subject to budgetary
approval. All candidates will possess philological competence in Greek and
Latin normally expected in international Classical Scholarship. At the
undergraduate level a demonstrated ability to teach large introductory classes,
and intermediate classes in more than one area of classical studies, is
essential. The successful applicant will be able to contribute to the Graduate
Programme of the Department: the preferred area is in a text-based and
interdisciplinary approach to the history of Greek culture; an interest in
historiography would be advantageous. Competence and readiness to teach Latin
or Greek language and literature at the undergraduate level are expected. Applicants
should have completed the PhD or have the PhD in-hand and show competence in
teaching, research and publication appropriate to their experience. The salary
will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
A letter of application, complete and updated curriculum vitae, and three
letters of
professional recommendation sent under separate cover from the referees should
be sent to:
Dr. Wayne Hankey, Chair
Department of Classics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 4P9
The closing date for applications is January
15, 2011.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is an
Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages
applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability,
racially visible persons and women.
From: Pascale Fleury
Professeur, professeure -- Langue et
littérature grecques anciennes
Le Département des littératures désire pourvoir un poste en langue et
littérature grecques anciennes. La personne titulaire de ce poste devra:
* Assumer un enseignement aux trois
cycles, en langue et littérature grecques anciennes;
* Assumer, au premier cycle, des cours
de littératures grecque et latine;
* Assumer la direction de mémoires de
maîtrise et de thèses de doctorat;
* Contribuer à la recherche par des
* Contribuer aux tâches liées à la
gestion des programmes en études anciennes;
* Participer aux activités
départementales et universitaires.
Critères de sélection:
* Doctorat pertinent dans le domaine de
la langue et littérature grecques anciennes;
* Expérience de l'enseignement dans ces
domaines, au niveau universitaire;
* Expérience pertinente de recherche en
langue et littérature grecques anciennes, publications ou subventions à
* Aptitude à travailler en équipe,
notamment dans le cadre de l'Institut d'études anciennes.
Traitement et conditions de travail:
selon la convention en vigueur
Entrée en fonction: 1er juillet 2011
Faire parvenir sa candidature accompagnée d'un curriculum vitae et trois
lettres de recommandation d'ici le 21
janvier 2011 à:
Madame Chantal Hébert, directrice
Département des littératures
Faculté des lettres
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
Université Laval, Québec G1V 0A6
En tant qu'employeur qui valorise la diversité au sein de son effectif,
l'Université Laval invite toutes les personnes qualifiées à présenter leur
candidature, en particulier les femmes, les membres de minorités visibles et
ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées; la priorité sera
toutefois accordée aux Canadiens ainsi qu'aux résidents permanents.
[4] Calls for
Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Appels aux communications;
From: Max Nelson
The Sixth Annual Windsor Classics
Undergraduate Conference
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in conjunction with the
Humanities Research Group of the University of Windsor is pleased to sponsor
its sixth annual Classics Undergraduate Conference to be held on Saturday,
March 5, 2011.
Undergraduate majors in Classical Civilization or related fields are invited to
submit abstracts (of 300 words maximum) for a 15 to 20 minute talk on any
aspect of ancient Greece or Rome. Please
include name, year, and student number as well as a phone number or e-mail
address with your submission, which is to be made to Dr. Max Nelson (who can be
contacted by e-mail at The deadline for the submission of abstracts
is January 31, 2011. Notification of acceptance will be provided
by February 15, 2011.
From: Fanny Dolansky
(La version française suit la version anglaise)
Call for papers for the Women's
Network/Réseau des femmes panels at the Annual Meeting of the Classical
Association of Canada, 10-12 May 2011, in Halifax, NS
The Women's Network/Réseau des femmes of the CAC invites submissions for a
panel on "Women, Gender and Law in the Ancient Mediterranean." We
welcome proposals from a variety of methodological perspectives including those
of legal and social historians, literary critics, papyrologists, and experts in
epigraphy. Topics may address (but are not limited to) laws governing women's
economic capacity; regulations on clothing and adornment; the representation of
women in forensic oratory; the treatment of gender and law in literature; the
legal status of prostitutes; social controls on sexual activity; women's access
to the courts, legal remedies and benefits; and the relationship between
gender, status and legal impediments.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words for proposed papers of 15-20 minutes in
length should be submitted by January
21, 2011. Please use the on-line
abstract submission for the CAC Annual Meeting and indicate "Women's
Network/Réseau des femmes" panel. For questions regarding the panel,
please contact Fanny Dolansky or Judy Fletcher.
Appel à communications pour les séances
du Réseau des femmes/Women's Network au Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne
des études classiques, 10-12 mai 2011, Halifax, N.-É.
Le Réseau des femmes/Women's Network (qui fait partie de la SCEC/CAC) invite les
communications qui explorent le thème de notre séance de 2011: les femmes, le
genre sexuel et le droit dans le monde ancien de la Méditerranée. Nous
solicitons les contributions qui considèrent le thème de maintes perspectives
méthodologiques telles que: juridique, socio-historique, critique littéraire,
papyrologique et épigraphique. Les communications peuvent examiner les lois qui
ont géré la capacité économique des femmes; les règlements quant à la tenue et
la décoration personelles; la répresentation des femmes dans la rhétorique du barreau;
la façon dont la littérature traite le genre sexuel et le droit; le statut
juridique des prostituées; le contrôle social des rapports sexuels; l'accès des
femmes à la cour; les recours et les avantages juridiques des femmes; le lien
entre le genre sexuel, le statut et les obstacles juridiques. Cet appel à
communications est destiné à être suggestif et non exclusif.
Les personnes intéressées sont priées d'envoyer directement au site
du congrès un résumé de la communication proposée (de 300 mots) pour une
communication du 15 à 20 minutes avant le 21 janvier 2011. Veuillez utiliser le
lien "Soumission de proposition" et signaler la séance du Réseau des
femmes/Women's Network.
Pour des détails supplémentaires, nous vous prions de contacter Fanny Dolansky ou Judy Fletcher.
Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses & concours
From: Alison Barclay
(La version française suit la version anglaise)
Classical Association of Canada: Sight
Translation Competitions in Greek and Latin
National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both
the university and high school level will be held in January of 2011:
--January 13, 2011: National Latin Sight Translation Competition for High
School Students
--January 20, 2011: Junior Latin Sight Translation Contest; Senior Latin Sight
Translation Contest (Peter Lawson Smith Prize)
--January 27, 2011: Junior Greek Sight Translation Contest (Margaret H.
Thompson Prize); Senior Greek Sight Translation Contest
Deadline for application submissions: 17
December 2010
Please note: Submissions should be presented by departments, not by individual
students or faculty. Please submit only one application per institution. For
more information and the procedure for application, please visit:
or contact:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
St. Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Tel: (902) 420-5816
Fax: (902) 491-8694
Société Canadienne des Études
Classiques: Concours national de versions grecque et latine
Le concours national de versions grecque et latine aura lieu en janvier 2011:
--13 janvier 2011: concours de version latine improvisée pour les écoles
--20 janvier 2011: concours national de version latine, niveau intermédiaire; concours
national de version latine, niveau supérieur (prix Peter Lawson Smith)
--27 janvier 2011: concours national de version grecque, niveau intermédiaire (prix
Margaret H. Thompson); concours national de version grecque, niveau supérieur
Date limite d'inscription: 17 décembre
Les demandes d'inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les
insitutions. Chaque institution est priée de présenter une seule fiche de
demande. Veuillez trouver plus d'information en suivant le lien ci-dessous:
ou en soumettant votre demande à:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
St. Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Téléphone: (902) 420-5816
Télécopieur: (902) 491-8694
From: Kathryn Simonsen
Postdoctoral Fellowships (Internally
funded) -- 2011-2012 Competition
Memorial University: Faculty of Arts
The Postdoctoral Fellowships (Internally funded) program supports promising new
scholars in the social sciences and humanities to develop their research profile
at an important time in their academic careers.
Postdoctoral Fellowships provide stipendiary support to recent PhD graduates
who are:
--undertaking original research;
--publishing research findings;
--developing and expanding personal research networks;
--broadening teaching experience; and
--preparing to become competitive in national research grants competitions.
Fellowships will normally be awarded to candidates who graduated from a
university other than Memorial University.
Postdoctoral Fellowships are valued at approximately $38,000 per year, plus an
accountable research allowance of up to $5,000 per award. These are
non-renewable fellowships, tenable for a one year period. The award must
normally begin on September 1, 2011.
Deadline for applications: January 28, 2011.
A hardcopy of all documents must be received in the Dean of Arts Office by this
The applicant must:
--be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
--have earned the doctorate from a recognized university within the last five
years of the proposed commencement of the postdoctoral period. A career
interrupted or delayed for the purpose of childrearing will be taken into
consideration with a letter of explanation from the applicant;
--not hold a tenure or tenure-track faculty position;
--have finalized arrangements for supervision with (a) department(s), the Head
of department(s) and academic advisor(s) in the Faculty of Arts at Memorial
To hold the award, applicants must:
--have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree by 15 August 2011;
--engage in full-time postdoctoral research for the period of the award; and
--not hold or have held a tenure or a tenure-track position or hold any other
--Federal government employees must be on an unpaid leave of absence (no salary
or special allowances permitted).
It is the objectives and content of a proposal, rather than the institutional
affiliation of the applicant, that determine research eligibility. Research
programs proposing only the adaptation of doctoral theses for publication, the
editing of textbooks, translation or the acquisition of a foreign language are
The Faculty Research Committee evaluates applications solely on academic merit,
measured by:
--originality, potential significance and feasibility of the proposed program
of work;
--fellowships, scholarships or other awards previously obtained;
--previous research experience and/or publications;
--comments of the referees and of the supervisor(s) at the intended place of
--appropriateness of the intended place of tenure, evidenced by the
institutional nomination.
The Faculty Research Committee strongly supports interdisciplinary research
Please provide the Acting Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Programs),
Faculty of Arts with the following:
1--Completed Postdoctoral Fellowships (Internally funded) application (see
2--Cover letter outlining academic profile and research interests
3--Curriculum vitae
4--Research proposal (limit of 2 pages)
5--A letter of support from PhD supervisor
6--A letter of support from intended supervisor(s) at Memorial University
7--A letter of support from the intended Head(s) of department at Memorial
A hardcopy of all documents must be received by post in the Dean of Arts Office
by: January 28, 2011.
Faculty of Arts
Postdoctoral Fellowships (Internally funded) Application:
Name: _____________________________________________
Title of Research Project:
Department(s) at MUN: _______________________________
Supervisor(s) at MUN: ________________________________
Contact information:
Phone: _______________________
E-mail: _______________________
Mailing Address:
Dr. Carrie Dyck, Acting Associate Dean
Research and Graduate Programs
Faculty of Arts
Memorial University
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
[6] Summer
Study & Field School
From: Christer Bruun
The Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University is hosting a
residential workshop from May 23rd to June 10th, 2011, to help young ancient
and mediaeval historians (specializing in any field from archaic Greece to
approximately 1400 AD) to learn more about individual and social psychology.
The workshop will be led by Professor William I. Miller* and Professor Keith
Oatley**. Organizer: W.V. Harris (Columbia); other members of the Columbia
faculty will participate from time to time.
Ancient and mediaeval historians, like many others, have been turning more and
more in recent years to topics that involve emotions and psychological predispositions.
Young scholars who are working on or are interested in working on such matters
as crowd behaviour, the nature of the self, mental health, depression, revenge,
friendship, shame, criminality, religious conversion, or any emotion, would be
likely to benefit from participation in this initiative.
Eligibility and selection: doctoral students and anyone who has earned a PhD in
ancient or mediaeval history or a closely related field at any date since 2001
may apply, without restriction of nationality. Candidates should submit
applications online only to by January 31, 2011; they should include a curriculum vitae, the names
and e-mail addresses of two referees who may be consulted, and a more or less
brief description of a historical project with psychological aspects to it that
the candidate expects to have under way at the time of the workshop (part of
the workshop will consist of discussions of the participants' projects with the
faculty listed above).
The Center for the Ancient Mediterranean expects to pay the costs of the
participants' travel to New York. Housing will be available on the Columbia
campus at generously subsidized rates. There will be no charge for tuition or
for library use.
All inquiries and applications to
* University of Chicago. Author of The
Anatomy of Disgust (1997), The
Mystery of Courage (2000) and Eye for
an Eye (2006).
** University of Toronto. Author of Emotions:
A Brief History (with D. Keltner
& J.M. Jenkins) (2004), Understanding Emotions (2nd ed., 2006),
and Therefore Choose (2010).
[7] Varia
From: Riemer Faber
(La version française suit la version anglaise)
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic
The University of Waterloo is pleased to announce the creation of the Waterloo
Institute for Hellenistic Studies (WIHS). Building upon a departmental research
focus in this burgeoning field, the Institute aims to become an international
node for scholarship and education in Hellenistic studies by fostering
especially inter-disciplinary and collaborative projects. Current and planned
activities of the WIHS include the dissemination of scholarship through print
and electronic publications; providing educational opportunities for graduate
students, both Canadian and international; developing a specialized collection
of resources. We welcome the participation of both senior and junior
researchers in the field and are working actively to develop ties with similar
institutes abroad. Interested colleagues are invited to visit the developing
website for further information, including the criteria for membership as
External Research Associate:
In December the WIHS will host a SSHRCC-funded workshop, entitled
“Opportunities for Interdisciplinarity in Hellenistic Scholarship”. The formal
Launch of the Institute will take place in Waterloo, in the evening of December
9; colleagues interested in attending these events are invited to contact the
director of the Institute, Riemer Faber (
Institut d'Études hellénistiques de
Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer la création de l'Institut d'Études hellénistiques
de Waterloo (IEHW). Établi dans le cadre du département de Lettres classiques à
l'Université de Waterloo, dont la recherche est en grande partie centrée sur
l'époque hellénistique, l'Institut vise à devenir un centre international de
recherche et d'éducation dans le domaine florissant des études hellénistiques,
en promouvant en particulier les projets collaboratifs et interdisciplinaires.
Les activités actuelles et prévues de l'Institut incluent la publication de
recherche sous forme imprimée et électronique, l'offre de possibilités de
perfectionnement académique pour les étudiants aux deuxième et troisième cycles
au Canada et ailleurs, et l'établissement d'une collection de ressources
spécialisées pour la recherche dans le domaine de la culture hellénistique à
l'Université de Waterloo. Nous serions très heureux de recevoir à l'Institut la
participation de tous les professeurs et étudiants de troisième cycle oeuvrant
dans le champ des études hellénistiques, et nous travaillons présentement à
établir des liens avec d'autres centres d'études hellénistiques à travers le
monde. Prière de consulter notre site internet (en développement) pour de plus
amples informations, y compris les critères pour devenir chercheur associé à
l'Institut (
En décembre 2010, l'Institut d'Études hellénistiques accueillera un atelier de
recherche financé par le CRSH, intitulé "Les possibilités de recherche
interdisciplinaire dans le domaine des études hellénistiques". Une
réception pour célébrer le lancement de l'Institut aura lieu à Waterloo le 9
décembre en soirée. Si vous souhaitez assister à ces événements, merci de bien
vouloir communiquer avec le directeur de l'Institut, M. Riemer Faber (
Next regular issue 2010 12 15 / Prochaine
livraison régulière 2010 12 15
Send submissions to
Pour nous faire parvenir vos soumissions:
Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in
an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not
allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.
Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les
annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le
rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; incluez les liens à toutes
affiches, circulaires, &c.