Vol 43, No 1 (2009)

Special Issue on Canadian Aboriginal Music

Table of Contents

Cover PDF
From the Editors PDF
A Fully-Fledged and Finely Functioning Fiddle: Humour and 'The Uke-Cree Fiddler' PDF
Marcia Ostashewski
Receptivity in the Music of Kilautiup Songuninga PDF
Tom Artiss
Interview with Saskatchewan Hip Hop Artist Eekwol (a.k.a. Lindsay Knight) PDF
Charity Marsh
Postdoctoral Pathways: From Powwow to Gregorian Chant PDF
Janice Esther Tulk
Singing the Child Ballads PDF
Rosaleen Gregory
Message from the President PDF
Treasures from Our Archives PDF
Reviews PDF
Canadian Folk Music: Cumulative Table of Contents, 2008 PDF
Back Matter PDF

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