Volume 33, Number 1

Winter / hiver 2007


Michele Jacobsen and François Desjardins


A Formative Analysis of Resources Used to Learn Software
Robin H. Kay

Mathematics, Science, and Technology in Secondary Schools: Do gender and region make a difference?
Qing Li

Genèse d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants dans le cadre d’une démarche d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance
Sylvie Grosjean

Wicked ID: A Conceptual Framework for Considering Instructional Design as a Wicked Problem
Katrin Becker

Social Presence In The Web-Based Synchronous Secondary Classroom
Eric C. Nippard and Elizabeth Murphy

Faculty Use of Tablet Computers at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Roland van Oostveen and William Muirhead

College Student Internet Use: Convenience and Amusement
Genevieve M. Johnson