Prophylactic surgery prior to extended-duration space flight: Is the benefit worth the risk?
Chad G. Ball, MD, MSC*, Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, MD*, David R. Williams, MD†, Jeffrey A. Jones, MD, MS‡§, J.D. Polk, DO MS CPE‡, James M. Vanderploeg, MD, MPH¶, Mark A. Talamini, MD**, Mark R. Campbell, MD††, Timothy J. Broderick, MD‡‡
Can J Surg 2012;55(2):125-131
This article explores the potential benefits and defined risks associated with prophylactic surgical procedures for astronauts before extended-duration space flight. This
includes, but is not limited to, appendectomy and cholecystesctomy. Furthermore, discussion
of treatment during space flight, potential impact of an acute illness on a
defined mission and the ethical issues surrounding this concept are debated in detail.
Cet article explore les avantages possibles et les risques définis associés à des interventions
chirurgicales prophylactiques (notamment appendicectomie et cholécystectomie)
chez les astronautes devant effectuer des séjours prolongés dans l’espace. Le
traitement pendant le séjour dans l’espace, les répercussions éventuelles d’une maladie
grave au cours d’une mission particulière et les enjeux éthiques entourant la question y
sont débattus en profondeur.
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Envoyez une lettre à la rédaction
From the *Department of Surgery,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta., the †Departments of Surgery, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ont., the ‡NASA,
Washington, DC, the §Baylor College
of Medicine and United States Navy,
Houston, Tex., ¶Virgin Galactic and the
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, Tex., the **Department of
Surgery, University of California-San
Diego, Calif., the ††Paris Regional
Medical Center, Paris, Tex., and the ‡‡United States Military – Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency,
Arlington, Va.
Accepted for publication Dec. 5, 2011
Competing interests: None declared.
Contributors:All authors helped design and review the article and
approved its publication. C.G. Ball, A.W. Kirkpatrick, J.A. Jones, J.D. Polk,
M.A. Talamini and T.J. Broderick acquired and analyzed the data.
C.G. Ball, A.W. Kirkpatrick, D.R. Williams, J.A. Jones, J.M.Vanderploeg
and T.J. Broderick wrote the article.
DOI: 10.1503/cjs.024610
Correspondence to: C.G. Ball,
132 Silvergrove Rd. NW,
Calgary AB T3B 4K1;
© 2012 Canadian Medical Association