August 2012 • août 2012
Contemporary challenges and opportunities in the delivery of responsible surgical training
Can J Surg 2012;55(4S)
Send Comments • Commentaires | |
Editorial •Éditorial | |
S141 | Preparing Canadian surgeons to provide care
in the 21st century G.L. Warnock [full text in PDF] |
S143 | Préparation des chirurgiens canadiens à la
prestation des soins au XXIe siècle G.L. Warnock [full text in PDF] |
Research • Recherche | |
S145 | Is Canadian surgical residency training
stressful? N. Aminazadeh, F. Farrokhyar, A. Naeeni, M. Naeeni, S. Reid, A. Kashfi, K. Kahnamoui [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF / appendix in PDF] |
S153 | Resident self-assessment of operative
experience in primary total knee and total hip
arthroplasty: Is it accurate? T. Trajkovski, C. Veillette, D. Backstein, V.M.R. Wadey, B. Kraemer [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF] |
S158 | Knowing the operative game plan: a novel
tool for the assessment of surgical procedural
knowledge J. Balayla, S. Bergman, G. Ghitulescu, L.S. Feldman, S.A. Fraser [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF / appendix in PDF] |
S163 | Long-term outcomes for surgeons from
3- and 4-year medical school curricula J. Lockyer, C. Violato, B. Wright, H. Fidler, R. Chan [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF] |
S171 | Does operative experience during residency
correlate with reported competency of recent
general surgery graduates? A. Safavi, S. Lai, S. Butterworth, M. Hameed, D. Schiller, E. Skarsgard [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF] |
S178 | Sharps-handling practices among junior
surgical residents: a video analysis D. Tso, M. Langer, G.K. Blair, S. Butterworth [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF] |
S184 | The Canadian general surgery resident:
defining current challenges for surgical
leadership C. Tomlinson, J. LaBossière, K. Rommens, D.W. Birch [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF / appendix in PDF] |
S191 | Surgical residency training and international
volunteerism: a national survey of residents
from 2 surgical specialties W.Y. Matar, D.C. Trottier, F. Balaa, R. Fairful-Smith, P. Moroz [abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF] |
Review • Revue | |
S200 | Canadian Association of University Surgeons’ Annual Symposium. Surgical simulation:
The solution to safe training or a promise
unfulfilled? P.G. Brindley, D.B. Jones, T. Grantcharov, C. de Gara [full text in PDF] |
© 2012 Canadian Medical Association
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