Slow birth of new-wave medical journalism
V. McAlister
La lente émergence d’un nouveau journalisme
V. McAlister
Hepatitis C and the surgeon
W.D. Fisher
Quality indicators for sentinel lymph node
biopsy: Is there room for improvement?
S.A. Acuna, F.A. Angarita, D.R. McCready,
J. Escallon
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Transforaminal epidural steroid injections
prevent the need for surgery in patients with
sciatica secondary to lumbar disc herniation:
a retrospective case series
N.A. Manson, M.D. McKeon, E.P. Abraham
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Surgical waste audit of 5 total knee
N.M. Stall, Y.K. Kagoma, J.N. Bondy,
D. Naudie
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Pediatric ovarian torsion: case series and review
of the literature
N. Poonai, C. Poonai, R. Lim, T. Lynch
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Survey of terminology used for the
intraoperative direction of C-arm fluoroscopy
E. Pally, H.J. Kreder
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Reducing elective general surgery cancellations
at a Canadian hospital
S. Azari-Rad, A.L. Yontef, D.M. Aleman,
D.R. Urbach
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Off-pump anteroapical aneurysm plication
following left ventricular postinfarction
aneurysm: effect on cardiac function, clinical
status and survival
X.-S. Huang, C.-X. Gu, J.-F. Yang, H. Wei,
J.-X. Li, Q.-W. Zhou
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Outcome 1 year after digestive surgery in
malnourished, elderly patients, with an
emphasis on quality of life analysis
C. Zacharias, T. Zacharias
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]
Intentionally curative treatment of locally
recurrent rectal cancer: a systematic review
P.J. Tanis, A. Doeksen, J.J.B. van Lanschot
[abstract / résumé in html / PDF]