No specialty alone: the Wilder Penfield strategy
V. McAlister
Aucune spécialité n’est une île : la stratégie de Wilder Penfield
V. McAlister
Enhancing medical students’ education and careers in global surgery
A. Gosselin-Tardif, G. Butler-Laporte, M. Vassiliou, K. Khwaja, G. Ntakiyiruta, P. Kyamanywa, T. Razek, D.L. Deckelbaum
The validity of surgical simulation
R.A. Agha, A.J. Fowler
Balancing surgical innovation with cost and efficiency
S. Jayaraman
#Nomoretextbooks? The impact of rapid communications technologies on medical education
A. Farooq, J. White
How to assess communication, professionalism, collaboration and the other intrinsic CanMEDS roles in orthopedic residents: use of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
T. Dwyer, S. Glover Takahashi, M. Kennedy Hynes, J. Herold, D. Wasserstein, M. Nousiainen, P. Ferguson, V. Wadey, M.L. Murnaghan, T. Leroux, J. Semple, B. Hodges, D. Ogilvie-Harris
Parathyroid hormone levels 1 hour after thyroidectomy: an early predictor of postoperative hypocalcemia
A. AlQahtani, A. Parsyan, R. Payne, R. Tabah
Functional outcome of supracondylar elbow fractures in children: a 3- to 5-year follow-up
A.D. Isa, A. Furey, C. Stone
Comparison of cast materials for the treatment of congenital idiopathic clubfoot using the Ponseti method: a prospective randomized controlled trial
C. Hui, E. Joughin, A. Nettel-Aguirre, S. Goldstein, J. Harder, G. Kiefer, D. Parsons, C. Brauer, J. Howard
Computed tomography features associated with operative management for nonstrangulating small bowel obstruction
R.R. Suri, P. Vora, J.M. Kirby, L. Ruo
The historic predictive value of Canadian orthopedic surgery residents’ orthopedic in-training examination scores on their success on the RCPSC certification examination
D. Yen, G.S. Athwal, G. Cole
Bridging the gap between open and minimally invasive pancreaticoduodenectomy: the hybrid approach
Y. Wang, S. Bergman, S. Piedimonte, T. Vanounou
The accuracy of the Alvarado score in predicting acute appendicitis in the black South African population needs to be validated
V.Y. Kong, S. Van Der Linde, C. Aldous, J.J. Handley, D.L. Clarke
Health-related quality of life following decompression compared to decompression and fusion for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: a Canadian multicentre study
Y.R. Rampersaud, C. Fisher, A. Yee, M.F. Dvorak, J. Finkelstein, E. Wai, E. Abraham, S.J. Lewis, D. Alexander, W. Oxner
Oncoplastic reduction using the vertical scar superior-medial pedicle pattern technique for immediate partial breast reconstruction
Y. Barnea, A. Inbal, D. Barsuk, T. Menes, A. Zaretski, D. Leshem, J. Weiss, S. Schneebaum, E. Gur
End-to-end ductal anastomosis in biliary reconstruction: indications and limitations
B. Jabłonska
Systematic review on the inclusion of patients with cognitive impairment in hip fracture trials: a missed opportunity?
S. Mundi, H. Chaudhry, M. Bhandari
Technique to achieve the symmetry of the new inframammary fold
M. Pozzi, G. Zoccali, E.M. Buccheri, R. de Vita
Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to evaluate clinical practice guidelines
C.J. Coroneos, S.H. Voineskos, S.D. Cornacchi, C.H. Goldsmith, T.A. Ignacy, A. Thoma
Use of a novel energy technology for arresting ongoing liver surface and laceration hemorrhage
C.G. Ball
What would I want for my surgery?
M. van Dijk
A century of breast surgery: from radical to minimal
G.S. Mannu, A. Bhalerao
Trauma Association of Canada abstracts