Editorial • Éditorial

Mega purchasing leads to a mega mess
E.J. Harvey

Les méga-achats à l’origine d’un méga-gaspillage
E.J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

Surgical training in Guyana: the next generation
B.H. Cameron, C. Martin, M. Rambaran

Research • Recherche

Association between the appendix and the fecalith in adults
M.J. Ramdass, Q. Young Sing, D. Milne, J. Mooteeram, S. Barrow

Cause of death in patients awaiting bariatric surgery
J.M. Lakoff, J. Ellsmere, T. Ransom

The evolution of trauma surgery at a high-volume Canadian centre: implications for public health, prevention, clinical care, education and recruitment
D. Cunic, S. Lacombe, K. Mohajer, H. Grant, G. Wood

Tension plate for treatment of olecranon fractures: new surgical technique and case series study
C.G. Ball, D. Das, D.J. Roberts, C. Vis, A.W. Kirkpatrick, J.B. Kortbeek

Physician level reporting of surgical and pathology performance indicators: a regional study to assess feasibility and impact on quality
C. McFadyen, S. Lankshear, D. Divaris, M. Berry, A. Hunter, J. Srigley, J. Irish

Increased health services use by severely obese patients undergoing emergency surgery: a retrospective cohort study
S. Küpper, C.J. Karvellas, R.G. Khadaroo, S.L. Widder; Acute Care and Emergency Surgery Group

The use of early immobilization in the management of acute soft-tissue injuries of the knee: results of a survey of emergency physicians,
sports medicine physicians and orthopedic surgeons
M. Sommerfeldt, M. Bouliane, D. Otto, B.H. Rowe, L. Beaupre

Do revision total hip augments provide appropriate modularity?and recruitment
M.G. Teeter, D.D.R. Naudie, J.L. Howard, R.W. McCalden, S.J. MacDonald

Radiographic evaluation of the ankle syndesmosis
S. Croft, A. Furey, C. Stone, C. Moores, R. Wilson

Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy with intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastamosis: a comparison of short-term outcomes
A.S. Vergis, S.N. Steigerwald, F.D. Bhojani, P.A. Sullivan, K.M. Hardy

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Safety of a no-fast protocol for tracheotomy in critical care
T. Hartl, D. Anderson, J. Levi

Reviewers 2014 • Examinateurs 2014

Reviewers 2014 / Examinateurs 2014

Online Letters • Lettres en ligne

Online Letters / Lettres en ligne