Editorial * Éditorial

Raising the standard of surgical reporting to increase its impact
V.C. McAlister

Élever les normes de production de rapports de recherche chirurgicale pour accroître leur impact
V.C. McAlister

Commentaries * Commentaires

A tribute to Lloyd D. MacLean
R.G. Keith

In memory of Lloyd D. MacLean
J. Meakins

Research * Recherche

Colonoscopy after CT-diagnosed acute diverticulitis: Is it really necessary?
G. Ou, G. Rosenfeld, J. Brown, N. Chan, T. Hong, H. Lim, B. Bressler

Traffic in the operating room during joint replacement is a multidisciplinary problem
M. Bédard, R. Pelletier-Roy, M. Angers-Goulet, P.-A. Leblanc, S. Pelet

Prognostic value of lymph node ratio in survival of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer
D. Zhou, M. Ye, Y. Bai, L. Rong, Y. Hou

Patient and observer scar assessment scores favour the late appearance of a transverse cervical incision over a vertical incision in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy for stroke risk reduction
M. Deck, D. Kopriva

A survey of current practices and preferences for internal fixation of displaced olecranon fractures
T. Wood, K. Thomas, F. Farrokhyar, B. Ristevski, M. Bhandari, B. Petrisor

Reduced time to surgery improves mortality and length of stay following hip fracture: results from an intervention study in a Canadian health authority
E. Bohm, L. Loucks, K. Wittmeier, L.M. Lix, L. Oppenheimer

Laparoscopic-assisted percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: insertion of a skin-level device using a tear-away sheath
M.H. Livingston, D. Pepe, S. Jones, A. Bütter, N.H. Merritt

Initial assessment of patient handoff in accredited general surgery residency programs in the United States and Canada: a cross-sectional survey
A.M. Saleem, J.K. Paulus, M.C. Vassiliou, S.K. Parsons

Rehabilitation after lower limb injury: development of a predictive score (RALLI score)
D.M. Rouleau, A. Place, M. Bérubé, Y.G. Laflamme, D. Feldman

Discussions in surgery * Discussions en chirurgie

Penetrating nontorso trauma: the head and the neck
C.G. Ball

Penetrating nontorso trauma: the extremities
C.G. Ball