Winds of change in delivery of quality surgical care are not strong enough
E.J. Harvey
Pour la prestation de soins chirurgicaux de qualité, le vent du changement ne souffle pas assez fort
E.J. Harvey
Point of care ultrasonography use and training among trauma providers across Canada
E.M. AlEassa, M.T. Ziesmann, A.W. Kirkpatrick, C.L. Wurster, L.M. Gillman
S.T.A.R.T.T. plus: addition of prehospital personnel to a national multidisciplinary crisis resource management trauma team training course
L.M. Gillman, D. Martin, P.T. Engels, P. Brindley, S. Widder, C. French
Does ultrasongraphy predict intraoperative findings at cholecystectomy? An institutional review
S. Stogryn, J. Metcalfe, A. Vergis, K. Hardy
Recurrence of inguinal hernias repaired in a large hernia surgical specialty hospital and general hospitals in Ontario, Canada
A. Malik, C.M. Bell, T.A. Stukel, D.R. Urbach
Working toward reducing postoperative fracture radiographs: a survey of Canadian surgeons
T. Tufescu
Discrepancy between gastroenterologists’ and general surgeons’ perspectives on repeat endoscopy in colorectal cancer
A. Azin, M.C. Jimenez, M.C. Cleghorn, T.D. Jackson, A. Okrainec, P.G. Rossos, F.A. Quereshy
Trauma care and referral patterns in Rwanda: implications for trauma system development
G. Ntakiyiruta, E.G. Wong, M.C. Rousseau, L. Ruhungande, A.L. Kushner, A.S. Liberman, K. Khwaja, M. Dakermandji, M. Wilson, T. Razek, P. Kyamanywa, D.L. Deckelbaum
Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among orthopedic trauma surgeons: an OTA survey
S.M. AlQahtani, M.M. Alzahrani, E.J. Harvey
Mid-term survivorship and clinical outcomes of cobalt-chrome and oxidized zirconium on highly crosslinked polyethylene
S.M. Petis, E.M. Vasarhelyi, B.A. Lanting, J.L. Howard, D.D.R. Naudie, L.E. Somerville, R.W. McCalden
Prevention of perineal hernia after laparoscopic and robotic abdominoperineal resection: review with illustrative case series of internal hernia through pelvic mesh
G. Melich, D.R. Lim, H. Hur, B.S. Min, S.H. Baik, G.O. Arena, P.H. Gordon, N.K. Kim
Financial costs and patients’ perceptions of medical tourism in bariatric surgery
D.H. Kim, C.E. Sheppard, C.J. de Gara, S. Karmali, D.W. Birch
CJS debate: Is mammography useful
in average-risk screening for breast cancer?
M. Brackstone, S. Latosinsky, E. Saettler,
R. George
Elimination of 24-hour continuous medical
resident duty in Quebec
F. Hamadani, D. Deckelbaum, M. Shaheen,
A. Sauvé, S. Dumitra, N. Ahmed,
J.-F. Latulippe, F. Balaa, M. Walsh, P. Fata
Reviewers 2015 * Examinateurs 2015
Evaluating if colonoscopies are essential after a diverticulitis diagnosis
J. Herron and colleagues
Evaluating if colonoscopies are essential after a diverticulitis diagnosis - Author Response
G. Ou and colleagues
Operative or nonoperative management of Hinchey III purulent acute diverticulitis?
R. Costi and colleagues
Re: Recurrence of inguinal hernias repaired in a large surgical specialty hospital and general hospitals in Ontario, Canada
R. Bendavid