Editorial • Éditorial

Physician and government disconnect is becoming a chasm
E.J. Harvey

Profession médicale et gouvernement : l’abîme se creuse
E.J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

A review of the literature and discussion: establishing a consensus for the definition of post-mastectomy pain syndrome to provide a standardized clinical and research approach
M. Brackstone

Five things they don’t teach you in medical school
C.G. Ball, S.C. Grondin, E. Dixon, K.D. Lillemoe, M. Bhandari, N. Parry

Research • Recherche

No benefit to surgical fixation of flail chest injuries compared with modern comprehensive management: results of a retrospective cohort study
J. Farquhar, Y. Almahrabi, G. Slobogean, B. Slobogean, N. Garraway, R.K. Simons, S.M. Hameed

Trends in revision hip and knee arthroplasty observations after implementation of a regional joint replacement registry
J. Singh, A. Politis, L. Loucks, D.R. Hedden, E.R. Bohm

Plain film measurement error in acute displaced midshaft clavicle fractures
L.A. Archer, S. Hunt, D. Squire, C. Moores, C. Stone, F. O’Dea, A. Furey

Conservative versus operative management in stable patients with penetrating abdominal trauma: the experience of a Canadian level 1 trauma centre
S. Bennett, A. Amath, H. Knight, J. Lampron

The impact of blood transfusion on perioperative outcomes following gastric cancer resection: an analysis of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database
Maryam Elmi, A. Mahar, D. Kagedan, C.H.L. Law, P.J. Karanicolas, Y. Lin, J. Callum, N.G. Coburn, J. Hallet

Efficacy of intraoperative cell salvage in decreasing perioperative blood transfusion rates in first-time cardiac surgery patients: a retrospective study
C.L. Côté, A.M. Yip, J.B. MacLeod, B. O’Reilly, J. Murray, M. Ouzounian, C.D. Brown, R. Forgie, M.P. Pelletier, A. Hassan

Length of stay, wait time to surgery and 30-day mortality for patients with hip fractures after the opening of a dedicated orthopedic weekend trauma room
M. Taylor, W. Hopman, J. Yach

Review • Revue

Post–breast surgery pain syndrome: establishing a consensus for the definition of post-mastectomy pain syndrome to provide a standardized clinical and research approach — a review of the literature and discussion
D. Waltho, G. Rockwell

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Users’ guide to the surgical literature: how to assess an article about harm in surgery
A. Thoma, M. Nirmal Kaur, F. Farrokhyar, D. Waltho, C. Levis, P. Lovrics, C.H. Goldsmith

Predicting which patients actually receive radiation following breast conserving therapy in Canadian populations
K. Guidolin, M. Lock, L. Richard, G. Boldt, M. Brackstone


Correction: The optimal time for surgery in women with serous ovarian cancer.