Editorial • Éditorial

Surgical innovation is harder than it looks
E.J. Harvey

Innover en chirurgie, plus difficile qu'il n'y paraît
E.J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

Vascular control during laparoscopic kidney donation
T.B. McGregor, P. Patel, A. Sener, G. Chan

History of surgery: First World War
Histoire de la chirurgie : Première Guerre Mondiale

The University of Toronto's lasting contribution to war surgery: how Maj. L. Bruce Robertson fundamentally transformed thinking toward blood transfusion during the First World War
A. Tien, Andrew Beckett, D. Pannell

Research • Recherche

Analyzing the risk factors influencing surgical site infections: the site of environmental factors
J.L. Alfonso-Sanchez, I.M. Martinez, J.M. Martín-Moreno, R.S. González, F. Botía

Effects of electrospun scaffolds of di-O-butyrylchitin and poly-(ε-caprolactone) on wound healing
J. Drobnik, I. Krucinska, A. Komisarczyk, S. Sporny, A. Szczepanowska, J. Ciosek

Physician extenders on surgical services: a systematic review
J. Johal, A. Dodd

Comparing the tensile strength of square and reversing half-hitch alternating post knots
V. Wu, E.A. Sykes, D. Mercer, W.M. Hopman, E. Tang

Factors affecting orthopedic residency selection: a cross-sectional survey
J. Strelzow, R. Petretta, H.M. Broekhuyse

A population-based study of outcomes in patients with gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumours
T. McMullen, A. Al-Jahdali, C. de Gara, S. Ghosh, A. McEwan, D. Schiller

Comparison of outcomes of root replacement procedures and supracoronary techniques for surgical repair of acute aortic dissection
M. Valdis, C. Adams, M.W.A. Chu, B. Kiaii, L. Guo

A comparison of revisional and primary bariatric surgery
C. Fulton, C. Sheppard, D. Birch, S. Karmali, C. de Gara

Thirteen-year wear rate comparison of highly crosslinked and conventional polyethylene in total hip arthroplasty: long-term follow-up of a prospective randomized controlled trial
M.G. Teeter, X. Yuan, L.E. Somerville, S.J. MacDonald, R.W. McCalden, D.D. Naudie

Online letters • Lettres en ligne

In memoriam of Dr. Tom Starzl
P.D. Greig

Surgical mentorship in Canada in 2017
Y. Pillay

Abstracts • Résumés

2017 Canadian Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts

Trauma Association of Canada Abstracts 2017

Bethune Round Table Abstracts 2017

Canadian Spine Society Abstracts 2017