Editorial • Éditorial

The death of expertise (in medicine)
E.J. Harvey

La disparition de l’expertise (en médecine)
E.J. Harvey

Commentary • Commentaire

A solution to gender inequity in surgery?
Better caregiving policies

A. Acai, C. Steyn, S.E. Reid, RR. Sonnadara

History of surgery: First World War
Histoire de la chirurgie : Première Guerre Mondiale

No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill) in the Great War: service and sacrifice
A. Beckett, E.J. Harvey

Research • Recherche

Process mapping as a framework for performance improvement in emergency general surgery
K. DeGirolamo, K. D'Souza, W. Hall, E. Joos, N. Garraway, C.K. Sing, P. McLaughlin, M. Hameed

Analysis of postdischarge costs following emergent general surgery in elderly patients
G.J. Eamer, F. Clement, J.L. Pederson, T.A. Churchill, R.G. Khadaroo

Effect of patient decision aid was influenced by presurgical evaluation among patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
L. Boland, M. Taljaard, G. Dervin, L. Trenaman, P. Tugwell, M.-P. Pomey, D. Stacey

Tertiary care centre adherence to unified guidelines for management of periprosthetic joint infections: a gap analysis
M.D. Armstrong, A.V. Carli, H. Abdelbary, S. Poitras, P. Lapner, P.E. Beaulé

Physical performance following acute high-risk abdominal surgery: a prospective cohort study
L.R. Jønsson, L.H. Ingelsrud, L.T. Tengberg, T. Bandholm, N.B. Foss, M.T. Kristensen

Comparing the anterior, posterior and lateral approach: gait analysis in total hip arthroplasty
S. Petis, J. Howard, B. Lanting, I. Jones, T. Birmingham, E. Vasarhelyi

Review • Revue

A systematic review of the factors affecting choice of surgery as a career
J.K. Peel, C.M. Schlachta, N.A. Alkhamesi

Discussions in surgery • Discussions en chirurgie

Can surgical site infections be reduced with the adoption of a bundle of simultaneous initiatives? The use of NSQIP incidence data to follow multiple quality improvement interventions
D. Rozario

Online letters • Lettres en ligne

Intraoperative ultrasonic cholangiography for biliary system identification
T. Urade, T. Fukumoto

Author response
A. Chandra

Correction of place of practice: Brampton, not Brantford
D. Prior

Author response
V. McAlister

Reviewers • Réviseurs

Reviewers 2017


Correction: No benefit to surgical fixation of flail chest injuries compared with modern comprehensive management: results of a retrospective cohort study